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Cognitive Mechanisms of Treatment in Depression

Jonathan P Roiser*,1, Rebecca Elliott2 and Barbara J Sahakian3

1UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, London, UK; 2Neuroscience and Psychiatry Unit and Academic Health Sciences

Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; 3University of Cambridge Department of Psychiatry and MRC/Wellcome

Trust Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK

Cognitive abnormalities are a core feature of depression, and biases toward negatively toned emotional information are

common, but are they a cause or a consequence of depressive symptoms? Here, we propose a ‘cognitive

neuropsychological’ model of depression, suggesting that negative information processing biases have a central causal

role in the development of symptoms of depression, and that treatments exert their beneficial effects by abolishing these

biases. We review the evidence pertaining to this model: briefly with respect to currently depressed patients, and in more

detail with respect to individuals at risk for depression and the effects of antidepressant treatments. As well as being present

in currently depressed individuals, negative biases are detectable in those vulnerable for depression due to neuroticism,

genetic risk, or previous depressive illness. Recent evidence provides strong support for the notion that both antidepressant

drugs and psychological therapies modify negative biases, providing a common mechanism for understanding treatments for

depression. Intriguingly, it may even be possible to predict which patients will benefit most from which treatments on the basis

of neural responses to negative stimuli. However, further research is required to ascertain whether negative processing biases

will be useful in predicting, detecting, and treating depression, and hence in preventing a chronic, relapsing course of illness.

Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews (2012) 37, 117–136; doi:10.1038/npp.2011.183; published online 5 October 2011

Keywords: depression; cognition; neuroimaging; treatment; antidepressants; psychological therapy



Neuropsychiatric disorders place a heavy burden onsufferers, their carers, and society. For example, depressionis a common, debilitating, and life-threatening illness,projected to become the second leading cause of disabilityby 2020 by the World Health Organization. Therefore, thedevelopment of more efficacious treatment strategiesremains a priority. Traditionally, treatment strategies fordepression have been divided into ‘monoamine medication’approaches, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs) or selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors(SNRIs), and ‘psychological therapy’ approaches, such ascognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The former approach ismotivated by the monoamine hypothesis of depression(Asberg et al, 1976; Schildkraut, 1965), which holds that aneurochemical imbalance directly causes the core depres-sive symptoms of dysphoria (low mood) and anhedonia(loss of ability to experience interest or pleasure). The latter

approach conceptualizes depression as a state in which self-reinforcing dysfunctional negative schemataFfixed inter-nal models of the self, the world, and the future that areinstantiated by early adverse experiencesFcome to dom-inate every aspect of an individual’s information processing(Beck, 1967, 1976).

More recently, several reviews have converged on acognitive neuropsychological model of depression, whichattempts to reconcile these approaches (Clark et al, 2009;Harmer et al, 2009a; Robinson and Sahakian, 2008;Sahakian and Morein-Zamir, 2011). The central tenet ofthis model suggests a causal role for negative affectivebiases in the development, maintenance, and treatment ofdepression. Here, we extend this model, in particularemphasizing the potential importance of affective cognitivecontrol in promoting resilience to depression (Figure 1),and review the evidence pertaining to it. As recent reviewshave presented evidence supporting the presence of nega-tive affective biases in depressed patients in some detail(Clark et al, 2009; Harmer et al, 2009a; Robinson andSahakian, 2008; Sahakian and Morien-Zamir, 2011), we onlyprovide a brief overview of these findings. We consider ingreater depth the evidence that individuals at risk forReceived 2 June 2011; revised 4 August 2011; accepted 4 August 2011

*Correspondence: Dr JP Roiser, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience,University College London, 17 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3AR, UK,Tel: + 44 20 7679 1170, Fax: + 44 20 7813 2835, E-mail: [emailprotected]

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depression exhibit negative affective biases, and thatpharmacological treatments for depression affect suchbiases directly, predictions made explicitly by the cognitiveneuropsychological model. At the end of this paper, we alsoconsider the clinical implications of this model, specificallywhether differential response to pharmacological vs psy-chological therapy on an individual level might be predictedby negative affective processing before treatment (Figure 2).

Treatments for Depression

Both the psychological and the monoamine models haveyielded efficacious treatment strategies for depression, assupported by numerous systematic reviews (Fournier et al,2010; Hollon et al, 2006), although it has been questionedwhether the effects of some pharmacological treatmentsdiffer reliably from those of placebo, at least in mild-to-moderate cases of depression (Fournier et al, 2010). Indeed,available evidence suggests that a combination of the twoapproaches may provide the best long-term outcome(National Institute for Clinical Excellence, 2009; Simonet al, 2006). However, neither treatment approach works inevery individual and a substantial minority of patientsrespond to neither, going on to experience chronicsymptoms (Simon et al, 2006). It is also not possible toreliably predict on the basis of symptomatic profile whetheran individual patient will respond better to one treat-ment approach or to the other. Unfortunately, in the past20 years, no improved treatment options based on eitherthese approaches (ie, medications targeting the monoaminesystems or psychological therapies that work substantiallybetter than those already available) have been developed fordepression. The best monoamine medications remainineffective in approximately 30–40% of patients in theshort term (Trivedi et al, 2006), and despite the relativelysuperior long-term efficacy of psychological therapies,B30% of patients will relapse within 12 months aftertreatment (Hollon et al, 2006).

Various approaches to psychological therapy exist,although it is beyond the scope of this review to examinethem all here. However, it should be noted that the differenttherapies discussed in this review are based on quitedifferent assumptions regarding the etiology of depressivesymptoms. CBT (or simply cognitive therapy: CT) isfocused on modifying negative cognitions (dysfunctionalschemata) that are held to be the primary cause ofdepression (Beck, 1976). BA (behavioral activation) therapy,by contrast, adopts a more radical behaviorist approach,ignoring internal cognitions. It works on the assumptionthat avoidance (driven by negative reinforcement) is thecentral cause of depression, and seeks to re-engage patientsin positively reinforcing activities (Dimidjian et al, 2011).Well-controlled trials have suggested equivalence betweenBA and CBT (Jacobson et al, 1996; Dimidjian et al, 2006).Cognitive bias modification (CBM) is a more experimentalpsychological treatment and most closely aligned with themodel outlined in this review; whether this approach is as

efficacious as more traditional psychological treatmentsremains to be established (Hallion and Ruscio, in press).CBM assumes that negative affective biases are the centralcause of depression, and attempts to train individuals toprocess positive information preferentially (MacLeod et al,2002; Matthews and MacLeod, 2002).

The most recent innovative treatment options fordepression have emerged from different models of theetiology of depressive illness. These are less well tested thanmonoamine medications and psychological therapies, andinclude fast-acting medications targeting the glutamatesystem, especially the NMDA receptor, directly (ketamine:Zarate et al, 2006) and indirectly through the cholinergicsystem (scopolamine: Furey and Drevets, 2006), repeatedtranscranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the dorsal partof the prefrontal cortex (Fregni et al, 2006), and deep brainstimulation (DBS), particularly in the subgenual anteriorcingulate cortex (ACC) region of the prefrontal cortex(Mayberg et al, 2005). In particular, the latter two methodshave arisen from an appreciation of cognitive neurosciencefindings in individuals with and without depression, ie, theneural circuits subserving mood and emotion processing inhealthy volunteers (Phillips et al, 2003a), which seem tooperate abnormally in depression (Mayberg et al, 1999;Phillips et al, 2003b).

The Cognitive Neuropsychological Model ofDepression

At first glance, the ability of such a wide-ranging spectrumof options to treat depression, ranging from psychologicaltherapies, through various pharmacological interventions, toinvasive and non-invasive brain stimulation, is puzzling.What do these therapeutic approaches have in common? Anincreasingly influential explanatory framework suggests thatdistorted information processing, specifically relating toreward and emotional processing biases (which in thisarticle we term ‘affective processing’), may represent animportant pathway through which these disparate treat-ments exert their beneficial effects (Clark et al, 2009; Harmeret al, 2009a; Robinson and Sahakian, 2008). Broadly, thiscognitive neuropsychological approach conceptualizes coredepressive symptoms, such as dysphoria and anhedonia, aslearned states engendered by dysfunctional negative sche-mata, instantiated over long periods by affective informationprocessing biases (Pringle et al, 2010).

In some ways, this notion is similar to longstandingpsychological models of depressive symptoms that firststimulated the development of psychological therapies suchas CBT (Beck, 1967, 1976). These earlier psychologicalmodels focused on the importance of early adverse lifeexperiences, which were proposed to lead to cognitivedistortions, errors such as overgeneralization and arbitraryinference, and ultimately negative schemata (Beck, 1976). Inthese models, the negative schemata ultimately cause biasedinformation processing, and CBT highlights the importanceof challenging internally generated negative automatic

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thoughts, helping to break down schemata. In contrast toearlier psychological models, the cognitive neuropsycholo-gical approach suggests that the negative schemata are notthe direct result of adverse early experiences, but instead areinstantiated by negative affective processing biases. Thesebiases are posited to be caused by alterations in monoaminetransmission, which might themselves be related to eitherenvironmental or genetic factors, or more likely a combina-tion of both (Figure 1). Although at first glance this distinc-tion may appear subtle, its implications are substantial.In particular, the cognitive neuropsychological approachemphasizes a fundamental role for negative affective biasesin the etiology and treatment of depression; moreover, itoffers a framework in which the traditional ‘psychological’and ‘neurochemical’ explanations of depression might bereconciled.

As reviewed briefly below and more extensively elsewhere(Clark et al, 2009; Gotlib and Joormann, 2010), negativeaffective biases have been reported to co-occur withdepressive symptoms across a range of cognitive domains.Over time, such consistently biased input may shift thedefault automatic processing of affective information morenegatively, creating stable dysfunctional self-reinforcingnegative schemata, which ultimately themselves come toinfluence affective processing. These schemata are stable andself-reinforcing because, in addition to the ‘bottom-up’negative biases that contributed to their formation (eg,perceptual biases), they may themselves instantiate ‘top-down’ negative biases that help to maintain the depressivestate (eg, attentional biases) (see Figure 1). A broader

neuropsychological framework, although still perhaps over-simplistic, could incorporate not only just affective perceptionbut also affective cognitive control (ie, the ability to regulatenegative emotional experience, to challenge the negativeautomatic thoughts arising from the negative schemata, andto disregard external negative stimuli: Gotlib and Joorman,2010), and also affective learning (ie, processes that create,maintain, or modify the negative schemata).

Contrary to traditional models of antidepressant drugaction (Schildkraut, 1965), this framework suggests thatpharmacological interventions do not affect mood directly.Instead, antidepressant drugs are proposed to alter thebrain’s processing of affective stimuli (Clark et al, 2009;Harmer et al, 2009a; Robinson and Sahakian, 2008),allowing the learned states of dysphoria and anhedonia toremit gradually as the ‘bottom-up’ biases contributing tothem are attenuated or abolished. Importantly, this modelpredicts that antidepressant drugs should positively biasemotional information in those without a history ofaffective disorders and in currently depressed individuals(Harmer et al, 2009a). This idea echoes a prominent andcomplementary model of psychosis, the ‘aberrant salience’hypothesis, in which antipsychotic drugs are proposed toexert their beneficial effects by dampening down the brain’sprocessing of stimuli that are inappropriately assignedimportance or relevance, allowing delusions to remitgradually (Kapur, 2003). Such a gradual change is consistentwith findings that, although monoamine medications typicallyexert their effects at the synapse within hours, recovery fromdepression typically takes at least several weeks.

Figure 1. The extended cognitive neuropsychological model of depression. Red boxes indicate factors contributing to the development andmaintenance of depressive symptoms. Green boxes indicate factors contributing to the treatment of and recovery from depression. 5-HTTLPR:serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region.

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In the cognitive neuropsychological model, the effects ofpsychological therapies such as CBT are quite different tothose of antidepressant medications. Instead of acting oninformation processing biases directly, CBT is proposed tocontribute to the gradual breakdown of the dysfunctionalschemata that maintain the learned states of dysphoria andanhedonia in a ‘top-down’ manner, by training affectivecognitive control (in other words, teaching patients todisengage from negative external stimuli and internalrepresentations) and stimulating re-learning. As theseschemata may themselves also contribute to affectiveinformation processing biases, psychological therapiesmay resolve high-level (eg, attentional) negative biases,although their effect on low-level (eg, perceptual) negativebiases would be predicted to be relatively minor.

Finally, and more speculatively, in this framework, noveltreatment approaches for depression could be conceptua-lized as making the negative schemata more plastic andtemporarily amenable to change (drugs altering NMDAreceptor function directly such as ketamine or indirectlysuch as scopolamine), increasing affective cognitive control(rTMS in the dorsal prefrontal cortex), or directlymodulating neural circuits participating in affective percep-tion and regulation (DBS in the subgenual ACC).

Predictions of the Cognitive NeuropsychologicalModel

This model of the etiology and treatment of depressivesymptoms, inspired by cognitive neuroscience and focusingon distorted affective processing, has a number of attractivefeatures. It is consistent with some of the core diagnosticcriteria for depression that are most obviously cognitive innature, such as anhedonia and difficulty in decision making.It provides a single framework for the mechanisms of adisparate spectrum of efficacious interventions, and helps toexplain the different timescales over which they work. It helpsto understand why some comorbidities among psychiatricdisorders are so common: eg, the co-occurrence of depressivesymptoms with psychotic symptoms that occurs in bothschizoaffective disorder and affective psychosis; both of thesecould potentially be explained in terms of compromisedaffective cognitive control. The framework is also consistentwith findings of pleiotropy, one genetic variant conferring riskfor a number of different disorders, a pattern increasinglyemerging from genome-wide association studies (Huang et al,2010; Purcell et al, 2009). Finally, although broad in scope, thisframework makes some clear testable predictions, which formthe focus for the rest of this review:

(1) Dysfunctional affective cognitive processes should bedetectable reliably in currently depressed patients, invarious different cognitive domains (such as perception,attention, learning and memory, and cognitive control);

(2) As dysfunctional affective cognitive processes areproposed to drive the development of the negativeschemata that cause core depressive symptoms, they

should be detectable in individuals at risk for depres-sion before the onset of frank illness, although they maynot completely disappear after remission;

(3) Treatments for depression should modify affectiveperception, affective cognitive control, or affectivelearning, although different modalities of treatmentsmay operate on different processes: eg, antidepressantdrugs may positively bias affective perception, whereaspsychological therapies may alter negative affectivecognitive control. Antidepressant drugs should posi-tively bias affective information processing in bothhealthy volunteers and in depressed individuals;

(4) Changes in negative affective biases in those who areultimately going to benefit from treatment should bedetectable early in the course of treatment. However, asthe cognitive processes altered by psychological thera-pies and antidepressant drug treatments may bedifferent, cognitive predictors of response to these twotreatment modalities may also be different;

(5) Early intervention in at-risk individuals (eg, cognitivetraining, medication) should prevent the incidence ofillness by inhibiting the development of dysfunctionalschemata.

Below we review the evidence pertaining to thesepredictions.


Emotional Perception

Emotional disturbance is at the core of depressivesymptomatology, and cognitive disturbances interact withthe affective tone of stimulus material. Affective processingbiases are apparent behaviorally in several domains ofcognitive processing, including perception, attention, mem-ory, and reward/feedback processing. Deficits in theperception or identification of facial emotions have beenreported consistently in depression (Persad and Polivy,1993; Rubinow and Post, 1992), although the exact nature ofthe abnormality varies. Some have argued for a generaldecrease in sensitivity to emotional faces (Leppanen, 2006;Mikhailova et al, 1996; Rubinow and Post, 1992) whereasothers have argued for an overall negative bias comparedwith controls (Gur et al, 1992; Surguladze et al, 2004). Forexample, Gilboa-Schechtman et al (2002) reported bothgreater sensitivity to sad faces and greater response biastoward labeling faces as sad. Conversely, other studies havesuggested that depressed patients show reduced sensitivitytoward happy faces (Joormann and Gotlib, 2006; Murphyet al, 2009; Yoon et al, 2009).

Some of these discrepancies may reflect differences in theprecise requirements of different emotion perception tasks.Similar discrepancies exist in the neuroimaging literature,which broadly focuses on aberrant amygdala responses tofacial emotion or emotionally valent pictures (eg, from the

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International Affective Picture System: IAPS) in depression.Some fMRI studies have reported enhanced amygdalaresponse to negative faces (Fu et al, 2004, 2008; Shelineet al, 2001; Surguladze et al, 2005) even in the absence ofawareness (Suslow et al, 2010; Victor et al, 2010), but thispattern has not always been replicated (Dannlowski et al,2008; Gotlib et al, 2005; Keedwell et al, 2005; Lawrence et al,2004). Biased responses in other brain regions have also beenreported, but again these vary between studies. Crucial factorsunderpinning these discrepancies include task characteristics(eg, overt vs incidental vs covert processing of emotion) andpatient characteristics (notably medication status). Overall,the balance of evidence suggests a relative bias away frompositive and toward negative emotional perception indepression, mediated by abnormal responses within theextended limbic system, in particular the amygdala.

Emotional Attention

Negative biases have also been observed on attentional tasks(see Gotlib et al, 2004a, b; Gotlib and Joormann (2010) for areview). In emotional Stroop tasks, depressed patients tend totake longer to name the color of negative emotional words(Broomfield et al, 2007; Gotlib and Cane, 1987; Gotlib andMcCann, 1984; Segal et al, 1995; see Williams et al (1996) fora review), whereas in an affective go/no-go task, depressedpatients, including first episode-depressed adolescents, wereslower to respond to happy targets (Erickson et al, 2005;Kaplan et al, 2006; Kyte et al, 2005; Murphy et al, 1999). Somestudies have suggested that depressed patients fail to displaya bias toward positive emotional material, whereas such abias is detectable reliably in healthy volunteers (McCabe andGotlib, 1995). Visual search (Rinck and Becker, 2005) anddot-probe tasks with either words (Mathews et al, 1996) orfaces (Gotlib et al, 2004b; Joormann and Gotlib, 2007) havealso revealed negative attentional biases in depressedpatients. However, an important caveat to these findings isthat negative biases have typically not been detected whenstimulus presentations are very brief (Mogg et al, 1993, 1995).Hence, some investigators suggest that the negative atten-tional biases identified at longer stimulus durations aredriven by a difficulty in disengaging from negative stimuli,as opposed to a tendency to allocate greater attentionalresources to them initially (Gotlib and Joormann, 2010).Consistent with the notion of impaired attentional disen-gagement from negative stimuli, neuroimaging studiesprimarily emphasize a role for the prefrontal cortex,especially perigenual ACC, including Brodmann areas 24,25, and 32, in mediating negative attentional biases indepression. Mitterschiffthaler et al (2003) reported enhancedperigenual ACC response to negative words in an emotionalStroop task, and similar findings have been reported for theaffective go/no-go (Elliott et al, 2002). Several fMRI studiesalso suggest that in attentional contexts, enhanced lateralinferior frontal cortex response is associated with theimpaired ability to divert attention from task-irrelevant

negatively toned information (Dichter et al, 2009a; Elliottet al, 2002; Wang et al, 2008).

Emotional Memory

Depression is also associated with negative biases inmemory tasks (Gur et al, 1992; Matt et al, 1992; Mogget al, 1995). Again, this bias can be manifest either as a biastoward negative material or as a bias away from positivematerial. Thus, some studies find that depressed patientstend to preferentially remember negative stimuli (Bradleyet al, 1995, 1996; Direnfeld and Roberts, 2006; Dunbar andLishman, 1984; Rinck and Becker, 2005) whereas others findthat patients do not show the normal bias towardremembering positive material exhibited by non-depressedindividuals (Ellwart et al, 2003; Gilboa-Schechtman et al,2002; Gotlib et al, in press; Harmer et al, 2009b). Again,specific task characteristics may be an important contrib-utory factor in these different results. For example, Barryet al (2006) suggested that higher-level conceptual memorytasks are more likely to elicit biases than purely perceptualtasks. Neuroimaging studies suggest that these biases aremediated by limbic regions, including the amygdala;depressed patients showed greater right amygdala responseand enhanced amygdala-hippocampal connectivity to sub-sequently remembered negative pictures (Hamilton andGotlib, 2008).

Reward and Punishment Processing

Another area in which affective biases contribute tocognitive function in depression is in response to perfor-mance feedback, reward, and punishment (see Eshel andRoiser (2010) for a review). It has been proposed thatdepressed patients may show exaggerated responses tonegative performance feedback (Elliott et al, 1997; Murphyet al, 2003). Neuroimaging studies suggest this effect may bemediated by relatively enhanced amygdala response (TaylorTavares et al, 2008) and attenuated dorsal ACC response(Steele et al, 2007) to feedback. However, somewhatparadoxically, a recent study found that depressed indivi-duals reported less intense feelings of regret than didhealthy volunteers after negative feedback, a tendency thatwas particularly pronounced in individuals with high levelsof anhedonia (Chase et al, 2010a). Studies have also assessedresponses to rewards and reward-related learning. Rewardprocessing in depression has not been widely studied usingneuropsychological tasks, although reduced reward respon-siveness has been observed behaviorally in some studies(Henriques and Davidson, 2000; Robinson et al, in press;Pizzagalli et al, 2008). In this latter study, reducedresponsiveness was related to the specific symptom ofanhedonia, a relationship also observed by Chase et al(2010b) in depressed patients.

The functional neuroimaging literature on reinforcementprocessing in depression is considerably more extensivewith reports of reduced response to reward in the amygdala

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and striatal regions (Pizzagalli et al, 2009; Wacker et al,2009), which may reflect attenuated reward prediction errorsignaling (Gradin et al, 2011), although this finding has notalways been replicated (Knutson et al, 2008). Forbes et al(2009) reported that the degree of striatal response toreward predicted real-life measures of positive affect indepressed patients. Reduced amygdala/striatal response andenhanced perigenual ACC response to rewards is theopposite pattern to that described for negative feedbackabove, suggesting a valence-specific imbalance in theresponse of these regions. However, it should be noted thatmany of the above studies used experimental paradigms inwhich the presence of negative feedback was confoundedwith the absence of positive feedback, making it difficult todraw firm conclusions from this literature. In those studiesthat did examine reward and punishment processingindependently, abnormal reward processing has beenreported more commonly (Knutson et al, 2008; Pizzagalliet al, 2009; Wacker et al, 2009).

The Influence of Cognitive Control

Negative affective processing biases may depend on bothenhanced ‘bottom-up’ responses to emotionally salientstimuli and poorer ‘top-down’ cognitive control mecha-nisms, required to suppress responses to emotionallyvalenced but task-irrelevant information (Clark et al,2009; Phillips et al, 2003b). Such cognitive control mecha-nisms include being able to attend selectively, ignoringdistracting information, being able to disengage attentionfrom stimuli quickly when they cease to be relevant, andbeing able to store and manipulate stimulus representationsonline when they have disappeared. Numerous studies havereported deficits on tests involving cognitive control indepressed patients (see Castaneda et al (2008) for a review;Channon et al, 1993; Elliott et al, 1996; Taylor Tavares et al,2007), and neuroimaging studies support these behavioralfindings (Desseilles et al, 2009; Siegle et al, 2007).

Do cognitive control deficits in depression contribute tonegative affective biases? Several studies have reported thatnegative emotional stimuli interfere with cognitive controlin behavioral tasks (Joormann et al, 2010a, b; Joormann andGotlib, 2008, 2010). Two studies have tested this hypothesisexplicitly using fMRI. Fales et al (2008) used an attentionalinterference task with emotional distracters. Amygdalaresponses to unattended negative stimuli were increasedin depressed patients relative to controls, but activelyignoring negative stimuli failed to engage prefrontalregions, consistent with a deficit in cognitive control.Dichter et al (2009b) used an emotional oddball task,finding that depressed patients exhibited greater PFCresponses when required to disengage from processingnegative stimuli. These studies suggest that abnormal PFCfunction may mediate poor cognitive control in depression,which contributes to negative affective biases. However,more work is required in this field, in particular to

determine whether low- and high-level negative affectivebiases are related to each other.

In summary, the emotional biasing of cognition indepression occurs at various levels of processing. Biasesboth toward negative information and away from positiveinformation may be important. At the neural level, enhancedresponses to negative information are observed in regions ofan extended limbic system (including the amygdala,hippocampus, and perigenual ACC). There is also reducedresponse of lateral prefrontal regions and dorsal ACC insituations in which responses to task-irrelevant emotionalinformation must be suppressed, potentially suggesting afailure of cognitive control mechanisms.


Although numerous studies have detected negative affectivebiases in currently depressed patients, there is less evidencefor such biases before development of depression, or indeedthat negative affective biases predict subsequent mooddisturbance. In particular, we are aware of only onepublished study that has attempted to predict the sub-sequent development of depression in high-risk individualson the basis of negative affective processing biases(decreased sensitivity to reward predicted future depressiveepisodes: Forbes et al, 2007). This may be due to thechallenging longitudinal experimental designs required, asnever-depressed at-risk individuals, who in all otherrespects would be considered healthy volunteers, cannotbe recruited and followed up through clinical services in thesame manner as depressed patients. Nonetheless, severalstudies examining negative affective biases in individuals atrisk for depression have been performed. These are ofcritical importance, as they speak to a question about whichthe cognitive neuropsychological model of depressionmakes a clear prediction: are negative affective biases indepressed patients a cause or a consequence of symptoms?

Neuroticism and Affective Biases

Together with stressful life events and genetic liability, oneof the most well-established risk factors for depression inindividuals who have never suffered from a depressiveepisode is neuroticism, a personality trait closely related toanxiety (Kendler et al, 1993, 2002). In addition, longitudinalstudies have demonstrated that neuroticism seems toincrease after recovery from a depressive episode relativeto before the episode (the ‘scar’ effect: Kendler et al, 1993).Neuroticism is reliably elevated in first-degree relatives ofdepressed patients (Hecht et al, 2005; Ouimette et al, 1996;Rothen et al, 2009). Consistent with the cognitive neurop-sychological model of depression, neuroticism is alsoinversely associated with central serotonin function (Floryet al, 2004).

There exist numerous demonstrations that highly neuro-tic never-depressed individuals exhibit negative affective

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processing biases. Negative biases have been reported in thecognitive domains of perception (Chan et al, 2007; Fruhholzet al, 2010), learning/memory (Bradley and Mogg, 1994;Martin et al, 1983; Rijsdijk et al, 2009; Ruiz-Caballeroand Bermudez, 1995), and reward/feedback processing(Forbes et al, 2007; Robinson et al, 2010), although notattention (Chan et al, 2007; Rijsdijk et al, 2009). This lackof negative attentional biases in individuals at high riskof developing depression speaks to a subtle but impor-tant difference between the cognitive neuropsychologicalmodel and traditional psychological models of depression.Traditional psychological models propose that all negativeaffective biases are driven by the negative schemata (Beck,1976). In the cognitive neuropsychological model, the causalprocess is the other way around: lower-level ‘bottom-up’negative affective biases (eg, perceptual) drive the develop-ment of the negative schemata, which themselves maysubsequently engender ‘top-down’ biases (eg, attentional).Hence, the presence of negative perceptual (ie, ‘bottom-up’)biases coincident with an absence of negative attentional(ie, ‘top-down’) biases in individuals at high risk for depres-sion is more consistent with the cognitive neuropsychologicalmodel than traditional psychological models of depression.

Brain imaging studies have reported that more neuroticindividuals display heightened responses to negativeemotional stimuli in limbic regions such as the amygdala(Canli et al, 2001; Chan et al, 2009; Haas et al, 2007, 2008;Hooker et al, 2008; Stein et al, 2007), along with impairedconnectivity between limbic regions and ventral aspects ofthe prefrontal cortex (eg, the subgenual ACC) (Cremerset al, 2010; Pezawas et al, 2005).

Affective Biases in Individuals at Genetic Riskfor Depression

Although fewer investigations of negative affective process-ing in first-degree relatives of patients with depression havebeen performed, convergent results with the literature onneuroticism have emerged. This pattern might not besurprising, as relatives of depressed patients also tend toscore higher on measures of neuroticism (Kendler et al,1993, 2002). A few studies have identified negative affectivebiases in first-degree relatives of depressed patients(Joormann et al, 2010a; Joormann et al, 2007; Le Masurieret al, 2007; Mannie et al, 2007). Again, these findings arecomplemented by neuroimaging investigations that identi-fied increased responsiveness to negative emotional stimuliin the amygdala (Monk et al, 2008; van der Veen et al, 2007;although see Mannie et al, 2011) and reduced ventral striatalresponsiveness to reward (Foti and Hajcak, 2011; Gotlib et al,2010). In addition, close relatives of depressed patients haveless efficient activation of parietal and temporal networksduring working memory performance (Mannie et al, 2010),consistent with impaired cognitive control representing avulnerability factor for developing depression.

A small number of studies have examined the effectsof genetic polymorphisms believed to confer risk for

depression on negative affective biases in never-depressedindividuals. The polymorphism most often examined isthe serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region(5-HTTLPR), which alters in vitro (Hu et al, 2006), althoughpossibly not in vivo (Murthy et al, 2010) expression of theserotonin transporter, the target of SSRIs. Carriers of the5-HTTLPR s allele, which is associated with increasedvulnerability to depression (Clarke et al, 2010), especially inthe context of stressful life events (Caspi et al, 2003; Gibbet al, 2009; although see Risch et al (2009)), have beenreported to exhibit negative affective biases (Beevers et al,2011; Fox et al, 2009; Hayden et al, 2008; Kwang et al, 2010;Perez-Edgar et al, 2010). However, findings are inconsistent,as other studies have reported no negative affective biases ins-allele carriers (Roiser et al, 2005, 2007) or only demon-strated biases under conditions of induced stress (Markusand De Raedt, 2011) or tryptophan depletion (Roiser et al,2006). Like highly neurotic individuals and relatives ofdepressed patients, carriers of the s allele also exhibithyperactivation of the amygdala (Hariri et al, 2002; seeMunafo et al (2008) for meta-analysis).

Affective Biases in Recovered Depression

Individuals who have previously suffered from a majordepressive episode but subsequently recovered are atconsiderably increased risk for developing further episodes(Kendler et al, 1993). As such, studying recovered depressedindividuals, particularly in the unmedicated state, mightprovide important insights into the cognitive mechanismsunderpinning depression (Bhagwagar and Cowen, 2008).The literature investigating negative affective biases inrecovered depressed patients is rather mixed (Leppanen,2006). For example, behavioral biases toward negativestimuli or away from positive stimuli persisting intoremission have been reported for emotion face perception(Anderson et al, in press; Bhagwagar et al, 2004; Fritzscheet al, 2010; LeMoult et al, 2009; Leppanen et al, 2004) andfor attentional processing in a dot-probe task (Joormannand Gotlib, 2007). However, some have reported qualita-tively distinct emotional face perception in recoveredpatients compared with currently depressed individuals(Anderson et al, in press). Other studies have reportedpersistent negative biases only if a transient negative moodis induced in remitted patients (Ramel et al, 2007;Timbremont and Braet, 2004). Negative mood induction isalso associated with altered neural responses in remitteddepressed patients during emotional faces processing(Gemar et al, 2007; Liotti et al, 2000) or words (Ramelet al, 2007). In the absence of mood induction, some brainimaging studies reported persistent abnormalities ofamygdala response to negative faces in recovered patients(Kaplan et al, 2006; Victor et al, 2010), although others havenot shown this effect (Thomas et al, 2011). This discrepancymight reflect differences in patient characteristics. Thomaset al (2011) reported that neural responses to negative facesin remitted patients were associated with trait rumination,

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such that those with lower levels of rumination (andtherefore potentially less likely to relapse) showed reducedresponses to sad faces compared with patients with higherlevels of rumination. The low ruminators also tended to beless responsive to sad faces than healthy volunteers,consistent with the observation that remitted patients whowere able to remain well off medication for an extendedperiod may demonstrate a positive bias in emotionalprocessing (Gotlib and Cane, 1987; Roiser et al, 2009).Finally, impaired cognitive control also seems to persist inremitted depressed patients (Paelecke-Habermann et al,2005; Preiss et al, 2009; Smith et al, 2006), suggesting that‘top-down’ processes might mediate biases in recovered aswell as in currently depressed patients.

In summary, studies have reported that individuals at riskfor depression, whether by virtue of high neuroticism,genetic risk or previously having suffered from a depressiveepisode, exhibit low-level negative affective biases that arequalitatively similar to those present in the depressed state.However, it is not yet clear whether high-level biases(eg, negative cognitive control) exist in high-risk indivi-duals before the onset of depression: the model outlinedin this paper predicts that they should not. Finally, theevidence pertaining to negative biases in individuals inremission from depression is more mixed, with somestudies reporting negative biases and others positive biases.These discrepant results may reflect differences in patientcharacteristics.


If negative affective biases are the source of the cognitiveschemata that stimulate and maintain depressive symptoms,then successful treatments should alter such biases, andchanges should be evident even before patients’ symptomsbegin to improve (Clark et al, 2009; Harmer et al, 2009a).In addition, the effects of treatments for depression onaffective biases may also be observable in healthy volunteers(Harmer, 2008). Experimental research is now beginning toaddress these questions.

Antidepressant Medication Effects on AffectiveProcessing in Healthy Volunteers

Perturbations of monoamine systems have long been knownto alter behavior on tests of affective processing in healthyvolunteers. For example, tryptophan depletion, which isbelieved to reduce central serotonin synthesis, impairsreward processing (Rogers et al, 2003) and abolishespositive attentional biases in healthy volunteers (Murphyet al, 2002). Conversely, administration of antidepressantdrugs targeting the serotonin (eg, citalopram) or noradrena-line (eg, venlafaxine) systems enhances positive biases inhealthy volunteers when administered subchronically (eg,for 7–14 days: Harmer et al, 2004). However, single-dosestudies have yielded less clear results, with some reporting

enhanced fear processing and others reporting morepositive biases after SSRI administration (Grillon et al,2007; Harmer et al, 2003a, b; see Pringle et al (2010) for areview). The explanation for this inconsistency is not yetclear, but may be related to early anxiogenic effectssometimes observed during treatment in depressed patients;possibly a specific subgroup of individuals is particularlyvulnerable to these effects (Harmer et al, in press).

The ability of monoamine medications to positively biasaffective processing is broadly supported by brain imagingfindings (Harmer et al, 2009a), although with one discre-pancy. Several pharmacological fMRI studies have reportedthat even single-dose antidepressant administration inhealthy volunteers reduces amygdala (Anderson et al,2007; Harmer et al, 2006; Murphy et al, 2009; Norburyet al, 2007) and prefrontal (Miskowiak et al, 2007; Norburyet al, 2008) responses to negative stimuli (including fear-ful faces), and increases responses to positive stimuli(Anderson et al, 2011; Norbury et al, 2009). This patternis in line with the prediction that these drugs positively biasaffective processing (Harmer et al, 2009a), although it raisesthe question of why some single-dose behavioral studiesreported greater sensitivity to negative stimuli (Pringle et al,2010). Possibly this pattern of results might reflect sampleselection, as individuals who are highly anxious may be lesslikely to participate in fMRI experiments (Harmer et al, inpress); however, this hypothesis has yet to be testedexplicitly. The few subchronic studies (ie, using dosingregimes of up to 2 weeks) that have been performed withfMRI yielded comparable results to single-dose studies(Arce et al, 2008; van Marle et al, 2011).

Few fMRI studies investigating the effects of monoaminemanipulations on reward processing have been performed.Interestingly, one found different effects of subchronicserotonin and noradrenaline manipulation on reward-related responses in the ventral striatum and orbitofrontalcortex (McCabe et al, 2010). Although 7 days of citalopramreduced responses to both appetitive and aversive stimuli(sweet and rotten flavors), 7 days of reboxetine onlyreduced responses to aversive stimuli. This pattern isconsistent with reports that SSRIs can cause emotionalblunting in some patients, whereas this side effect is lesscommon with SNRI treatment (Price et al, 2009). Support-ing this notion, another study reported reduced striatalreward prediction error signals in healthy volunteersadministered SSRIs (Kumar et al, 2008).

Antidepressant Medication Effects on AffectiveProcessing in Depressed Patients

According to the cognitive neuropsychological model ofdepression, the main beneficial effect of antidepressant drugaction is to eliminate or reverse negative affective biases indepressed patients. Therefore, a strong prediction of thismodel is that negative affective processing biases should bealtered in depressed patients with successful treatment(Clark et al, 2009; Harmer et al, 2009a). Moreover, such

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changes should be observable early in the course oftreatment in patients who will subsequently remit. However,remarkably few studies have addressed this question, and toour knowledge none have examined behavioral measures ofaffective biases before and after treatment in a longitudinaldesign. With respect to early effects of treatment, Tranteret al (2009) reported that reboxetine and citalopramincreased recognition not only of happy faces but alsodisgust and surprise, 2 weeks after treatment commence-ment; the authors note that these improvements mightsimply be due to practice. However, the degree ofimprovement in the recognition of happy faces did correlatewith subsequent response to treatment, consistent with thecognitive neuropsychological model. Using a single-dosedesign, Harmer et al (2009b) reported that reboxetineameliorated negative perception and memory biases inunmedicated depressed patients. The available brainimaging data are consistent with this behavioral effect:Keedwell et al (2010) found that deactivation to negativefaces in the subgenual ACC after 2 weeks of treatment waspredictive of poorer mood response at 8–16 weeks.

A greater number of studies have investigated the effectsof antidepressant medication on affective processing biasesin depression before and after treatment using fMRI. Thesestudies have reported remarkably reliable results sinceSheline et al (2001) first identified reduced amygdalaresponses to negative faces in depressed patients after SSRItreatment relative to before treatment, even when stimuliwere presented outside visual awareness (using a maskingprocedure). This initial finding, which was not observed inuntreated healthy volunteers scanned twice over the sametime period, has been replicated in studies using similardesigns (Anand et al, 2007; Fu et al, 2004), including in onestudy that featured a placebo arm in depressed patients(Victor et al, 2010). Effects on responses in brain regionsother than the amygdala have also been reported, eg, in thesubgenual cingulate (Keedwell et al, 2009). Fu et al (2007)also reported increased visual cortex responses to happyfaces after antidepressant treatment, which correlated withthe degree of mood improvement. Studies treating withSNRIs have reported similar effects for both negative andpositive stimuli, especially in the perigenual ACC, a regionwith extensive reciprocal connections with the amygdalaand other prefrontal regions (Davidson et al, 2003; Kalinet al, 1997; Schaefer et al, 2006).

Some studies have suggested that prefrontal-limbicconnectivity increases after antidepressant administration(Anand et al, 2005, 2007; Chen et al, 2008). Although theseresults would be consistent with increased top-down controlof emotional processing after treatment, it should be notedthat the methods used to assess functional connectivity inthese studies cannot determine the direction of connectiv-ity; additionally, most examined connectivity over the entirefMRI time series, precluding consideration of valence-specific changes. Only one study (Anand et al, 2005)examined whether antidepressant administration altersvalence-specific changes in connectivity. They found that

ACC–amygdala connectivity remained abnormally low indepressed patients during the processing of negative stimulieven after sertraline treatment, although connectivityduring the resting state increased (Anand et al, 2007).Inefficient recruitment of prefrontal and parietal regionsduring working memory performance also seems to persistafter successful SSRI treatment (Schoning et al, 2009; Walshet al, 2007), consistent with the notion that impairedcognitive control may be an enduring feature of depressiveillness, and is not remediated by antidepressants.

Predicting Response to AntidepressantTreatment using Affective Processing

The results discussed above raise the question of whether itmight be possible to predict response to antidepressantsbased on affective processing biases before commencementof treatment. Unfortunately, most of the studies discussedabove did not report the results of such an analysis.Nonetheless, a number of studies have implicated theperigenual ACC (including subgenual, pregenual, anddorsal ACC: Brodmann areas 24, 25, and 32) in responseto antidepressant treatment. Two groups, using drugstargeting different monoamine systems, reported thatperigenual ACC deactivation to negative stimuli at baselinewas predictive of subsequent poorer antidepressant treat-ment response (Chen et al, 2007; Davidson et al, 2003);reduced connectivity between the adjacent orbitofrontalcortex and caudate during emotional processing has alsobeen linked to poor venlafaxine response (Lisiecka et al,2011). Interestingly, a recent study reported that increasedperigenual ACC response while viewing sad film clips inmedicated remitted depressed patients was associated withrelapse 18 months later (Farb et al, 2011). Consistent with arole for perigenual ACC in recovery from depression,several PET studies reported that increased resting-stateglucose metabolism in this region at baseline was predictiveof poor outcome after antidepressant drug treatment(Kegeles et al, 2003; Konarski et al, 2009; Mayberg et al,1997).

To our knowledge, only two studies have used behavioralmeasures of affective processing to predict which patientswill respond to antidepressant drug treatment, althoughtheir results are difficult to interpret as some patients weretaking antidepressant medication at baseline (Rottenberget al, 2005; Johnson et al, 2007; see later discussion). Inkeeping with a possible role for cognitive control inrecovery from depression (Gotlib and Joormann, 2010),several studies reported that poor performance on tests ofcognitive control was associated with poor response toantidepressant drug treatment (Baldwin et al, 2004;Gudayol-Ferre et al, 2010; Kalayam and Alexopoulos,1999; Kampf-Sherf et al, 2004; Potter et al, 2004). Thisfinding is consistent with a report that lower dorsal ACCresponses during working memory performance (interpretedas indicating more efficient processing) predicted betterresponse to antidepressant treatment (Walsh et al, 2007).

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Effects of Psychological Therapies onAffective Processing

Although there has been less research on the effects ofpsychological therapies on affective processing in depres-sion, the results of those studies that have been conductedprovide an interesting complement to the psychopharma-cological data discussed above. Although no studies haveyet reported behavioral measures of affective biases beforeand after psychological treatment to our knowledge, somefMRI studies have been conducted. One advantage ofstudying individuals undergoing psychological therapy isthat the participants are usually unmedicated, avoidingpotential for the effects of medication on neurovascularcoupling to confound results (Schleim and Roiser, 2009).Only two studies have investigated the effects of psycholo-gical therapy on emotional processing in depression usingfMRI in a longitudinal design. Fu et al (2008) reported thatCBT attenuated amygdala responses and enhanced peri-genual ACC responses to negative faces, such that post-treatment patients and controls no longer differed in theseregions. Ritchey et al (2011) reported a strikingly similarpattern of results, using IAPS pictures instead of faces.

Two studies have investigated reward processing beforeand after psychological therapies. Dichter et al (2009a)found increased striatal responses during a gambling gameafter BA, a psychological therapy specifically targeted atdecreasing engagement with punishing stimuli and increas-ing engagement with rewarding ones. However, whether thisfinding might be related to the reward-processing aspects ofBA per se is unclear, as another study reported thatincreased striatal responsiveness during reward processingpredicted future improvement after CBT (Forbes et al,2010). However, although the changes observed in thestudies discussed above were not observed in healthyvolunteers over the same time period, none included acontrol condition in depressed patients, raising thepossibility that non-specific temporal effects might haveinfluenced the results in the depressed patient group.

Predicting Response to Psychological Therapyusing Affective Processing

Some of the studies discussed above also addressed thequestion of predicting response to psychological therapy. Inone study, the greater the response to negative stimuli in theleft ventrolateral and right dorsolateral PFC, the greater thesubsequent improvement in symptoms (Ritchey et al, 2011).Another study also showed this effect in the right dorsolateralPFC, but in the left dorsolateral and left ventrolateral PFCand dorsal perigenual ACC, the opposite relationship applied(ie, greater deactivation to negative stimuli predicted betterresponse: Fu et al, 2008). Using a multivariate pattern analysisapproach, the same authors found that responses to negativefaces in similar regions predicted subsequent recovery fromdepression (Costafreda et al, 2009).

Other investigators reported a similar relationshipbetween pre-treatment response to negative stimuli in the

perigenual ACC and subsequent benefit from psychologicaltherapies (Dichter et al, 2010; Siegle et al, 2006). Siegle et al(2006) reported that response to CBT was associated withgreater amygdala response and greater perigenual ACCdeactivation before treatment. Similarly, Dichter et al (2010)reported that greater dorsal perigenual ACC responsesduring an attentional task featuring negative distractorspredicted better subsequent response to BA (see Figure 2).Interestingly, a recent study found that lower pupil dilation tonegative stimuli was strongly predictive of response topsychological therapy, as were reduced prefrontal responses(Siegle et al, 2011). As with response to antidepressantmedications, a role for perigenual ACC in mediating responseto psychological therapies is supported by longitudinal PETstudies (Kennedy et al, 2007; Konarski et al, 2009).

Effects of Less Common Treatments onAffective Processing

Finally, some studies have begun to investigate the cognitiveeffects of more experimental antidepressant approaches.Mood response to sleep deprivation (a highly effectiveintervention that unfortunately lasts only until patients fallback to sleep) was consistently predicted by pre-treatmentresting-state hypermetabolism in the perigenual ACC mea-sured using PET (see Gillin et al (2001) for a review), and asimilar finding was reported in the amygdala (Clark et al,2006). So far as we are aware, behavioral and neural responsesto negative stimuli have so far not been investigated in suchstudies in depressed patients after sleep deprivation. How-ever, a recent study in healthy volunteers reported that sleepdeprivation increased positive ratings of pictures, andincreased response to positive stimuli in the amygdala,putamen, and dopaminergic midbrain (Gujar et al, 2011).Salvadore et al reported that greater perigenual ACCresponses to negative faces (2009) and ACC–amygdalaconnectivity during a working memory task (Salvadoreet al, 2010) both predicted greater improvement afterketamine administration. Although DBS in the subgenualACC was reported to improve cognitive performance on somemeasures in a case series (McNeely et al, 2008), and to reduceperigenual ACC metabolism (Mayberg et al, 2005), effects onmeasures of affective processing have not yet been reported.

Consistent with the notion that cognitive control mayhave a key role in recovery from depression, modafinil,which improves working memory in healthy volunteers(Turner et al, 2003), has been reported to boost theantidepressant effect of fluoxetine (Abolfazli et al, 2011;DeBattista et al, 2004; Fava et al, 2005; Rasmussen et al,2005). However, the cognitive mechanisms underpinningthis effect have yet to be clarified. Possibilities includeimproved cognitive control, as demonstrated in chronicschizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorderpatients after single-dose modafinil administration (Turneret al, 2004a, b) or even a direct effect on emotionalprocessing, as recently demonstrated in first-episodepsychosis patients (Scoriels et al, 2011).

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In summary, antidepressant drugs bias affective process-ing positively in patients with depression, and effects seemto be detectable early in the course of treatment. Similarresults have been reported in healthy volunteers, althoughthere have been some conflicting reports regarding theeffects of acute dosing. Psychological therapies have alsobeen reported to bias affective processing positively, butonly a handful of relevant reports exist and more research isrequired in this area. Finally, initial results tentativelysuggest that it might be possible to predict whether adepressed patient is more likely to respond to antidepres-sant drug treatment or to psychological therapy dependingon their perigenual ACC response to negative stimuli (seeDeRubeis et al (2008) and Figure 2).


The past decade has seen an explosion of research intocognitive abnormalities in depression, much of which hasfocused on understanding the negative affective biases that

are hypothesized to have a central causal role in thegeneration of dysphoria and anhedonia (Clark et al, 2009;Harmer et al, 2009a; Robinson and Sahakian, 2008;Sahakian and Morein-Zamir, 2011). However, many ques-tions remain unanswered, in particular relating to thepossible clinical benefits that understanding the role ofnegative affective biases in depression might bring.Although there are hints in the literature that understandingcognitive abnormalities in depression might be useful intailoring treatments on an individual patient basis, improv-ing existing psychological therapies, helping to identifyindividuals at high risk for depression, and possibly evenpreventing the incidence of depression through earlyintervention, these predictions remain almost entirelyuntested. In this final section, we discuss some preliminarydata pertaining to these questions, and make somerecommendations for future research.

Predicting Differential Response to Treatment

When a depressed patient first contacts his or her doctor, anumber of first-line treatment options are available, broadly

Figure 2. Hemodynamic responses to negative stimuli in the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) predict subsequent response to treatment indepression, but in different directions for pharmacological and psychological treatments. Individuals with greater perigenual ACC responses to negativestimuli have greater mood improvement after treatment with fluoxetine or venlafaxine, whereas the converse is true for responders to cognitive behavioraltherapy (CBT) and behavioral activation therapy (BA) (see also DeRubeis et al (2008)). Data redrawn from Chen et al (2007Fblue), Davidson et al

(2003Fred), Dichter et al (2010Fyellow), Fu et al (2008Fgreen) and Siegle et al (2006Fpurple). It must be noted that all studies other than one(Davidson et al, 2003) measured change from baseline in symptoms. Davidson et al (2003) included only symptoms after treatment, but reported thatthere was no correlation between baseline severity and perigenual ACC response to negative stimuli.

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falling into the monoamine medication or psychologicaltherapy approaches, or some combination of the two. Somepatients benefit greatly from medications, whereas psycho-logical therapies have little impact; in others, the converse istrue. Certain clinical characteristics such as severity, youngerage of onset and chronicity (Hamilton and Dobson, 2002), aswell as poor cognitive control (Gotlib and Joormann, 2010),are predictive of poor response to treatment generally.However, such variables have not generally been found topredict which treatment strategy is likely to be morebeneficial for a given patient (Frank et al, 2011). Althoughit has been proposed that stratification by genotype may aidin the tailoring of treatment strategy on an individual basis(Serretti et al, 2007), the available data suggest that thediscriminating power of individual genetic variants is likelyto be too low to be of use clinically (Ising et al, 2009; Uheret al, 2010).

On the basis of findings that changes in negative affectivebiases in depressed individuals may occur very early duringsuccessful treatment (Harmer et al, 2009b; Tranter et al,2009), it may be possible to use sub-chronic pharmacologicalchallenges to predict which individuals are more likely tobenefit from treatment with antidepressant medications. Thecognitive neuropsychological model would predict that thoseindividuals showing the greatest positive change in low-levelaffective processing after a short period of treatment (up to1 week) should ultimately experience the greatest benefit after6 weeks of treatment. Conversely, a lack of effect on affectiveprocessing after 1 week may indicate that other treatmentapproaches would likely be more successful. However, to ourknowledge, no studies have yet investigated this question.

Could affective cognition be used to predict differentialresponse to treatment with medication or psychologicaltherapy even before treatment? On the basis of the modeloutlined above, it would be predicted that depressedindividuals with more pronounced low-level (eg, perceptual)biases at baseline but with less pronounced high-level (eg,attentional) biases might respond best to antidepressantmedication; the opposite pattern would be predicted forthose who respond well to psychological therapies. Depressedindividuals with both low- and high-level negative affectivebiases might experience the greatest benefit from acombination of medication and psychological therapy.

No study has yet addressed these predictions directly, buttwo reported that negative memory biases at baseline wereassociated with outcome after treatment with a mixture ofantidepressant drug treatments and psychological therapy(Johnson et al, 2007; Rottenberg et al, 2005). However, thedirection of the effect was inconsistent between thesestudies. Consistent with the central tenet of the cognitiveneuropsychological model that monoamine medicationsexert their effects by attenuating or reversing low-levelnegative affective biases, Rottenberg et al (2005) reportedthat depressed individuals with a greater intensity ofnegative autobiographical memories at baseline showedthe best response to antidepressant drug treatment;subgroup analysis including only individuals who were

unmedicated at baseline confirmed this effect. By contrast,Johnson et al (2007) found that better memory for positivewords predicted better subsequent treatment response9 months later. As over one-third of the participants inthe latter study were medicated at baseline, and no sub-group analyses were reported, it is possible that the negativebiases had already been reversed in some medicatedpatients, who were still nonetheless depressed, explainingthis apparent discrepancy with the cognitive neuropsycho-logical model (also see Tranter et al (2009)). Further work isrequired using longitudinal designs in which depressedpatients are unmedicated during baseline assessment toclarify the interpretation of these findings.

To our knowledge, no behavioral studies have yetinvestigated whether measures of affective bias can predictresponse to psychological therapies vs pharmacologicaltherapies. However, fMRI studies using pre-treatmentaffective bias challenges have been undertaken, allowing acomparison of predictors of response to psychological vspharmacological therapies at a neural level. Several studieshave assessed whether pre-treatment neural responses toaffective stimuli in the perigenual ACC can predict responsesto treatment (Figure 2; see also DeRubeis et al (2008)).Two studies, using fluoxetine and venlafaxine, respectively,reported that greater perigenual ACC responses to negativestimuli pre-treatment, contrasting negative faces with ‘base-line’ fixation cross (Chen et al, 2007) or negative IAPSpictures with matched neutral stimuli (Davidson et al, 2003),predicted better subsequent mood response. By contrast,Siegle et al (2006) and Fu et al (2008) reported that lowerpre-treatment responses (in fact deactivations relative tobaseline) to negative words relative to neutral words inperigenual ACC predicted better response to CBT. A similarrelationship was identified in a more dorsal perigenual ACCregion by Dichter et al (2010), in a study using response tonegative pictures to predict response to BA.

The contrast between higher perigenual ACC response tonegative stimuli predicting a greater benefit from antidepres-sant medication, but lower perigenual ACC response predict-ing greater benefit from psychological therapy is striking(DeRubeis et al, 2008). This pattern is consistent with ourproposal that psychological therapies exert their beneficialeffects through enhancing affective cognitive control, as thissubregion of the ACC is believed to be critically implicated inthe implicit regulation of negative emotion, by its interactionwith the amygdala (Etkin and Schatzberg, 2011). These dataindicate that pre-treatment baseline response in the perigen-ual ACC may predict likely response to a given treatment, oreven which treatment is more likely to be effective. However,it should be noted that these studies used different types ofemotional stimuli (faces, pictures, and words), and haddifferent task demands inside the scanner (gender classifica-tion, passive viewing, self-referential rating, and targetdetection), which complicates the interpretation of thisapparent dissociation. Furthermore, the foci within theperigenual ACC that predicted response varied between thestudies; even adjacent perigenual ACC regions are associated

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with distinct patterns of connectivity (Beckmann et al, 2009).There is a clear need for further studies examining anddirectly comparing predictors of both types of treatmentresponse to test the hypothesis that neural responses toaffective stimuli may represent biomarkers for differentialtreatment response.

New Approaches to Treatment Based on theCognitive Neuropsychological Model: A Role forCognitive Enhancement?

This review has focused on the important role for types of‘hot’ (ie, emotionally laden) cognition in mediating thedevelopment and treatment of depressive symptoms.However, as the model we outline also suggests a key rolefor cognitive control in recovery from depression, especiallywith respect to the mechanism of action of psychologicaltherapies, it is possible that ‘cold’ cognition (informationprocessing without an affective component) might be auseful novel therapeutic target. Indeed, some clinicians havedeveloped effective psychological therapies on this verybasis: mindfulness-based CT (Teasdale et al, 1995, 2000)does not promote the challenging of negative automaticthoughts per se, but instead prevents them from escalatingby encouraging patients to disengage from them tominimize their emotional impact, which could be con-ceptualized as a form of cognitive control. This is importantbecause antidepressant drugs, whether targeting the sero-tonin or noradrenaline systems, generally have not beenfound to improve cognitive control (Chamberlain et al,2006; Riedel et al, 2005).

The reliable finding that impaired cognitive controlpredicts poor response to treatment has already been usedto motivate novel pharmacological approaches to treatmentin depression. Modafinil, a cognitive enhancer (Turner et al,2003), has been found to improve response to antidepres-sant treatment response in a number of studies (Abolfazliet al, 2011; DeBattista et al, 2004; Fava et al, 2005;Rasmussen et al, 2005). Whether this effect is mediatedthrough improved cognitive control specifically has yet tobe determined; it would also be of great interest toinvestigate whether the same benefit would be observed ifmodafinil was used as an adjunct to psychological therapy.However, some tangential evidence supporting the notionthat improving cognitive control might improve depressionhas emerged from trials of cognitive training in patientswith dementia. In several well-controlled trials, cognitivetraining targeting at relieving symptoms of dementia hadthe unexpected simultaneous effect of improving depressivesymptoms (Davis et al, 2001; Loewenstein et al, 2004;see Sitzer et al (2006) for a review). However, furtherwork is required to ascertain whether similar cognitivetraining in non-demented depressed individuals mightimprove symptoms.

It has also not yet been investigated whether circuitry-based interventions, including DBS in the subgenualcingulate cortex and TMS in the dorsolateral prefrontal

cortex, might potentiate the effects of psychological thera-pies. Such an effect would be predicted from the cognitiveneuropsychological model, as there is evidence that both ofthese interventions enhance activity in neural circuitssubserving cognitive control (Lozano et al, 2008; Speeret al, 2000).

Tailoring Psychological Therapies to IndividualPatients

Another question arising from our review is whether specifictypes of negative bias might be better treated by specificpsychological therapies. We would predict that depressedpatients exhibiting profound reward-processing deficits,which correlate with anhedonia (Chase et al, 2010b), wouldbenefit more from psychological therapies focused onre-engaging in positively reinforcing activities, such as BA,than those focused on challenging negative schemata, suchas CBT. Another important development in the field ofpsychological treatment is CBM, a therapy initially devel-oped for anxiety (MacLeod et al, 2002; Matthews andMacLeod, 2002). Although research into CBM is still inits infancy, and different investigators have attempted tomodify different cognitive processes (eg, attention vsappraisal), several studies have reported beneficial resultsin dysphoric participants (see Hallion and Ruscio, in pressfor a review). A few studies have reported the effects of thistechnique on symptoms in depressed individuals, althoughwith mixed results (Baert et al, 2010). We suggest that thescope of CBM might usefully be broadened to other domainsof cognition, eg, reinforcement processing. In particular, itwould be of great interest to examine whether rewardreactivity and/or reward learning could be enhancedthrough CBM techniques, and whether manipulating rewardprocessing might be beneficial in the treatment of anhedo-nia. Whether CBM and circuit-based interventions, such asrTMS, might work more efficaciously when used incombination is not yet known, but this is a result that wouldbe predicted on the basis of the model outlined in this paper.

Identifying and Treating Individuals at Risk forDepression

A final important question is whether individuals who are atrisk for developing depression might be identified on thebasis of negative affective biases, and whether preventativemeasures (such as CBT or CBM) could be administeredproactively, reducing the incidence of depression throughresilience mechanisms (Elliott et al, 2010). Although such astrategy would require intensive resources, there are somepreliminary data suggesting that this approach might beworthwhile (Koster et al, 2009). One large trial reported asubstantial reduction in the incidence of depression using aCBT intervention in adolescent offspring of depressedparents (Garber et al, 2009). However, not all individualswho develop depression can be identified on the basis ofgenetic risk. Hence, negative affective biases may have animportant role in future studies.

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In support of this notion, it has been reported thatnegative attentional biases in non-depressed individuals arestrongly predictive of subsequent responses to stress (Foxet al, 2010). Moreover, interventions other than CBT mayalso be efficacious. For example, CBM has been reported toalter the processing of negative stimuli in healthy volunteers(Tran et al, 2011), an effect that appeared to be mediated bythe lateral PFC in one study (Browning et al, 2010). Theconverse effect has also been demonstrated: MacLeod et al(2002) randomized individuals to receive training to attendpreferentially to positive or negative stimuli using a dot-probe task. Those trained to attend to negative stimuli weresubsequently more vulnerable to low mood after experi-mentally induced stress.

These findings raise the possibility that training indivi-duals at risk for depression to process positive informationpreferentially using CBM could potentially help to preventthem from becoming ill (Matthews and MacLeod, 2002).Watkins et al (2009) reported that training dysphoricindividuals to become more concrete and specific in theirthinking reduced depressive symptoms, although follow-upwas not conducted to determine whether the incidence ofdepression was decreased. Another study successfully traineddepressed individuals to forget negative material using a‘think/no-think’ procedure (Joormann et al, 2009), althoughagain the long-term effects on symptoms was not assessed.


Depression is characterized by negative affective biases thatmay have a central role in the development of illness andresponse to treatment. These biases are also present inindividuals at risk of illness, including those who are highlyneurotic, have a close relative with depression, or havesuffered from depression in the past. Preliminary datasupporting the cognitive neuropsychological model ofdepression have demonstrated that antidepressant drugscan alleviate or even reverse negative affective biases,although further research is required using longitudinaldesigns in currently depressed patients. Future studiesshould address whether negative affective biases are able topredict which patients will respond well to specific treatmentapproaches (eg, pharmacological vs psychological treatment),and whether the incidence of depression might be reduced byprograms aimed at modifying cognitive biases in individualsat high risk of illness. Preventing the development ofdepression and treating it early and effectively before itbecomes a chronic, debilitating disorder must be a prioritytarget for society and governments (Beddington et al, 2008;Collins et al, 2011; Sahakian et al, 2010).


We thank Steve Pilling for helpful discussions and forcomments on the manuscript, and Rebecca Lawson forassistance with manuscript preparation.


JPR, RE, and BJS all consult for Cambridge Cognition andBJS consults for a number of pharmaceutical companies.BJS’s research is supported by a grant from The WellcomeTrust (089589/Z/09/Z). The authors declare no conflict ofinterest.


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Neuropsychopharmacology REVIEWS

(PDF) Cognitive Mechanisms of Treatment in Depression - DOKUMEN.TIPS (20)

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Cognitive mechanisms of treatment in depressionJP Roiser et al





Neuropsychopharmacology REVIEWS

(PDF) Cognitive Mechanisms of Treatment in Depression - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.