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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59 (2011) 425–437

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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

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Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of pulmonate gastropods (Mollusca):New insights from increased taxon sampling

Benoît Dayrat a,⇑, Michele Conrad a, Shaina Balayan a, Tracy R. White a, Christian Albrecht b,Rosemary Golding c, Suzete R. Gomes d, M.G. Harasewych e, António Manuel de Frias Martins f

a School of Natural Sciences, University of California, 5200 North Lake Road, Merced, CA 95343, United Statesb Department of Animal Ecology and Systematics, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring, 26-32 (IFZ), 35392 Giessen, Germanyc Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney, NSW 2010, Australiad Laboratorio de Parasitologia/Malacologia, Instituto Butantan, Avenida Vital Brasil, 1500, São Paulo, SP 05503-900, Brazile Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian Institution, PO Box 37012, MRC 163, Washington, DC 20013-7012, United Statesf CIBIO-Açores, Center for Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, Department of Biology, University of the Azores, 9501-801 PONTA DELGADA, São Miguel, Azores, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 18 September 2010Revised 6 February 2011Accepted 7 February 2011Available online 23 February 2011

Keywords:EllobiidaeEuthyneuraMacro-evolutionary transitionsOnchidiidaeVeronicellidae

1055-7903/$ - see front matter � 2011 Elsevier Inc. Adoi:10.1016/j.ympev.2011.02.014

⇑ Corresponding author. Fax: +1 209 228 4060.E-mail address: [emailprotected] (B. Dayrat

Phylogenetic relationships among higher clades of pulmonate gastropods are reconstructed based on adata set including one nuclear marker (complete ribosomal 18S) and two mitochondrial markers (partialribosomal 16S and Cytochrome oxidase I) for a total of 96 species. Sequences for 66 of these species arenew to science, with a special emphasis on sampling the Ellobiidae, Onchidiidae, and Veronicellidae.Important results include the monophyly of Systellommatophora (Onchidiidae and Veronicellidae) aswell as the monophyly of Ellobiidae (including Trimusculus, Otina, and Smeagol). Relationships withinEllobiidae, Onchidiidae, and Veronicellidae are evaluated here for the first time using molecular data.Present results are compared with those from the recent literature, and the current knowledge ofphylogenetic relationships among pulmonate gastropods is reviewed: despite many efforts, deep nodesare still uncertain. Identification uncertainties about early fossils of pulmonates are reviewed. Impactsof those phylogenetic and fossil record uncertainties on our understanding of the macro-evolutionaryhistory of pulmonates, especially transitions between aquatic and terrestrial habitats, are discussed.

� 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction chia, closely related to a shelled sacoglossan (Ascobulla); Stylom-

The two most comprehensive data sets thus far for euthyneuran(opisthobranch and pulmonate) phylogenetics have been pub-lished by Grande et al. (2008), based on mitochondrial genomes,and by Klussmann-Kolb et al. (2008), based on 18S, 28S, 16S, andCOI data. Dinapoli and Klussmann-Kolb (2010) also published astudy focusing on early heterobranchs, i.e., the lineages thatbranched off just before euthyneurans.

Taxon sampling in analyses based on complete mitochondrialgenomes is necessarily limited because gastropod mitochondrialgenomes are still difficult to obtain. As a consequence, in the mostrecent analysis (Grande et al., 2008), several higher taxa (e.g.,Trimusculidae, Amphiboloidea, and Veronicellidae) were not rep-resented, while others were only represented by a single species(except for Stylommatophora represented by two species). How-ever, this low taxon sampling was compensated by long sequencedata (�14.5 kb) which tended to provide strong node support val-ues. Some interesting, well-supported results from Grande et al.(2008) were (Fig. 1A): Siphonariidae is nested within Opisthobran-

ll rights reserved.


matophora (land snails and slugs) emerge at the base ofEuthyneura; Eupulmonata (=Stylommatophora, Veronicellidae,Onchidiidae, and Ellobiidae) are polyphyletic; Pulmonata is notmonophyletic; and, Pyramidellidae is nested within Euthyneura,closely related to Onchidiidae.

Klussmann-Kolb et al. (2008), who focused on both opistho-branchs and pulmonates, targeted shorter sequence data butbroader taxon sampling: they presented a data set including 29species of pulmonates (one marker is missing for nine of those29 species, generating gaps in the data set) and 24 species of opis-thobranchs, with most higher-level taxa of pulmonates and opis-thobranchs represented by at least one species. Some interesting,well-supported results from Klussmann-Kolb et al. (2008) are(Fig. 1B): Pulmonata is monophyletic, although Siphonariidaemay not be included within Pulmonata; Eupulmonata (Stylom-matophora, Ellobiidae, Onchidiidae) is monophyletic (althoughveronicellids were not sampled); Otina and Trimusculus are nestedwithin Eupulmonata (Stylommatophora, Ellobiidae, Onchidiidae),and seem to be closely related to ellobiids; the monophyly ofEllobiidae is not supported; Amphiboloidea and Pyramidellidaeare sister-taxa; Hygrophila is monophyletic, including Chilinoidea(Chilinidae and Latiidae) and Lymnaeoidea. The analyses focusing


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Fig. 1. Summary of phylogenetic relationships for euthyneuran (pulmonate and opisthoranch) gastropods from various past studies as well as the present study. Only BI posteriorprobabilities > 0.75 and ML bootstrap values > 50% are shown (except in E in which all bootstrap values are shown). Node supports are cited using the following format: ‘‘1.00/77’’above a branch or next to a node means that BI posterior probability = 1.00, and that ML bootstrap value = 77%. (A) From Grande et al. (2008), based on all protein-coding genesfrom complete mitochondrial genomes (after Grande et al., 2008: Fig. 3). (B) From Klussmann-Kolb et al. (2008), based on complete 18S, partial 28S, 16S, and COI genes (afterKlussmann-Kolb et al., 2008: Fig. 3). (C) From Dinapoli and Klussmann-Kolb (2010) based on complete 18S, partial 28S, 16S, and COI genes (after Dinapoli and Klussmann-Kolb,2010: Fig. 2). (D) Summary of the phylogram from the present data using Bayesian Inference (see Fig. 2). (E) Summary of the phylogram obtained from the present data usingMaximum Likelihood. (F) Combination of only the well-supported nodes from D and E (with BI posterior probability > 0.95 and ML bootstrap > 75); next to taxon names, lettersindicate whether taxa include species that are terrestrial [T], marine [M], or freshwater [F], as well as whether animals are coiled snails [Sn], slugs [Sl], or limpets [L].

426 B. Dayrat et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59 (2011) 425–437

on basal heterobranchs (Dinapoli and Klussmann-Kolb, 2010)based on a subsample of pulmonate species from Klussmann-Kolbet al. (2008) yielded similar results (Fig. 1C). However, Glacidorbis,traditionally regarded as a basal heterobranch, is nested withinpulmonates; also, Smeagol, a problematic pulmonate taxon, seemsto be closely related to ellobiids.

Overall, the results based on complete mitochondrial genomes(Grande et al., 2008) and individual markers (Klussmann-Kolbet al., 2008) are incongruent and depict two different phylogeneticscenarios. Possible explanations for this incongruence are dis-cussed below.

The present study provides new sequences (18S, 16S, COI) for 64species of pulmonate gastropods, with a special focus on three taxathat thus far have remained poorly sampled, i.e., the ellobiids,veronicellids, and onchidiids: 25 ellobiids (15 genera), 16 onchidi-ids (five genera), seven veronicellids (five genera), six Hygrophila(six genera), two stylommatophorans (two genera), two amphibo-loids (two genera), five Siphonaria, and one Trimusculus. This in-crease in taxon sampling was targeted in order to address a seriesof unresolved questions in pulmonate relationships, such as: therelationships of the veronicellid slugs, the phylogenetic status ofEllobiidae and its five traditional ‘‘subfamilies,’’ the basal nodeswithin Pulmonata, especially the status of Eupulmonata (Stylom-matophora, Ellobiidae, Onchidiidae, Veronicellidae), and the rela-tionships within Ellobiidae, Onchidiidae, and Veronicellidae.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Taxon sampling

A total of 96 species were included in this study (Table 1). Ofthese 96 species, 30 are represented by sequences obtained fromGenbank. Sequences for the remaining 66 species are new.

The data set used by Klussmann-Kolb et al. (2008) served as astarting point for this study. However, some species from that dataset were not included in the present study: seventeen species wereexcluded because one of the three markers used here was missing(e.g., Siphonaria alternata, Amphibola crenata); also excluded werespecies for which the 18S sequence was incomplete (<1200 bp)(e.g., Siphonaria concinna, Chilina sp. 1, Trimusculus afra); Dendrono-tus dalli (opisthobranch) and Planorbis planorbis (Lymnaeoidea)were excluded because their 18S and COI sequences, respectively,were difficult to align in some regions. New sequences were pro-duced for several taxa (Phallomedusa solida, Myosotella myosotis,Onchidium verruculatum, Onchidella floridana) that were representedin the data set by Klussmann-Kolb et al. (2008). We also included se-quence data of Glacidorbis rusticus and Smeagol philippensis from thestudy of Dinapoli and Klussmann-Kolb (2010), as they had been re-ported to be nested within pulmonates (Fig. 1C).

Ten additional species for which COI, 16S, and 18S sequencesare available from Genbank but that were not previously used byKlussmann-Kolb et al. (2008), were also included: the neritimorphNerita funiculata, two caenogastropods (Crepidula fornicata, Viviparusgeorgianus), the onchidiid Onchidella celtica, four freshwater pulm-onates (Radix auricularia, Biomphalaria alexandrina, Indoplanorbisexustus, Laevepex fuscus), and the two land snails Cepaea nemoralisand Deroceras reticulatum.

Sequences for the remaining 66 species are newly produced,focusing on non-stylommatophoran pulmonates (Table 1).

2.2. Species identifications

Identifications of the species for which new DNA sequenceswere determined have all been confirmed by taxonomic experts(and authors of the present article): Christian Albrecht identifiedthe freshwater snails, Benoît Dayrat the onchidiids, Rosemary Golding

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Table 1List of the species included in the present study. Locality data and museum catalogue numbers of vouchers are indicated for the material newly sequenced for this study.Institution abbreviations for the museums that house the voucher material are: Australian Museum Sydney, New South Wales (AMS), Natural History Museum, London, UnitedKingdom (BM), California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, United States of America (CAS), Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil (MCP), Museo deCiencias Naturales de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina (MLP), Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (NM), and Florida Museum of Natural History, Gainesville, Universityof Florida, USA (UF). An asterisk (�) indicates that a sequence was newly obtained for the present study.

Classification, higher taxa Species name Locality Voucher # Genbank (18S) Genbank (COI) Genbank (16S)

Neritimorpha Nerita funiculata – – DQ093429 DQ093517 DQ093471Caenogastropoda, Calyptraeidae Crepidula fornicata – – AY377660 AF353149 AF545973Caenogastropoda, Cerithiidae Clypeomorus brevis Wake Island UF 380209 HQ659928� HQ659994� HQ650562�

Caenogastropoda, Viviparidae Viviparus georgianus – – AY090794 AF120634 AY377626Heterobranchia, Orbitestellidae Orbitestella sp. – – EF489352 EF489397 EF489333Heterobranchia, Pyramidellidae Otopleura nodicincta Caroline Islands UF 299490 HQ659929� HQ659995� HQ650563�

Heterobranchia, Pyramidellidae Turbonilla sp. – – EF489351 EF489396 EF489332Heterobranchia, Glacidorbidae Glacidorbis rusticus – – FJ917211 FJ917284 FJ917264Opithobranchia Pupa solidula – – AY427516 DQ238006 EF489319Opithobranchia Toledonia globosa – – EF489350 EF489395 EF489327Opithobranchia Haminoea hydatis – – AY427504 DQ238004 EF489323Opithobranchia Aplysia californica – – AY039804 AF077759 AF192295Opithobranchia Bathydoris clavigera – – AY165754 AF249808 AF249222Opithobranchia Umbraculum umbraculum – – AY165753 DQ256200 EF489322Opithobranchia Pleurobranchus peroni – – AY427494 DQ237993 EF489331Opithobranchia Tomthompsonia antarctica – – AY427492 DQ237992 EF489330Opithobranchia Elysia viridis – – AY427499 DQ237994 AJ223398Siphonariidae Siphonaria normalis Hawaii UF 303670 HQ659930� HQ659996� HQ650564�

Siphonariidae Siphonaria lateralis Argentina MLP 13163 HQ659931� HQ659997� HQ650565�

Siphonariidae Siphonaria lessoni Argentina MLP 13164 HQ659932� HQ659998� HQ650566�

Siphonariidae Siphonaris japonica Japan UF 350544 HQ659933� HQ659999� HQ650567�

Siphonariidae Siphonaria pectinata Trinidad Island UF 382817 HQ659934� HQ660000� HQ650568�

Trimusculidae Trimusculus reticulatus California CASIZ 177988 HQ659935� HQ660001� HQ650569�

Amphiboloidea, Phallomedusidae Phallomedusa solida Australia, NSW No tissue left HQ659936� HQ660002� HQ650570�

Amphiboloidea, Amphibolidae Salinator rhamphidia Australia, NSW CASIZ 180470 HQ659937� HQ660003� HQ650571�

Ellobiidae, Carychiinae Carychium minimum – – EF489341 EF489386 EF489308Ellobiidae, Ellobiinae Auriculastra subula Hong Kong CASIZ 180471 HQ659938� HQ660004� HQ659872�

Ellobiidae, Ellobiinae Auriculinella bidentata Azores No tissue left HQ659939� HQ660005� HQ659873�

Ellobiidae, Melampodinae Melampus bidentatus Jamaica CASIZ 180472 HQ659940� HQ660006� HQ659874�

Ellobiidae, Melampodinae Melampus fasciatus Caroline Islands UF 294608 HQ659941� HQ660007� HQ659875�

Ellobiidae, Melampodinae Microtralia alba Australia, NSW AMS 398688 HQ659942� HQ660008� HQ659876�

Ellobiidae, Melampodinae Pseudomelampus exiguus Azores CASIZ 180473 HQ659943� HQ660009� HQ659877�

Ellobiidae, Pedipedinae Marinula chathamensis Chatham Island CASIZ 180474 HQ659944� HQ660010� HQ659878�

Ellobiidae, Pedipedinae Pedipes mirabilis Jamaica CASIZ 180475 HQ659945� HQ660011� HQ659879�

Ellobiidae, Pedipedinae Pedipes pedipes Azores CASIZ 180476 HQ659946� HQ660012� HQ659880�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Allochroa layardi United Arab Emirates BM 20080090 HQ659947� HQ660013� HQ659881�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Allochroa sp. Tonga UF 294620 HQ659948� HQ660014� HQ659882�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Cassidula angulifera Australia, Queensland AMS 448376 HQ659949� HQ660015� HQ659883�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Cassidula cf. labrella United Arab Emirates BM 20080095 HQ659950� HQ660016� HQ659884�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Laemodonta monilifera United Arab Emirates BM 20080099 HQ659951� HQ660017� HQ659885�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Laemodonta punctostriata Hong Kong CASIZ 180477 HQ659952� HQ660018� HQ659886�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Myosotella myosotis Portugal CASIZ 180478 HQ659953� HQ660019� HQ659887�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Ophicardelus ornatus Australia, NSW AMS 397363 HQ659954� HQ660020� HQ659888�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Ophicardelus sulcatus Australia, NSW AMS 405360 HQ659955� HQ660021� HQ659889�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Ovatella firminii Crete CASIZ 180479 HQ659956� HQ660022� HQ659890�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Ovatella vulcani Azores CASIZ180480 HQ659957� HQ660023� HQ659891�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Pleuroloba quoyi Australia, NSW AMS 397375 HQ659958� HQ660024� HQ659892�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Pythia cecillei Papua New Guinea UF 339082 HQ659959� HQ660025� HQ659893�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Pythia fimbriosa Papua New Guinea UF 339086 HQ659960� HQ660026� HQ659894�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Pythia scarabeus Papua New Guinea UF 366491 HQ659961� HQ660027� HQ659895�

Ellobiidae, Pythiinae Pythia sp. Christmas Island UF 296120 HQ659962� HQ660028� HQ659896�

Otinidae Otina ovata – – EF489344 EF489389 EF489310Smeagolidae Smeagol philippensis – – FJ917210 FJ917283 FJ917263Chilinoidea, Chilinidae Chilina sp. Chile CASIZ 180481 HQ659964� HQ660030� HQ659898�

Chilinoidea, Latiidae Latia neritoides – – EF489339 EF489384 EF489307Lymnaeoidea, Acroloxidae Acroloxus lacustris – – AY282592 AY282581 EF489311Lymnaeoidea, Acroloxidae Acroloxus cf. oblongus Turkey No tissue left HQ659963� HQ660029� HQ659897�

Lymnaeoidea, Lymnaeidae Galba truncatula Ethiopia CASIZ 180482 HQ659965� HQ660031� HQ659899�

Lymnaeoidea, Lymnaeidae Lymnaea palustris France CASIZ 180483 HQ659966� HQ660032� HQ659900�

Lymnaeoidea, Lymnaeidae Lymnaea stagnalis – – EF489345 EF489390 EF489314Lymnaeoidea, Lymnaeidae Radix auricularia – – Z73980 EU818827 AF485646Lymnaeoidea, Physidae Physa acuta – – AY282600 AY282589 AY651241Lymnaeoidea, Physidae Physa gyrina California CASIZ 180484 HQ659967� HQ660033� HQ659901�

Lymnaeoidea, Planorbidae Biomphalaria alexandrina – – U65225 DQ084825 DQ084847Lymnaeoidea, Planorbidae Helisoma anceps California CASIZ 180485 HQ659968� HQ660034� HQ659902�

Lymnaeoidea, Planorbidae Indoplanorbis exustus – – AY282598 AY282587 AY577471Lymnaeoidea, Planorbidae Ancylus fluviatilis – – AY282593 AY282582 EF489312Lymnaeoidea, Planorbidae Laevapex fuscus – – AY282599 AY 282588 EU 038346Onchidiidae Onchidella celtica – – X70211 AY345048 AY345048Onchidiidae Onchidella floridana Tobago UF 382844 HQ659969� HQ660035� HQ659903�

(continued on next page)

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Table 1 (continued)

Classification, higher taxa Species name Locality Voucher # Genbank (18S) Genbank (COI) Genbank (16S)

Onchidiidae Onchidella hildae Panama UF 372677 HQ659970� HQ660036� HQ659904�

Onchidiidae Onchidium cf. tumidum Australia, NSW UF 395149 HQ659971� HQ660037� HQ659905�

Onchidiidae Onchidium cf. tumidum Australia, Queensland UF 458136 HQ659973� HQ660039� HQ659907�

Onchidiidae Onchidium vaigiense Papua New Guinea UF 366435 HQ659974� HQ660040� HQ659908�

Onchidiidae Peronia peronii Guam CASIZ 180486 HQ659975� HQ660041� HQ659909�

Onchidiidae Peronia cf. peronii Mozambique BM 20060414 HQ659976� HQ660042� HQ659910�

Onchidiidae Peronia cf. verruculata Okinawa UF 352288 HQ659977� HQ660043� HQ659911�

Onchidiidae Peronia sp. 1 Hawaii UF 303653 HQ659972� HQ660038� HQ659906�

Onchidiidae Peronia sp. 2 Oman UF 332088 HQ659978� HQ660044� HQ659912�

Onchidiidae Peronia sp. 3 Australia, Queensland AMS 459511 HQ659982� HQ660048� HQ659916�

Onchidiidae Peronia sp. 4 Mozambique BM 20080190 HQ659979� HQ660045� HQ659913�

Onchidiidae Peronia sp. 5 Mozambique BM 20060257 HQ659981� HQ660047� HQ659915�

Onchidiidae Peronia sp. 6 Indonesia, Sulawesi BM 20050628 HQ659980� HQ660046� HQ659914�

Onchidiidae Platevindex cf. coriaceus Mozambique BM 20060274 HQ659983� HQ660049� HQ659917�

Onchidiidae Scaphis sp. Philippines UF 368518 HQ659984� HQ660050� HQ659918�

Veronicellidae Laevicaulis natalensis South Africa NM-W1444 HQ659985� HQ660051� HQ659919�

Veronicellidae Laevicaulis sp. South Africa NM-W4061 HQ659986� HQ660052� HQ659920�

Veronicellidae Phyllocaulis tuberculosus Brazil MCP 8857 HQ659987� HQ660053� HQ659921�

Veronicellidae Phyllocaulis variegatus Brazil CASIZ 180487 HQ659988� HQ660054� HQ659922�

Veronicellidae Sarasinula linguaeformis Brazil CASIZ 180488 HQ659989� HQ660055� HQ659923�

Veronicellidae Vaginulus taunaisii Brazil MCP 8858 HQ659990� HQ660056� HQ659924�

Veronicellidae Veronicella cubensis Hawaii CASIZ 180489 HQ659991� HQ660057� HQ659925�

Stylommatophora Arion ater France CASIZ 180490 HQ659992� HQ660058� HQ659926�

Stylommatophora Arion sylvaticus – – AY145365 AY987918 AY947380Stylommatophora Cepaea nemoralis – – AJ224921 CMU23045 CMU23045Stylommatophora Deroceras reticulatum – – AY145373 AF239734 AF238045Stylommatophora Succinea putris France CASIZ 180491 HQ659993� HQ660059� HQ659927�

428 B. Dayrat et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59 (2011) 425–437

the amphiboloids, Suzete R. Gomes the veronicellids, Antonio M. deFrias Martins the ellobiids, and Tracy White the Siphonaria.

2.3. Voucher specimens

Voucher specimens of all the 66 species for which new se-quences were obtained have been deposited in museum collec-tions (Table 1). For each of these species, all sequences (18S, 16S,COI) were obtained from a single individual. In most cases, thatindividual is included as part of the lot deposited as the voucher.However, in some rare cases, small specimens were destroyed toobtain DNA. In these cases, the voucher lot contains other individ-uals from the same population.

2.4. DNA extraction

All DNA extractions were performed under sterile conditions(i.e., using sterilized equipment). For slugs, a small piece of the dor-sal notum or foot was sampled (in many onchidiids, however, DNAhad to be extracted from the gonad because pieces of the mantleoriginally yielded protist sequences). For snails, a small piece ofthe foot was cut; or, if not easily accessible, then part of the shellwas broken to access soft tissues.

DNA extractions were performed using a CTAB DNA extractionmethod. Each sample was placed into a tube containing 50 ll ofCTAB (Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide) solution, with the fol-lowing final concentrations: 2% CTAB, 1.4 M NaCl, 20 mM EDTA,0.1 M Tris–HCl (pH 8.0), and 2% b-mercaptoethanol. After grindingthe tissue with a pestle, 550 ll more of CTAB solution was addedwhile rinsing the pestle of any tissue adhered to it. Then, 20 ll ofProteinase K (final concentration of 100 lg/ml) was added to eachsample, vortexed and incubated for about 2 h at 65 �C. During incu-bation, tube contents were re-suspended via vortexing every10 min. After centrifugation at 13,000 rpm for 15 min, the upperphase was transferred into a new tube; then, 600 ll of chloroformwas added to the tube and gently mixed. In order to precipitate theDNA, after a centrifugation period of 15 min. at 13,000 rpm, theupper phase was transferred into a new tube containing 750 ll

of cold isopropanol and placed in the freezer overnight. The follow-ing day, the precipitate was made into a pellet by centrifugationand washed with 70% ethanol and then re-suspended with30 ll–100 ll of DNA re-suspension buffer (Teknova).

2.5. PCR amplification and DNA sequencing

For each gene or gene fragment, amplification was initially at-tempted with a single pair of standard primers that are routinelyused in gastropod systematics (indicated in bold in Table 2). If sam-ples did not successfully amplify, alternate pairs of primers wereused (Tables 2 and 3). In order to sequence 18S, a series of eightinternal primers were used in addition to the primers used foramplification. In the rare event that 18S amplification was notsuccessful, amplification was carried out using internal individ-ual-specific primers. Amplified products were then sent out indi-vidually for sequencing and subsequently assembled. Sequencedfragments represented �680 bp of COI, �530 bp of 16S, and thecomplete 18S (�1850 bp).

2.6. Phylogenetic analyses

Alignments were obtained using Clustal W in MEGA 4 (Tamuraet al., 2007) and refined manually to increase positional hom*ology.Gaps and ambiguous positions were removed from alignmentsprior to phylogenetic analyses. Following alignment, chromato-grams of newly analyzed sequences were consulted to resolve rareambiguous base calls.

The COI alignment was guided by translated amino acid se-quences; the ends were trimmed; also, a few positions for whicha nucleotide was present in only one (Genbank) sequence, disrupt-ing the reading frame of that sequence and thus likely due to asequencing error, were removed, yielding an alignment of 590sites. The original 16S alignment contained a few regions withambiguous positions that could not be aligned properly as wellas gaps due to inserts in one sequence. Regions with ambiguouspositions that could not be aligned were difficult to identify man-ually and were removed using Gblocks (Castresana, 2000), with the

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Table 2List of primers used in the present study. Primers indicated in bold are standardprimers commonly used in gastropod systematics (e.g., Klussmann-Kolb et al., 2008).Alternate primers (not in bold) were used in the few cases in which PCRs were notsuccessful with standard primers.

Primer name Primer sequence (50–30)


B. Dayrat et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59 (2011) 425–437 429

following parameters (#1: 51; #2: 83; #3: 30; #4: 4; #5: with half)which removed 321 out of 783 (40%) positions from the originalalignment. In the 18S alignment, gaps (due to inserts in one se-quence) and ambiguous regions (with positions that could not bealigned properly) were easily identified. A total of 609 positions(mostly gaps) out of the 2343 original positions (long insertionsin nudipleuran sequences considerably lengthened the alignment)were removed at the following sites of the original alignment: 19,37, 95, 102–104, 165–176, 182, 206, 211–262, 268–84, 298, 325–328, 366, 382, 397, 421, 530, 551, 741–1008, 1022–1023, 1045,1121–1124, 1128, 1170–1171, 1189–1191, 1293, 1395, 1719–1923, 2254–2264, 2272–2273, 2284–2286.

Substitution saturation was measured using Xia’s test (Xia et al.,2003; Xia and Lemey, 2009) implemented in DAMBE (Xia and Xie,2001). No saturation was detected in the 16S alignment (321 sites)from which gaps and ambiguous regions had been removed (Isssignificantly < Iss.c). However, third codon positions were removedfrom the COI alignment due to substitution saturation. After re-moval of the third positions (which yielded a reduced COI align-ment of 394 sites), no saturation was detected. Overall, ourconcatenated alignment included 2449 sites (1734 for 18S, 321for 16S, and 394 for COI).

Prior to phylogenetic analyses, the best-fitting evolutionarymodel was selected independently for each partition using Model-test 3.7 (Posada and Crandall, 1998) and the Model Selection op-tion from Topali v2.5 (Milne et al., 2004). A GTR + I + G modelwas selected for all three markers.

Maximum Likelihood analyses were performed using bothRaxML (Stamatakis, 2006) and PhyML (Guindon and Gascuel, 2003)as implemented in Topali v2.5. Node support was evaluated usingbootstrapping with 1000 replicates. For the maximum Likelihood

Table 3PCR conditions with corresponding primers used in the present study.

PCR programs Prime

94� 5 min, 30 � (94� 40 s, 46� 1 min, 72� 1 min), 72� 10 min, 4.0� hold COIH,94� 2 min, 5 � (94� 40 s, 40� 45 s, 72� 1 min), 30 � (94� 40 s, 50� 40 s, 72�

1 min), 72� 10 min, 4.0� holdCOI 11155F

95� 1 min, 30 � (95� 30 s, 52.5� 30 s, 72� 30 s), 72� 3 min, 4.0� hold 18S A

analyses, four out-groups were selected: N. funiculata, C. fornicata,Clypeomorus brevis, and V. georgianus. Bayesian analyses were per-formed using MrBayes v3.1.2 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck, 2003)with four simultaneous runs of 106 generations each, sample fre-quency of 100, and burn in of 25%. N. funiculata was selected asthe outgroup for the Bayesian analyses. Posterior probabilities(PP) were calculated to evaluate node support. Bayesian posteriorprobabilities (PP) measure different types of confidence in nodesupport than bootstrap values (e.g., Alfaro et al., 2003; Douadyet al., 2003). However, it is usually estimated that BayesianPP > 0.95 are an indication of a good support, i.e., an indication thata node can be given serious consideration.

3. Results

3.1. General remarks on tree topologies

The phylogram obtained from BI analyses is shown in Fig. 2.Analyses based on Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Infer-ence (BI) yielded trees differing in the position of Veronicellidae.Indeed, if Veronicellidae were to be removed, then the trees wouldbe identical. However, this difference in the position of Veronicel-lidae is not regarded as an issue here because the deep nodes in theML analyses are poorly supported (Fig. 1D–F). Thus, the differencein position of the Veronicellidae is not viewed here as an incongru-ence. Throughout the paper, node supports are cited following thesame format (Fig. 2): (1.00/77) means that BI posterior probabil-ity = 1.00 and ML bootstrap value = 77. In addition, trees from MLand BI differ in minor details due to very poorly-supported nodes(ML bootstrap < 50%, and PP < 0.75).

Deep nodes among major clades of pulmonates are poorly sup-ported in Maximum Likelihood analyses (Fig. 1E). All bootstrap val-ues are less than 75% (Fig. 1E), with two exceptions: themonophyly of the clade including all pulmonates without Siphona-ria (1.00/77), and the close relationship between Glacidorbis andStylommatophora (1.00/77). Two additional nodes are supportedby bootstrap values of 60% (Onchidiidae and Ellobiidae) and 51%(Eupulmonata without Veronicellidae). However, the relationshipsamong major clades are well supported in Bayesian Inference anal-yses, with most PP superior to 0.95 (Fig. 1D). Thus, although thedeep nodes between ML and BI trees are incongruent, this incon-gruence is not regarded as an issue here because the nodes in MLare very weakly supported. As a result, the well-supported nodescan be easily combined by hand together and shown on a tree(Fig. 1F).

3.2. Basal branches

The Heterobranchia corresponds to the ingroup taxa (the fourbasal out-groups are Nerita, Crepidula, Clypeomorus, and Vivipa-rus). Within Heterobranchia, the monophyly of Euthyneura (1/100) is strongly supported, including all the taxa sampled hereexcept for Orbitestella (traditionally regarded as a lower hetero-branch) and the four out-groups. Within Euthyneura (Pulmonataand Opisthobranchia), the most basal branch is Pupa (Acteonoi-dea, Opistobranchia), and the clade including all other euthyneu-


COIL, 16S-R, 16Sar, 16s F, 16s R4F, COI 698R, COI 839R, 16S 437F, 16S 972R, 18S 400F&R, 18S 700F&R, 18S&R, 18S 1500R, 1800 1600F.1, 18S 1800

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Fig. 2. Phylogram obtained through Bayesian Inference. Posterior probabilities (BI) and bootstrap values (ML) are indicated above and below the nodes, respectively. Weaksupport values are not indicated (ML bootstrap < 50%, and PP < 0.75), which explains why only one value or even no value is indicated for some nodes. Polytomies are due tothe cutoff value specified for the consensus tree (50% used as the default value in MrBayes).

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rans is moderately supported (0.91/77). The opisthobranch cladeNudipleura (Bathydoris, Pleurobranchus, Tomthompsonia) formsthe second most basal lineage just after Pupa, and the cladeincluding all other euthyneurans is well supported (1/98); theclade Nudipleura itself, represented here by three species, isstrongly-supported (1.00/100). The third most basal clade, whichincludes various shelled opisthobranchs (Umbraculum, Aplysia,Haminoea, Toledonia), is strongly-supported (1.00/98); the nextnode, including Elysia (Sacoglossa, Opisthobranchia) and all pulm-onates, is also well supported (1.00/85). This result falsifies themonophyly of Opisthobranchia. The monophyly of Pulmonata ispoorly supported (0.59/54). Pulmonata includes here all the taxatraditionally regarded as pulmonates as well as Pyramidellidae.The latter, traditionally regarded as basal, non-euthyneuran het-erobranchs, emerge unambiguously within Pulmonata in all anal-yses. Siphonaria is the most basal branch within Pulmonata, andthe monophyly of the clade including all pulmonates withoutSiphonaria is fairly well supported (1.00/77).

3.3. Major clades of Pulmonata

Within Pulmonata, all major clades are recovered, in mostcases with strong support. The strongly-supported major cladesare: Siphonaria (1.00/100); Veronicellidae (1.00/100); Lymnaeoi-dea (1.00/100), which includes all freshwater snails (Hygrophila)except for Chilinoidea (Chilina and Latia); Chilinoidea (0.99/86);Pyramidellidae (1.00/100); and Stylommatophora (1.00/81). Themonophyly of Onchidiidae (0.71/90) and the monophyly ofEllobiidae (0.99/74) are less strongly supported but are recoveredin all analyses. Also, the false limpet Trimusculus, the tiny limpetOtina, and the slug Smeagol, are all nested within Ellobiidae (seebelow).

Besides the basal and weakly-supported position of Siphonaria,the data suggest the existence of two additional major cladeswithin Pulmonata (Fig. 1F): one clade includes Lymnaeoidea,Pyramidellidae, Stylommatophora and Glacidorbis (the two latterbeing more closely related); the other clade includes Chilinoideaand Amphiboloidea as two basal branches, and Ellobiidae as sis-ter-taxon to Systellommatophora (Veronicellidae andOnchidiidae).

3.4. Ellobiidae

Within Ellobiidae, which is moderately supported (0.99/74), arefound all the taxa traditionally regarded as ellobiids (Martins,2007), as well as three taxa that have not been traditionally re-garded as ellobiids: the false limpet Trimusculus, the tiny limpetOtina, and the slug Smeagol. The exact position of Trimusculus with-in ellobiids is unclear because of low support, but the present datasuggest that it might be more closely related to Pedipes (Pedipedi-nae). Otina and Smeagol appear to be closely related to each other(1.00/76), although their relationships with other ellobiids areunclear.

The sixteen genera sampled here include representatives ofeach of the five subfamilies traditionally accepted in Ellobiidae(Martins, 2007): Carychiinae (one genus represented here, outof two: 1/2), Ellobiinae (2/5), Melampodinae (3/5), Pedipedinae(2/4), and Pythiinae (8/8). The monophyly of Carychiinae is nottested here. The monophyly of Ellobiinae (represented here byAuriculinella and Auriculastra) is not supported (because Auriculi-nella is included in a well-supported clade with Pseudomelampusand Microtralia). The monophyly of Melampodinae (as tradition-ally defined, and represented here by Melampus, Microtralia, andPseudomelampus) is neither supported nor rejected because oflow node support. However, the genera of Melampodinae clusterin two different clades: Microtralia and Pseudomelampus (and

Auriculinella) in one clade, and Melampus in another clade. Themonophyly of Pedipedinae (represented here by Pedipes andMarinula) is not well supported: Pedipes and Marinula form aclade but with very low node support (BI PP < 0.75; ML boot-strap < 50%). However, Pedipedinae could be regarded as mono-phyletic if it were to include Trimusculus, which is closelyrelated to Pedipes (1/62). The monophyly of Pythiinae (repre-sented here by at least one species of each of its eight genera:Allochroa, Cassidula, Laemodonta, Myosotella, Ophicardelus, Ovatella,Pleuroloba, and Pythia) is neither supported nor rejected becauseof low node support. However, within Pythiinae, seven out ofthe eight existing genera, including the type genus of the subfam-ily (all but Myosotella) form a strongly-supported clade (0.97/91),which is by far the most highly supported clade in ellobiids (be-sides the monophyly of the genera). Within that clade, however,relationships are poorly resolved.

Six ellobiid genera represented here by more than one speciesare found to be monophyletic with a strong support: Allochroa(1.00/100), Laemodonta (1.00/92), Melampus (1.00/100), Ovatella(1.00/84), Pedipes (1.00/100), and Pythia (1.00/100). The mono-phyly of Cassidula (0.91) is less strongly supported.

3.5. Veronicellidae

Within Veronicellidae, which is strongly-supported (1.00/100),the most basal taxon is Sarasinula. The clade including all the otherveronicellids (here represented by Laevicaulis, Veronicella, Phyllo-caulis, and Vaginulus) is moderately supported (0.85/73). However,two clades are strongly supported: a first clade includes Veronicella,Phyllocaulis, and Vaginulus (1.00/93) and a second clade includesPhyllocaulis and Vaginulus (1.00/98).

3.6. Onchidiidae

The monophyly of the Onchidiidae, comprised only of taxa thathave traditionally been included in the family (Dayrat, 2009), iswell supported in ML analyses (0.71/90). The monophyly ofOnchidella, represented here by three species, is strongly-sup-ported (1.00/98). A Peronia clade, including all slugs with dorsalbranchial plumes (gills), is also strongly-supported (1.00/92). Scaphis,which also bears dorsal gills, is nested within Peronia. Severalnodes within the Peronia clade are also strongly supported. Thegenus Onchidium, however, is polyphyletic, with Onchidium vaig-iense being sister-taxon to Platevindex cf. coriaceus (1.00/94), andOnchidium cf. tumidum being sister-taxon to the Peronia clade(1.00/88). At the base of the onchidiid tree, there is a split betweentwo well-supported clades: the first clade (0.98/78) includesOnchidium vaigiense, Platevindex, and Onchidella; the second clade(1.00/88) includes Onchidium cf. tumidum and Peronia. Strong supportfor many nodes within Onchidiidae suggests that the markers usedhere could efficiently help resolve onchidiid relationships.

3.7. Hygrophila, Siphonaria, Stylommatophora, Amphiboloidea,Pyramidellidae, and Glacidorbis

The monophyly of Hygrophila (Chilinoidea + Lymnaeoidea), isrefuted by the present data. However, the monophyly of both Chili-noidea (0.99/86) and Lymnaeoidea (1.00/100) is strongly sup-ported. Within Lymnaeoidea, the four taxa traditionallyrecognized are recovered with very high support: Planorbidae(1.00/100), including former ancylids (Laevepex and Ancylus) andplanorbids; Physidae (1.00/100); Acroloxidae (1.00/100); and Lym-naeidae (1.00/100). The monophyly of Siphonaria is strongly-sup-ported (1.00/100), as is that of Stylommatophora (1.00/81),Amphiboloidea (1.00/100), and Pyramidellidae (1.00/100). Glacidorbis,

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traditionally regarded as a basal heterobranch, is found here to beclosely related to Stylommatophora (1.00/77).

4. Discussion

4.1. Evolution of Ellobiidae (including Otina, Smeagol, Trimusculus)

Klussmann-Kolb et al. (2008) included four species of ellobiidsin their study, representing two subfamilies (Carychiinae andPythiinae). Here, representatives of all five subfamilies recognizedby Martins (2007) are included. The monophyly of these subfami-lies (Carychiinae, Ellobiinae, Melampodinae, Pedipedinae, andPythiinae) is neither rejected nor supported, with the exceptionof the Pythiinae (except Myosotella), of which the monophyly isstrongly supported. Myosotella is the most basal lineage of Pythii-nae, but within the remaining clade (Pythiinae without Myosotella),relationships are poorly resolved.

The close relationship of Auriculinella with part of the Melampo-dinae (Pseudomelampus and Microtralia) indicated by moleculardata is not supported by anatomical data. Several features usedto characterize Ellobiinae (e.g., short right parieto-visceral connec-tive, the gradual transition of lateral to marginal teeth), are sharedby Auriculinella (Martins, 2007).

The monophyly of Pythiinae is weakly supported by morphol-ogy (Martins, 2007). Morphological characters that are potentiallydiagnostic of Pythiinae include: a long, right parieto-visceral con-nective; a closed last whorl (inner walls), although shell resorptionoccurs in various degrees in all subfamilies; and a penial papilla ofpilaster origin (also occurs in Microtralia and Leuconopsis, likelythrough convergence). The pallial gland is a poorly-understood fea-ture that is only found in Pythiinae (Hyman et al., 2005). Data sug-gest that a pallial gland might have been gained once and lostsecondarily in Cassidula and Pleuroloba which also both share adistinctive, digitate proximal hermaphroditic duct (also found inLaemodonta). Hyman et al. (2005) mentioned that Allochroa andOphicardelus may form a natural group, but this hypothesis is notsupported here (nor is it rejected).

Inclusion of Otina and Trimusculus within Ellobiidae (Klussmann-Kolb et al., 2008) and the close relationship of Smeagol to Otina(Dinapoli and Klussmann-Kolb, 2010) are confirmed here with abroader taxon sampling. However, the relationships of Trimusculus,Otina and Smeagol with respect to other ellobiids are still unclear,although Trimusculus could be closely related to Pedipes.

Several hypotheses have been proposed for the affinities of thetiny limpet Otina otis, the unique member of Otinidae. The closerelationship of Otina to Ellobiidae was accepted for many years(e.g., Thiele, 1931; Morton, 1955; Hubendick, 1978; Tillier, 1984).More recently, Otina was considered to be closely related to onchi-diid and veronicellid slugs (Haszprunar and Huber, 1990) or sty-lommatophorans (Tillier and Ponder, 1992). Dayrat and Tillier(2002) showed that morphological data fail to resolve the relation-ships of Otina. The opening of the membrane gland into the carre-four (Dayrat and Tillier, 2002), which is found only in some (butnot all) ellobiids and Otina, is a potential synapomorphy for thatclade. Otina and ellobiids also share a gizzard-like structure inthe stomach (also found in Hygrophila, in which it was likelygained independently); Trimusculus, which lacks this stomachstructure, may have lost it secondarily.

The close relationship between the false limpet Otina and theSmeagol slugs (known from less than ten species from Australiaand New Zealand) was suggested based on features not found inother pulmonates, such as the foot divided in a propodium and ametapodium (Tillier, 1984; Tillier and Ponder, 1992). Tillier(1984) classified Otinidae (Otina and Smeagol) along with Onchidii-dae and Ellobiidae in the Ellobioidea. Tillier and Ponder (1992)

classified Smeagol in the monotypic Smeagolidae, and the latterin Otinoidea along with Otinidae. According to Haszprunar and Hu-ber (1990), Smeagol is more closely related to onchidiids than ello-biids, based on features of the nervous system which might just berelated to limacization (Tillier, 1984).

Van Mol (1967) described the presence of small cells in the pro-cerebrum of Otina, Ellobiidae, Trimusculus, Stylommatophora,Veronicellidae, and Onchidiidae (large cells are found in all otherpulmonates). The present topology unfortunately does not helpdetermine whether small cells are primitive (Van Mol, 1967) or ad-vanced (Haszprunar and Huber, 1990).

In any case, the clade Ellobiidae needs to be broadened to in-clude Smeagol, Otina, and Trimusculus. Smeagol and Otina couldform the clade Otininae, as one of the ‘subfamilies’ of Ellobiidae.Trimusculus could temporarily be located in Pedipedinae or as anincertae sedis within Ellobiidae. Ellobiidae now include limpets(Trimusculus and Otina), as well as slugs (Smeagol), in addition tocoiled snails (ellobiids, as traditionally defined).

4.2. Evolution of Onchidiidae

The monophyly of Onchidiidae has never been questioned (Dayrat,2009). Additional taxon sampling is needed to more accuratelydefine relationships, but preliminary comments can be provided.Labbé (1934) divided all onchidiids in Dendrobranchiatæ (withdorsal gills) and Abranchiatæ (without dorsal gills). The Peroniaclade (Scaphis nested within Peronia) includes all species with dor-sal gills, suggesting that they are an advanced feature and a poten-tial synapomorphy. The absence of gills (here in Platevindex,Onchidium, Onchidella) seems to be a symplesiomorphy. It is con-firmed here that Onchidella is monophyletic, although Hoffmannola(not sampled here) could also be nested within Onchidella. Finally,Onchidium has always been the default genus for species that couldnot confidently be placed in Platevindex, Peronia, or Onchidella.Therefore, the failure of species attributed to Onchidium to form amonophyletic taxon is not surprising.

Except for Onchidella and Hoffmannola, all onchidiids live in thetropical Indo-West Pacific. The present data (Onchidella is not ba-sal) suggest that onchidiids might have originated in tropical,warm waters, such as the former Tethys Ocean (formed duringthe Triassic, 250 Mya), assuming that early onchidiids had similarhabitat requirements. Under that scenario, Onchidella could havediversified through migrating away from that center of originand invading new coastlines (Hoffmannola could either be an off-shoot or the result of an independent migration).

4.3. Evolution of Veronicellidae

Veronicellids have been poorly represented in prior studies(Winnepenninckx et al., 1998; Yoon and Kim, 2000; Dayrat et al.,2001; Klussmann-Kolb et al., 2008). Our data show that DNA se-quences hold great promise for reconstructing veronicellid rela-tionships (although additional sampling is needed) and ourresults agree with morphology (Gomes et al., in prep). Morpholog-ical data indicate that Veronicella, Phyllocaulis, and Vaginulus belongto an unnamed, crown clade corresponding to a large radiation inSouth and Central America (they share anatomical features notfound in other veronicellids, such as penial gland tubules differen-tiated in two groups).

Our data indicate that Sarasinula and Laevicaulis are basal withrespect to the clade described above. Morphology supports a basalposition for Laevicaulis relative to Sarasinula, which belongs to aclade including all American genera (that all share several featuressuch as an anal opening covered by an opercular membrane). Ourdata do not reject such relationships. Nor do they support them.

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The monophyly of Veronicellidae, highly supported by our data,has also been supported by several morphological characteristics,such as a distinctive penial apparatus (with conspicuous papillagland and tubules) and a female pore on the right hyponotum(Gomes et al., in prep). Finally, although no rathouisiid slugs are in-cluded here, it is generally accepted that they are closely related toveronicellids with which they share several features, such as infe-rior tentacles with bifid extremity (Gomes et al., in prep.).

4.4. Evolution of Systellomatophora

The monophyly of Systellomatophora (here represented byVeronicellidae and Onchidiidae) is strongly supported by BayesianInference. Salvini-Plawen (1970) created the Gymnomorpha to in-clude Veronicellidae, Rathouisiidae, Onchidiidae, and Rhodopidae,a small group of marine slugs which are now thought to beopisthobranchs (Haszprunar, 1997). Solem (1978) classified Onchi-diidae, Veronicellidae, and Rathouisiidae in the Systellommatopho-ra. Dayrat and Tillier (2002) could not find synapomorphies tosupport the monophyly of Systellommatophora. The pedal glandat the bottom of the anterior visceral cavity (exclusively found inonchidiids and veronicellids) could be a diagnostic synapomorphyof Systellommatophora; also, the presence of eyes at the tip of thecephalic tentacles could have been acquired twice independently(once in the common ancestral lineage to Systellommatophora,and once in the common ancestral lineage to Stylommatophora).

4.5. Evolution of Hygrophila

Most morphological studies have agreed that Hygrophila wasmonophyletic and included all freshwater pulmonates (e.g., Thiele,1931; Hubendick, 1978; Tillier, 1984; Salvini-Plawen and Steiner,1996), although it is difficult to find anatomical synapomorphies(Dayrat and Tillier, 2002, 2003). Early molecular data supported aclose relationship between Chilina and Lymnaea (Dayrat et al.,2001), and a more extensive sampling supported the monophylyof Hygrophila (Klussmann-Kolb et al., 2008). However, the presentdata do not confirm that Chilinoidea (Chilina and Latia) are sister-taxon to Lymnaeoidea. Rather, Chilinoidea is found to be closely re-lated to Amphiboloidea, although this result is not well supported.Hubendick (1945) mentioned several features shared by Amphibolaand Chilina, especially in the nervous and genital systems.

The close relationship between Latia and Chilina (Klussmann-Kolb et al., 2008), confirmed here with new Chilina sequences,was suggested by early anatomists (e.g., Pelseneer, 1901). Huben-dick (1978) thought that chilinids were the most basal lineage ofHygrophila (because of their long visceral loop) and closely relatedto Latiidae and Acroloxidae.

That former ancylids (here Laevepex and Ancylus) are nestedwithin Planorbidae was suggested long ago by Pelseneer (1897)and has been documented by extensive molecular data (Morganet al., 2002; Jørgensen et al., 2004; Walther et al., 2006; Albrechtet al., 2007). The monophyly of Physidae (e.g., Wethington andLydeard, 2007), Lymnaeidae (e.g., Remigio and Blair, 1997; Pusled-nik et al., 2009), Acroloxidae (e.g., Walther et al., 2006) is recoveredhere with the highest support. However, new markers are neededto determine the deep relationships among the major clades offreshwater pulmonates.

4.6. Pulmonate higher relationships

Recent studies have suggested that Siphonaria might be sepa-rated from other pulmonates, and, in the case of studies based onmitochondrial genomes, might even belong to opistobranchs(Fig. 1). Such hypotheses are not contradicted by morphologicaldata. Indeed, the gills of Siphonaria and cephalaspideans (specially

shelled sacoglossans) are anatomically similar (Dayrat and Tillier,2002, 2003). Although they have been interpreted as resultingfrom convergent evolution, they may share the same ancestry.Also, the ‘‘pneumostome’’ of Siphonaria is not contractile (it is con-tractile in all pulmonates), and the nesting of Siphonaria withinopisthobranchs suggests that its ‘‘pneumostome’’ may have beenacquired independently. Should subsequent studies confirm thatSiphonaria is more closely related to opisthobranchs than to pulm-onates, many aspects of its biology and ecology will have to bere-evaluated. Given the position of Siphonaria, one could restrictPulmonata not to exclude Siphonaria. Alternatively, Sacoglossa (andpossibly Acochlidiacea, see Jörger et al., 2010) could be includedin an broadened Pulmonata clade, together with Siphonaria.

Present data reject the Geophila hypothesis (Stylommatophoraand Systellommatophora being closely related), supported by theposition of the eyes at the tip of cephalic tentacles. Instead, itseems that eyes have evolved from a basal to an apical positiontwice independently (Fig. 1F). Present data also reject the Eupul-monata hypothesis (sensu Morton, 1955, i.e., including Geophilaand Ellobiidae) because Stylommatophora and Systellommatopho-ra are in two distinct clades. Although pyramidellids seem to be-long to pulmonates, their exact relationships are unclear (Figs. 1and 2). Present data also confirm that amphiboloids are not partic-ularly ‘basal’ with respect to other pulmonates, although their ex-act relationships are still unclear: the close relationship betweenPyramidellidae and Amphiboloidea is not confirmed here (Figs. 1and 2). Finally, the pulmonate affinity of the freshwater snailGlacidorbis, originally suggested by Ponder (1986), is confirmedhere. However, its exact position remains unclear (Figs. 1 and 2).

4.7. On the lack of markers for molluscan phylogenetics

The present study is based on a much broader taxon sampling(79 pulmonate species) than all previous studies (Fig. 1). In partic-ular, recent studies did not include any terrestrial veronicellidslugs, and very few onchidiids and ellobiids. Naturally, this in-crease in taxon sampling deeply affects phylogenetic relationships(e.g., Heath et al., 2008), which probably accounts for many of thedifferences between our tree topology and the topologies proposedrecently (Fig. 1). Our study also differs with respect to the markersused, which might also participate in generating differenttopologies.

However, the major differences observed in high-level pulmo-nate phylogenies reveal a deeper issue, namely the lack of a largenumber of readily-available markers. In comparison to other taxasuch as arthropods, plants, and vertebrates, molluscan phylogenet-ics is based on few markers. For instance, even complete mitochon-drial genomes (�14.5 kb), which in mollusks require months ofwork, look like a small data set compared to the 62 genes and�41 kb of sequence data used in arthropod phylogenetics (Regieret al., 2008).

Thus, the differences we observe in euthyneuran phylogeniesare likely due to the fact that we do not have enough markers toresolve relationships with reliable accuracy and robustness. Add-ing in the future a few more markers (such as partial 28S, 12S,H3, which would only add up to about 1.5 kb) for our large dataset might definitely be informative, but, unfortunately, might notradically change the current situation. Several laboratories have at-tempted to explore new, nuclear protein-encoding genes, but thefact that the molluscan phylogenetic literature has mainly beenbased on COI, 12S, 16S, 18S, 28S, and H3, speaks for itself: gettingmore markers to work is challenging. Although we all do our bestto gather more representative taxon samplings and increase thelength of sequence data, it may take years before we can reach areliable consensus on deep relationships of pulmonates.

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4.8. Pulmonate macro-evolution: uncertainties in the earliest fossilrecord

Obviously, uncertainties about pulmonate high-level phyloge-netic relationships constitute a major obstacle to understandingthe macro-evolutionary history of pulmonates, and especially thepattern of transitions among marine, terrestrial and freshwaterhabitats. However, another major obstacle is that the identificationof most of the earliest fossils—from Upper Carboniferous (300 Ma)to Early Cretaceous (140 Ma)—is highly controversial, whichgreatly jeopardizes the estimation of first appearances.

The most controversial pulmonate fossils are undoubtedly theterrestrial shells from the Paleozoic (Fig. 3). Solem and Yochelson(1979) recognized ten valid species of terrestrial Paleozoic (UpperCarboniferous) gastropods for northern America, and four addi-tional species from the Paleozoic of the Old World. Authors agreedthat those gastropods were terrestrial but classified them in verydifferent taxa (Fig. 3): Stylommatophora, Ellobiidae, and even out-side euthyneurans (as Helicinidae, Neritacea, or Cyclophoridae).

Solem and Yochelson (1979) argued that all those terrestrialgastropods (except for Dowsonella which they placed in Helicini-dae) are stylommatophoran pulmonates because they could notbe operculate. They considered that the ridges on the interior ofthe columella of Dendropupa were incompatible with an opercu-lum. They also considered that the two apertural barriers inAnthracopupa could not coexist with an operculum. Both argu-ments are problematic, however: the presence of apertural teethdoes not exclude prosobranch affinities because some terrestrialprosobranchs (e.g., Proserpina) have aperturial teeth and no oper-culum; and the presence of teeth is not a synapomorphy of Stylom-matophora. Solem and Yochelson (1979) rejected thatAnthracopupa nor Dendropupa could be ellobiids because theyshow no resorption of the columella, although some extant ellobi-ids (e.g., Pedipes) have a full columella.

Regardless of whether they are identified as stylommatopho-rans or ellobiids, those earliest terrestrial Paleozoic fossils revealvery long gaps in fossil records (Fig. 3): The next oldest stylom-matophorans are from the Upper Cretaceous (85 Ma), althoughBandel (1991) described one stylommatophoran species from theupper Jurassic (160 Ma); the first unquestionable pulmonates ap-pear in the upper Jurassic (85 Ma). Even as prosobranchs, thosePaleozoic terrestrial shells remain controversial: the next oldest

Fig. 3. Fossil record of major taxa of Pulmonata, distinguishing well-supported (blackmarine [M], brackish [B], freshwater [F] and terrestrial [T] habitats. Taxa with no knownBased on data from: Bradley, 1870; Pilsbry, 1926; White, 1895; Henderson, 1935; MacN1946a,b; Zilch, 1959; Knight et al., 1960; LaRoque, 1960; Baker, 1963; Solem and Yochels2002. For more detailed references, see Section 4.

helicinids and cyclophorids are only known from the Cretaceous(Tracey et al., 1993).

The identification of those Paleozoic terrestrial fossils has re-mained controversial because no reliable shell-based synapomor-phies are available for higher clades. It cannot be excluded thatsome of those early fossils could simply not be pulmonates, butrather belong to prosobranch taxa, such as Neritopsina, knownfrom terrestrial shells from the late Carboniferous (Kano et al.,2002). They could belong to extinct taxa (a hypothesis that has sur-prisingly never been considered). In any case, it seems that a newinvestigation of those earliest fossils is needed to determinewhether they could be regarded as pulmonates (and, if so, whichones) or not, as the results have major implications on the pulmo-nate fossil record and, thus, on the origin of pulmonate higherclades.

There is no known fossil record for Otina. However, Yen (1952)described a freshwater species of Limnopsis, which he classified inOtinidae. This identification is problematic because the shell ofLimnopsis is very different from Otina, which also is clearly a mar-ine, coastal group, not freshwater.

As for the false limpets (Fig. 3), earliest records for Trimusculusare from the Oligocene or possibly the Paleocene, for Williamiafrom the Eocene, and for Siphonaria from the Upper Cretaceous(Zilch, 1959). Older occurrences of Siphonariidae (e.g., Berleriaand Rhytidopilus from Upper Jurassic) are problematic: Zilch(1959) and Tracey et al. (1993) accepted them, but Sepkoski(2002) rejected them. The two monotypic genera of Acroreiidae(Fig. 3) might constitute two related or independent extinct lin-eages of patelliform pulmonates.

The fossil record of the amphiboloids is quite young, whichseems to contradict the traditional idea of their being the mostprimitive pulmonates (e.g., Hubendick, 1978). Salinator has noknown fossil record, and Amphibola has been first recorded fromthe Pliocene, late Tertiary (5 Ma). However, their recent appear-ance may be due to the fact that they live —at least the currentAmphibola in New Zealand— in mudflats, where preservation isdifficult.

Ellobiids were undoubtedly present in the Tertiary, and all seemto be marine species (Fig. 3). Older occurences are also known fromthe Upper Cretaceous: Rhytophorus, Melampoides, and Melampus,all regarded as non-marine shells by Henderson (1935). Recordsof ellobiids from the Purbeck beds (Upper Jurassic) of Europe are

continuous lines) and questionable (dotted lines) identifications. Letters indicatefossil record, such as true slugs (onchidiids, veronicellids, Smeagol) are not shown.eil, 1939; Arkell, 1941; Yen, 1946a,b, 1947, 1949, 1951a,b, 1952; Yen and Reeside,on, 1979; Gray, 1988; Bandel, 1991, 1994, 1996, 1997; Tracey et al., 1993; Sepkoski,

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more problematic because the Purbeck beds were interpreted as abrackish (Arkell, 1941) or freshwater (Yen, 1952) habitat. None ofthose shells bear aperturial barriers, but their inner lip looks quitesimilar to that of some ellobiids. Carychiinae is represented by onlytwo extant genera of terrestrial ellobiids: Zospeum, from Europe,with no known fossil record, and Carychium, which is holarctic.Some shells from the Purbeck beds, Upper Jurassic, have also beenidentified as Carychium (Fig. 3). The oldest records of ellobiids seemto be freshwater (Jurassic) or even terrestrial (Upper Carbonifer-ous) instead of marine, even though there are no extant freshwaterellobiids (Fig. 3). Freshwater ellobiids are potentially known exclu-sively from the Late Jurassic to the Upper Cretaceous. All records ofellobiids between the Tertiary and present are from marine habi-tats. If all those identifications were to be correct, the evolutionaryhistory of Ellobiidae could be quite complex (see Section 4.9).

Although chilinids have been traditionally regarded as ‘‘primi-tive’’ pulmonates, their fossil record is relatively young (Fig. 3).No fossil record is known for the Latiidae. The records of Physa pri-sca considered to be from the Upper Carboniferous are actuallyfrom the Lower Cretaceous (MacNeil, 1939). However, lymnaeoidsseem to be the only pulmonates that were undoubtedly presentfrom the late Jurassic (Fig. 3).

4.9. Macro-evolutionary transitions between aquatic and terrestrialhabitats

Addressing macro-evolutionary transitions between aquaticand terrestrial habitats requires a full range of data (Vermeij andDudley, 2000): a phylogenetic pattern of relationships; the studyof physiological and morphological constraints and adaptationsto new habitats; the biological context in which transitions oc-curred (e.g., temporal and geographical dimensions, and competi-tions between invaders and incumbents).

Recent species of Pulmonata are represented in marine, fresh-water and terrestrial habitats (Figs. 1 and 3), unlike their closestrelatives, the opisthobranchs, which almost exclusively includemarine species. Terrestrial pulmonates are found in five lineages:Stylommatophora, by far the most successful terrestrial radiationof gastropods (�30,000 species), Veronicellidae (�200 species),Carychiinae (�40 species), and, Pythia (Ellobiidae) and Semperoncis(Onchidiidae) which both include a few terrestrial species (Martins,1995; Dayrat, 2010). Carychiinae, Veronicellidae, and Stylommato-phora are fully terrestrial and live their entire life cycle on land.Freshwater pulmonates are represented by three clades: Lymnae-oidea (�1000 species), Chilinoidea (�25 species), and Glacidorbi-dae (�15 species). Lymnaeoidea and Chilinoidea, however, maybe sister-taxa (as Hygrophila). All the other pulmonates live alongthe coastline, including rocky intertidal, salt marsh, and mangrovehabitats.

Plate (1894) first proposed a tempting scenario of evolutionfrom ‘‘primitive’’ marine pulmonates to ‘‘evolved’’ freshwater andterrestrial pulmonates involving several direct transitions fromthe sea to the land and fresh water. Alternative hypotheses exist(e.g., Solem and Yochelson, 1979; Solem, 1985): freshwater pulm-onates secondarily evolved from terrestrial lineages; the firstpulmonates were terrestrial and then gave rise to freshwater andmarine lineages.

Uncertain higher-level relationships of pulmonates constitute amajor obstacle to understanding their macro-evolutionary transi-tions between habitats (Figs. 1 and 3). However, generally speak-ing, all topologies are compatible with the idea of severalindependent transitions from the sea to the land and fresh water,although the number and order of those transitions is unclear.The idea that pulmonates originated on land and that some lin-eages became marine secondarily is difficult to conceive becauseof developmental constraints. Indeed, data suggest that living spe-

cies with fully direct development cannot transition ‘‘back’’ to adevelopmental mode with a free veliger stage (e.g., Collin, 2004).That stylommatophorans were possibly the first pulmonates toemerge during the Upper Carboniferous (300 Ma) seems to be sup-ported by phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial genomes,which place stylommatophorans at the base of the tree (Fig. 1A). Ifpulmonates first appear in the Late Jurassic (Fig. 3), then the earli-est group of pulmonates would be the lymnaeoids, which is alsocongruent with phylogenies based on mitochondrial genomes(Fig. 1A).

The fact that glacidorbids are pulmonates increases the numberof transitions to fresh water to two (Hygrophila and Glacidorbidae)or three (Lymnaeoidae, Chilinoidea, and Glacidorbidae). Given thatfreshwater snails are characterized by direct development lackinga veliger stage and that they all breathe air through a lung, it isconceivable that they (or at least some) evolved from terrestriallineages, especially considering that close relationships betweenlymnaeoids and stylommatophorans are suggested by some data(Fig. 1).

Uncertainties in the fossil record bring additional complexity.All fossils older than the Late Jurassic (�150 Ma) are highly contro-versial in terms of their identification and with respect to theirhabitat. Many alternatives arise when one considers all possibleidentifications and habitats for earliest fossil pulmonates (Fig. 3;and see above Section 4.8).

Another reason why macro-evolutionary transitions betweenhabitats are poorly understood is that it is unclear how difficultit was for individuals of extinct species to survive in a new habitat.In that regard, the natural history of living species is highly instruc-tive because it might inform us of the pressures that may have ex-isted on extinct species. The onchidiid Semperoncis montana andthe ellobiid Pythia colmani are particularly interesting: both speciescan live at high elevation (as long as they stay in the rain forest): upto 1850 m for S. montana (Dayrat, 2010), and up to 850 m elevationfor P. colmani (specimens from New Britain currently studied bythe first author). Although those cases are exceptional, they showthat it is possible for species that belong to marine groups to sur-vive on land. It is possible that both Pythia colmani and Semperoncismontana reproduce independently from the sea, by simply brood-ing their eggs, as it seems difficult to conceive that populationscould migrate up and down between sea level and such high alti-tudes. However, their reproduction and development are unfortu-nately unknown. Interestingly, none of the truly terrestrialpulmonates (Stylommatophora, Veronicellidae, Carychiinae) isknown to be able to survive in the sea (or freshwater for that mat-ter), also suggesting that it might be easier for gastropods (at leastextant ones) able to breathe air to invade land from the sea, thanfor gastropods whose development is terrestrial, i.e., independentfrom the sea, to invade the sea from the land. Under this scenario,ability to breathe air was acquired first, and development later be-came independent from the sea in at least three lineages (Stylom-matophora, Veronicellidae, and Carychiinae).

All marine pulmonates (with the exception of Williamia) die ifthey are submerged for too long, although their embryologicaldevelopment takes place in the sea. Marine pulmonates are inter-tidal more so than truly marine organisms. The intertidal zone ischaracterized by wide ranges of variations in physical factors andrequires organisms to be adapted to changing conditions. Natu-rally, it seems easier to invade the land for intertidal animalsadapted to breathe air than for fully-marine organisms. Maybe,the fact that some lineages of pulmonates have invaded the landand fresh water partly comes from the fact ‘‘marine’’ pulmonatesare air-breathing, intertidal animals, unlike the opisthobranchswhich all must remain submerged.

In that sense, brackish habitats from the Upper Jurassic (Fig. 3)could represent well the kind of habitats where pulmonates lived

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and evolved (i.e., habitats that were not typically marine or fresh-water), and from which transitions towards a more specialized ter-restrial or freshwater habitat were more easily conceivable.


All laboratory work for the present study was performed usingfunds from a US National Science Foundation Grant (DEB-0933276,to B. Dayrat). We are very grateful to our colleagues who collectedsome material and all collection managers and curators who let usborrow some material. Two anonymous reviewers and AssociateEditor Neil Blackstone provided constructive comments thathelped improve the manuscript.


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(PDF) Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of pulmonate gastropods (Mollusca): New insights from increased taxon sampling - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


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