Personal Statement - Wellesley · 2001-10-04 · Personal Statement Franklyn Turbak Department of Computer Science Wellesley College - [PDF Document] (2024)

Personal Statement - Wellesley· 2001-10-04· Personal Statement Franklyn Turbak Department of Computer Science Wellesley College - [PDF Document] (1)

Personal Statement

Franklyn TurbakDepartment of Computer Science

Wellesley College

October 2, 2001

In this document, I summarize my achievements and future plans in teaching, research, andservice at Wellesley College for my tenure case. The document is organized into three sections:

1. Teaching: Describes my teaching philosophy, summarizes my course development work, anddiscusses some future plans for teaching.

2. Research: Summarizes my research projects, the student research I have advised, and fu-ture research plans. Unlike my Aug. 1 Research Summary, which was targeted at externalreviewers who are experts in the programming language field, this section is targeted at ageneral audience. In this section, I also discuss the evaluation of computer science research —in particular, the relative importance of conference papers vs. archival journal publications.

3. Service: Summarizes my service contributions to Wellesley College, the Wellesley CollegeComputer Science Department, and the computer science community.

In addition to the main document there are several appendices containing auxiliary materials:

• Appendices A–F contain detailed descriptions of my course development efforts and linksto sample teaching materials on-line. Hardcopies of these materials are included in bindersentitled Personal Statement and Supporting Materials. A web page with links to all samplematerials can be found on-line at

The complete set of teaching materials I have developed since Fall, 1997, are available on-lineat

• Appendix G contains a copy of the Computing Research Association’s Best Practices Memo:Evaluating Computer Scientists and Engineers for Promotion and Tenure.

• Appendix H contains a sample copy of the questionnaire I developed for the Committee onMinority Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention.

1 Various URL links, such as, are sprinkled throughout this docu-ment. These links are “active” (i.e., you can click on them) when the on-line PDF version of this document isviewed inside a browser such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer using the Adobe Acrobat plug-in (stan-dardly available on Wellesley College computers). The on-line PDF version of this document can be found at


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1 Teaching

1.1 Teaching Philosophy

Becoming A Computer Scientist

I will never forget the week that I became a computer scientist. It was Spring break of 1981,and I was a freshman taking 6.001: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, MIT’sintroductory computer science course. This course used the Lisp programming language to explorethe fundamentals of programming. We had an assignment on a meta-circular interpreter for Lisp –a Lisp program that can evaluate other Lisp programs. The notion that a program could executeother programs — even itself! — was both perplexing and mysterious to me. I spent an entire weektrying to understand what the meta-circular program did and how it worked. Finally, after carefullytracing through the execution of the program on a concrete example, I had a Eureka experience: Irealized that the meta-circular interpreter was a concise and precise encoding in Lisp of the informalrules that we had been taught throughout the semester for evaluating Lisp programs. What hadbeen veiled in a cloud of mystery suddenly became clear, and I was overwhelmed with a sense ofbeauty and wonder for this profound and elegant idea.

This was a transformative experience. Although I had come to MIT to study electrical andmechanical engineering, after this experience I had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge aboutcomputer science and could not imagine a career in any other field. During the twenty yearssince that experience, I have found computer science to be a treasure-trove of simple and powerfulideas, clever techniques, challenging projects, and fun problems. But the meta-circular interpreterexperience did more than just “convert” me to a computer scientist. It caused me to reflect onthe learning process and think about pedagogical approaches that would help to demystify thebeautiful ideas of computer science and make them more accessible to a wider audience. I starteddeveloping computer science teaching materials when I became a teaching assistant for 6.001 inSpring, 1984, and have continued to actively produce such materials (e.g., course notes, examples,and assignments) ever since then.

Big Ideas

In my courses, I strive to create an environment where students not only learn the concepts incomputer science that I find so exciting, but they also develop an appreciation for the beauty ofthese concepts. While it may be too much to expect that my courses will induce in my studentstransformative experiences like the one I experienced (although I am very happy when this doeshappen!), I do expect that they will leave my courses with a firm grasp on the “big ideas” ofcomputer science – i.e., the key concepts at the core of the field. Examples of such big ideas are:

• Procedural Epistemology: The essence of computer science is imperative (“how to”) knowledge,as opposed to the declarative (“what is”) knowledge of mathematics and other sciences. Notonly can programs be executed by computers, but they are a means of transmitting imperativeknowledge from one person to another.

• Abstraction: To separate the concerns of program clients from program implementers, pat-terns of computation should be encapsulated in “black boxes” with simple interfaces thathide unimportant details.

• Modularity: For flexibility and robustness, systems should be composed out of reusable mix-and-match parts.


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• Divide, Conquer, & Glue: A fundamental technique for solving a big problem is breaking itinto smaller problems and combining the solutions to these. Recursion and iteration are in-stances of this technique in programming, while induction and loop invariants are applicationsof these techniques in proof theory.

• Programs as Data: A program is a data structure that can be executed, analyzed, created,and transformed by other programs.

• Formal Reasoning: Not only can logical deduction be formalized and in some cases automated,but there is a deep connection between logic and computation.

• Uncomputability: Because there are an uncountable infinity of mathematical functions butonly a countable infinity of programs to express them, there are many functions (includingsome very desirable ones) that can never be expressed as programs.

• Computational Models: In order to predict how a program will execute, it is essential tounderstand the model of computation underlying the programming language in which theprogram is written.

• Tradeoffs: Problems often have multiple conflicting goals that are mutually unsatisfiable. Inthese cases, it is necessary to make tradeoffs that involve relaxing one or more goals.

• Iterative Nature of Problem Solving: Since problems are rarely solved in a single pass, problemsolving usually requires iterating a cycle of specification, design, implementation, testing, anddebugging.

• Real vs. Ideal: Abstractions and models introduce idealizations that may not accuratelyreflect real aspects of the problem being solved or the situation being modeled.

The above ideas are so important that they transcend a particular course, and even the par-ticular discipline of computer science. As would be expected of fundamental concepts, each ofthe ideas presented above arises in several courses, so students who take more than one courseencounter them multiple times in different contexts. Moreover, many of the ideas and techniquesare applicable to other domains – a fact that is particularly relevant in a liberal arts setting, whichencourages the exploration of connections between disciplines. For instance:

• Procedures are not only encoded in programs executed on computers, but they are alsoencoded in recipes, instructions, musical scores, theatrical scripts, and architectural blueprintsexecuted by human beings.

• Principles like abstraction and modularity are essential for controlling complexity in any fieldinvolving the creation of artifacts or use of models, including engineering, the physical andsocial sciences, and even the arts.

• Problem solving techniques learned in programming can be adapted to solving problems inalmost any domain.

• Understanding the iterative design cycle, the limitations of models, and the notion of tradeoffsgives insight into many aspects of the modern world, from engineered artifacts to politicalprocesses.


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• Reading, writing, and debugging programs hones reasoning skills that are essential for eval-uating and/or crafting a logical argument on any topic.

With its emphasis on design and problem solving, computer science can be viewed as a kindof abstract form of engineering. Indeed, many of the big ideas sketched above are characteristic ofengineering in general, not just computer science. Although there is a long historical precedent ofdivorcing engineering from a liberal arts education, I firmly believe that these engineering conceptshave a central place in a liberal arts education. Not only do they give students insight into a worldfull of designed artifacts, but they encourage students to become designers and builders themselves– producers of technology rather than just consumers of it. Robbie Berg and I have written atlength about this issue in our paper Robotic Design Studio: Exploring the Big Ideas of Engineeringin a Liberal Arts Environment.

In addition to transcending disciplines, the big ideas of computer science transcend the partic-ular technology that is used to teach them. For example, particular hardware, operating systems,programming languages, and application software are used as vehicles for presenting and exper-imenting with the big ideas. While it is important for students to be familiar with the currenttechnology, it is important to impress upon them that the current technology is not the subjectmatter. Particular technology is ephemeral, but the big ideas are not! Moreover, while computerscience is a discipline of incredible beauty, much of the popular technology is surprisingly ugly fromthe perspective of understandability, usability, reliability, and extensibility. Since I hope that mystudents will someday help to improve this sad state of affairs, I consider it imperative to teachthem how to tease apart important concepts and techniques from poorly designed pieces of softwarein which they might happen to be embedded.

Presenting Material

When preparing to teach a course, I first determine what big ideas are covered in the course,and then strive to organize the course to highlight these ideas. This “first principles” approachto teaching sometimes leads to non-standard topics or an unconventional ordering of topics. Forexample, in CS111 (Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving), considerations involvingthe divide/conquer/glue problem-solving methodology compel me to teach recursion before itera-tion (see Section A and my paper Teaching Recursion Before Iteration in CS1 for more details).Although such an approach is sometimes used in the teaching of so-called functional program-ming languages, it is highly unusual in the teaching of object-oriented languages such as Java(the programming language used in CS111). Nevertheless, I believe that organizing CS111 in thisway gives the students a much better view of the “big picture” than traditional approaches forteaching Java. Other examples of unconventional course organizations I have developed includethe interpreter-based approach I use in Programming Languages (CS251) (see Section E) and theonion-skin approach I use in my Compiler Design (CS301) class (see Section F). A disadvantageof my unconventional course organizations is that they make it difficult to use existing textbooksand problems. For this reason, most of my classes are based on notes and assignments that I havedeveloped from scratch.

When it comes to presenting particular topics, I expose students to several different explanationsof the same material. Many years of teaching experience has taught me that different students learnin different ways: some learn best from principles, others from examples; some prefer pictorialexplanations, others prefer text; some like formal derivations while others like intuitive arguments.For this reason, even in courses where there is a textbook consistent with my course organization(such as CS231, Fundamental Algorithms), I present alternative approaches to the material in


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course notes.Wherever possible, I present both an informal and intuitive explanation of concepts (often

involving pictures) as well as a formal symbolic explanation. Both of these are important: inmy experience, intuition is incredibly valuable for planning the solutions to problems, but formaltechniques are necessary to work out the details. As a concrete example of formal vs. informalexplanations, consider calculating the infinite sum

S =∞∑






+ . . .

For 0 < c < 1, it is not difficult to show that the infinite sum∑∞

k=0 a0 · ck = a0 +a0 ·c1 +a0 ·c2 + . . .has the closed form solution a0

1−c . In the case of calculating S, a0 = 14 and c = 1

4 , so the formulagives

S =14

1− 14



The same result can be achieved informally by a pictorial argument. Imagine dividing a unit squareinto quarters, labelling three of the quarters A, B, and C, and recursively subdividing the fourthquarter in the same fashion, as pictured below:








It is easy to argue that the sum of all squares labelled A (as well as of those labelled B and C) isthe desired sum S, and since, in the infinite limit, the entire area of the unit square is completelypartitioned into squares labelled by one of these three letters, it must be that 3S = 1, so S = 1

3 .

Hands-on Activities

Although I focus significant energy on developing and presenting explanations of the subject matterof my courses, I recognize that this is only one facet of the learning process. While substantialamounts of information may be transmitted from teachers to students in the form of lectures, coursenotes, etc., such information transfer is just a prerequisite for learning. The real learning takes placewhen students actively apply this rather abstract form of knowledge in concrete contexts. Onlythen do they begin to develop a sense of personal ownership of the ideas that I believe is essential fortrue understanding. This belief has its roots in the constructionist learning theories of Piaget andPapert, which posit that people learn best when they are engaged in the design and constructionof personally meaningful artifacts.

I have made a conscious effort to infuse my courses with hands-on activities that are inspired byconstructionism. This is most evident in the Wintersession Robotic Design Studio course (CS115)


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that I teach with Robbie Berg. After being introduced to the fundamentals of robotics during thefirst half of the course, students spend the second half of the course working in groups to build arobot of their own design. The ground rules for these projects are intentionally very loose; studentscan build anything they imagine, subject to constraints on materials and time. Our experiencein this course is that students are not only incredibly creative in their projects, but they learn atremendous amount about robotics and general engineering principles in the process.

Most of my other courses are designed in such a way that students get significant hands-onexperience with the subject matter in the context of programming activities:

• Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving (CS111) is organized around a collection of“microworlds” (see Section A) that serve as “pedagogical sand boxes” where students experi-ment with fundamental programming and problem solving techniques. Every week, studentswork on numerous challenging programming problems in these microworlds. Additionally, inthe context of various optional contests and extra credit assignments, students are encouragedto extend programs from class and work on problems of their own design.

• In Data Structures (CS230), students implement numerous data structures and algorithmsby writing programs in Java (see Section C). Some of the assignments (such as the Mancalagame) require students to write large programs from scratch, a significant departure fromCS111, where assignments typically involve modifying existing programs.

• Although Fundamental Algorithms (CS231) is a theoretical course with no formal program-ming requirement, I have recently begun to encourage students in the class to implementvarious of the algorithms we study in a programming language of their choice. Many of ourstudents want to learn programming languages (e.g., C++ and Perl) not formally taughtelsewhere in our curriculum, and this provides them with an excellent opportunity to do so.

• In my Programming Languages (CS251) course, students modify and extend interpretersfor numerous “mini-languages” that we study in the course (see Section E). The structureof this course differs from most other such courses at the undergraduate level, which eitherhave no programming component, or involve programming in languages from several differentparadigms. It is my belief that experimenting with programming language implementationsgives students deeper insight into the dimensions of programming languages. It empowersthem to be programming language designers and implementers, so that they can be producers,and not just consumers, of programming language technology.

• In Compiler Design (CS301), students work in groups to implement a series of compilers (seeSection F). Each of these is a large and complex program, and except for some providedtools, the students do their programming “from scratch”.

In the above courses, there is a tension between the desire to cover the litany of standardconcepts and the constructionist ideal of having students explore subject matter in the context ofopen-ended projects. Not only do open-ended projects give students more chance to “own” thematerial, but they also force them to grapple with real-world issues like refining fuzzy problemdescriptions, exploring blind alleys, and determining when a project is “done”. Thus far, I haveusually resolved this tension by designing programming problems that have a required part with aconstrained specification and an optional part involving more open-ended exploration. I also en-courage my students to undertake an individual study project or research project while at Wellesley,so they get at least one substantial open-ended experience in computer science as undergraduates.


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Challenging Assignments

The assignments I give in my courses are typically rather challenging. Indeed, I have a reputationfor giving some of the most difficult and time-consuming assignments in our department, if not theentire college. Because I believe that most student learning takes place in the context of working onconcrete problems, I carefully design each problem with a clear pedagogical goal of illustrating oneor more concepts. For students who understand the concepts, the problems are relatively straight-forward, and some students do finish them quickly. However, the problems are more challenging forstudents who have not yet mastered the concepts, including many who mistakenly think that theyunderstand the material just because they have followed what I have presented in lecture. This isOK; they understand the material much better by the time they finish the problems. Athletes donot build muscles by lifting feathers.

Student Feedback

One of the most delightful aspects of teaching at Wellesley College is that students rise to thechallenge of my problems and are fair in evaluating them. Based on the feedback I have received onmy SEQs, students generally feel that while the assignments are time-consuming, the time was wellspent in terms of what they learned. I am sensitive to the fact that the time students spend on myassignments is time they are not spending on other important aspects of a liberal arts education,such as extracurricular activities and leisure time. I ask students to keep track of and report theamount of time they spend on each problem, and use this information to revise assignments thenext time I teach the course.

Deadlines and Extensions

Given the hectic nature of students’ schedules (and my own!) I understand that there are timeswhen it is not possible for them to complete an assignment on time. It really does not matter tome when students complete their assignments, only that they complete them. However, completingwork late can have a cascading effect and put students so far behind that they cannot catch up.

With these considerations in mind, I have pioneered lateness coupons, which provide studentswith a limited amount of flexibility in terms of deadlines. In many of my courses, students receiveten lateness coupons at the beginning of the semester, which are not transferable between students.One lateness coupon allows one assignment to be handed in one day late. A student could useher coupons to turn in each of ten assignments one day late, or turn in a few of these assignmentsseveral days late. Once all lateness coupons have been used, late assignments receive no credit.

Lateness coupons work well in practice. It is possible to abuse them (e.g., use all coupons onthe first few assignments and then be impossibly far behind), but such abuses are extremely rare.Indeed, many students never use any coupons, but those who do indicate that they provide valuableflexibility.


Collaboration plays an important role in my classes. Even though I generally require that theycompose any written solutions or programs on their own, I strongly encourage students to workon problems in groups. Based on my own personal learning experiences, I believe that valuablelearning takes place when students solve problems in a group. It is often the case that the knowledgeof individual students is incomplete, but what is missing or partially formed differs from student tostudent. When working in groups, students share what they know and (think they) understand with


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others and at the same time improve areas in which their understanding is weak. In particular,group work allows every member to play the roles of both student and teacher; the well-knownsaying about teaching being the best way to learn a topic is particularly relevant in this context.Even a group member playing the role of “student” can make valuable progress by expressing inwords what it is that she does not understand. Although students can also do this in the presenceof a faculty member, many students are less shy about asking questions of their peers than of theirinstructors. Working in groups also gives students important practice in honing their interactiveskills and preparing them for a world in which much work is group-oriented.

When it comes to programming, having a pair of students work at a single computer consoleseems to be particularly beneficial. At the beginning of the summer of 2000, my research colleaguePatty Johann and I asked our six summer research students to work in pairs on various programsdesigned to introduce them to concepts and techniques for their summer research. Patty andI were working in the same computer lab as the students, so we were able to closely observethe kinds of interactions and conversations that took place between group members. We wereimpressed and excited by what we observed. Rather than just jumping in and writing code, whichis what students are tempted to do when working alone, the students first discussed the problemsand various approaches for solving them. There was not always agreement on the best solutionstrategy; this meant that each student was put in a position where she had to argue the benefits ofher approach relative to the other one. This explicit planning phase helped the students to avoid“blind alleys” of exploration. In the coding phase, students swapped between roles as “driver” (theone writing the code) and “passenger” (the one looking over the driver’s shoulder). Passengersoften noted bugs in the code of the drivers. When it came to debugging, it was clear that twoheads were better than one.

Inspired by this experience, I have been experimenting with pair-based programming in myProgramming Languages course (CS251), where it was optional, and my Compiler Design course(CS301), where it was required. Although there are sometimes personality clashes and time schedul-ing problems between pair members, the pair-based approach to programming seems to work wellin practice for the reasons Patty and I observed with our research students. I am consideringexperimenting with pair-based programming in earlier courses, such as CS111 and CS230. Interest-ingly, I recently learned that several software engineering managers are advocating that industryadopt a programming methodology called Extreme Programming, a cornerstone of which is thatall code should be written by programmers working in pairs at a single computer monitor. Thisstyle of programming is claimed to yield higher quality programs in a shorter amount of time thantraditional programming by two individuals.


Perhaps because computer science is such a young discipline and involves a fair amount of problemsolving and puzzles, the computer science community is rather playful. I like to instill this spiritof playfulness into my teaching, because I believe that many students are often more receptive tolearning when they are in a playful mood. Many of my assignments involve some sort of gameor puzzle and/or have a humorous story line. For instance, my CS111 students explore conceptslike abstraction, recursion, and backtracking in the context of a grid-shaped world where creaturescalled “buggles” drop and pick up bagels. My CS230 students get experience with object-orientedprogramming and graphical user interface design in Java by modifying a blackjack program andimplementing a video Mancala game from scratch. In my robotics class, it is hard not to be in aplayful mood when building with LEGOs. In recent years, I’ve set aside the last day of class inalmost every course to be a final exam review session structured as a Jeopardy game played by


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teams of students vying for snack prizes from Trader Joe’s. Via activities like these, I try to do mypart in realizing the vision of computer science luminary Alan Perlis, who said, “I hope the field ofcomputer science never loses its sense of fun.”

1.2 Course Development

The dynamic nature of computer science means that computer science courses are always evolving.Unlike in more stable fields, it is rare to be able to teach a course using lectures, notes, and assign-ments unchanged from a previous semester. Even in fairly stable courses (like CS231, FundamentalAlgorithms), I enjoy thinking of new ways to present concepts, experimenting with topic order andnew topics, and developing new examples and problems every time I teach a course.

In my twelve semesters of teaching at Wellesley, I have developed extensive course materialsin each of the six courses I have taught. Below, I give an extremely brief summary of my coursedevelopment efforts in each course. Appendices A–F present more detailed descriptions of theseefforts and links to sample materials. All course materials that I have created since Fall, 1997 areon-line at; interested readers are encouraged tobrowse this complete set of materials in addition to the samples in the appendices.

• Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving (CS111): In 1997, I led the effort to useJava in place of Pascal as the programming language in this introductory course for majors.This was not just a cosmetic change in programming language, but a change in paradigmthat required rebuilding the course from the ground up. I organized many of the lectures andassignments around a number of microworlds , simple but rich environments I developed forexploring key programming concepts and techniques. I also developed the Java ExecutionModel to explain the execution of Java programs at the level of an abstract machine. A “firstprinciples” approach to teaching the big ideas of the course led me to adopt a non-standardordering of topics, such as teaching recursion before iteration and linked lists before arrays.The rationale for these choices is discussed in my paper Teaching Recursion Before Iterationin CS1.

• Robotic Design Studio (CS115): Since Wintersession ’96, Robbie Berg and I have taught thiscourse, which we developed as a way to engage students in design and hands-on buildingactivities. The course has no prerequisites, and attracts students with a broad range ofbackgrounds and interests. The first half of the course introduces students to the basics ofrobotics via a series of challenges in which they study and modify existing robots and buildsimple ones of their own. In the second half of the course, students work in teams on anopen-ended project in which they build a robot of their own design. The course culminates ina public exhibition that has become a signature event at the end of January. The philosophybehind the course is explained in our paper Robotic Design Studio: Exploring the Big Idea ofEngineering in a Liberal Arts Environment

• Data Structures (CS230): After teaching this course in Pascal for many semesters, I moved itto Java in Spring ’98. As in CS111, this required significant effort. For both the Pascal andJava versions of the course, I have developed numerous programs to illustrate data structuresand algorithms in class and on assignments.

• Fundamental Algorithms (CS231): My key innovation in this course is the use of worksheetsthat we flesh out in class to present intuitive explanations and concrete examples of themathematical techniques used in the textbook. Functional programming techniques I have


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encountered in my research have allowed me to present alternative, and in some cases muchsimpler, versions of algorithms in the textbook.

• Theory of Programming Languages (CS251): The organization of this course is based on mybelief that the only way to appreciate the dimensions and design choices of programminglanguages is to study and modify their implementations. Since implementations of real pro-gramming languages are too complex, we study interpreters for simple but representativemini-languages. I have designed a series of mini-languages in which each successive languageis built by extending its predecessor, and have implemented interpreters for all of these lan-guages. This allows for an “onion-skin” approach in which students are introduced to thefeatures and dimensions of programming languages in layers.

• Compiler Design (CS301): As in CS251, here I also use an “onion-skin” approach to introducestudents to the theory, tools, and techniques of program translators. I defined a series ofsuccessively more complex subsets of Appel’s Tiger language. After implementing a completecompiler for the simplest of these languages, students have acquired a working knowledge ofthe components of a compiler and are well-prepared to to explore more sophisticated featuresand techniques.

1.3 Teaching Impact

My course development work has had a major impact on the teaching of numerous computer sciencesubjects at Wellesley. Even when I am not teaching a course, many of the materials I have developedcontinue to be used by other professors teaching the same course. This is especially true in CS111,CS230, and CS231.

My course development work has also had an impact on teaching at other institutions. Forexample:

• Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving (CS111): I presented aspects of my CS111course in a panel discussion at the Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges Third AnnualNortheastern Conference (CCSCNE-98) at Sacred Heart University in April 1998, and alsoin a paper and talk at the Fourth Annual version of this conference at Providence College inApril 1999. Furthermore, all course materials for CS111 are freely available on the web, andothers are encouraged to use the materials and adapt them to their needs.

One impact of these dissemination efforts was that they persuaded the Middlebury CollegeComputer Science Department to switch to Java rather than to C in their introductory pro-gramming course. Indeed, since Fall, 1998, Middlebury has patterned its CX 121 Fundamen-tals of Computing Course after Wellesley’s CS111, using many of the same microworlds andassignments. The CS111 materials have been reviewed and in some cases adopted by severalother professors designing or teaching introductory programming courses in Java. These in-clude Stephen Bloch (Adelphi University), Kim Bruce (Williams College), Bob Muller (BostonCollege), and Adonis Symvonis (University of Ioannina, Greece).

• Robotic Design Studio (CS115): Robbie Berg and I have led two workshops based on ourRobotic Design Studio course: a two-day workshop at Colby College in October, 1997 (spon-sored by the New England Consortium of Undergraduate Science Education), and a half-dayworkshop at CCSCNE-98 at Sacred Heart University in April 1998. We also wrote a paperfor and gave talks at the American Association for Artificial Intelligence Spring Symposiumon Robotics in Education held at Stanford University in March, 2001. Additionally, since the


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early days of our course, we have posted all course materials on the web to encourage theiruse elsewhere.

These dissemination efforts have inspired robot courses and robot research modeled after ourcourse at several other schools. After our Colby robotics workshop, Bates, Bowdoin, Colby,and Middlebury colleges all instituted either a robotics course or independent projects inrobotics. Our materials have also inspired courses or have been used for projects by AliceDean at Skidmore College, Elizabeth Adams at Richard Stockton College, Lonnie Fairchildat SUNY Plattsburg, and Bill Margolis at the National University of Samoa.

Because of our promotion of robot exhibitions as an alternative to robot competitions, theorganizers of the national Botball robot tournaments2 have invited Robbie and me to bemembers of the Boston Botball Committee next year. Our goal is to experiment with extend-ing Botball tournaments to include non-competitive robot exhibition activities so that theyappeal to a wider audience.

• Compiler Design (CS301): Olin Shivers at Georgia Tech has reviewed my onion-skin approachfor teaching compilers and is considering adapting this approach to his compiler class nextyear.

• Graduate Programming Languages (MIT 6.821): Drafts of the notes I co-authored for MIT’sgraduate programming languages course have been used by professors for similar courses atseveral other universities. These include Kathy Yelick at Berkeley, Andrew Myers at Cornell,and Jan Komorowski at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

1.4 Future Teaching Plans

I have numerous long-term plans for enhancing existing courses, developing new courses, and dis-seminating the results of my course development efforts.

• Turning the MIT 6.821 course notes into a graduate programming languages textbook is ahigh priority. There are only a few chapters (particularly the one on compilation) that needwork.

• While all CS111 materials are publicly accessible, the lack of a textbook that covers the topics(many of which are non-standard or presented in a non-standard order) and microworlds usedin the course hinders its adoption elsewhere. I plan to write a textbook that will enhance theteaching of CS111 at Wellesley and make it easier to teach elsewhere.

• I plan to flesh out the current CS251 notes and extend them with material covering object-oriented programming and logic programming. My eventual goal is to write an undergraduateprogramming languages textbook based on these notes. Along the way, I plan to disseminatemy interpreter-based approach to teaching programming languages via talks and workshops.

• In my algorithms course (CS231), I have recently been experimenting with presenting manyalgorithms in a graphical notation using tree rewriting and graph rewriting rules. Since theseexperiments have gone well, I am eager to explore how many of the algorithms in the coursecan benefit from being presented in this fashion. In this regard, it would be helpful to havetools for expressing and visualizing the execution of rewriting rules; developing such tools ison my research agenda (see Section 2.3).



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• Based on my experience using the ML programming language in my research and teaching itin CS251 and CS301, I think that it is far superior to Java for introducing many of the bigideas of computer science. Since ML is particularly well-suited for expressing computationson tree-shaped data structures, I plan to experiment with using ML to teach CS230. BecauseML is not well-known in the general computer science community, I plan to give tutorials tohelp popularize it.

• I am interested in developing several new courses, some of which are sketched below. I amby no means an expert in these areas, but plan to become fluent in them by developing andteaching these courses.

– Concurrent and Distributed Systems: Almost all of our programming courses assume asequential model of computation in which a program is being executed by single com-putational agent. But many problems are easier to decompose and/or can be solvedmore efficiently in a concurrent model where there are multiple computational agents.This course will present models of concurrent computation (e.g. process calculi, threads,message passing) and discuss key issues in concurrency, such as communication, syn-chronization, fairness, and deadlock. In contrast to CS331 (Parallel Machines and theirAlgorithms), which focuses on data-parallel decompositions of problems onto closelycoupled, hom*ogeneous processors, this course will emphasize control-parallel decompo-sitions onto loosely coupled, perhaps heterogenous, processors. Students will study,design, and implement concurrent algorithms in several languages. Examples will betaken from robotics, graphical user interfaces, document processing, operating systems,and networks.

– Computer Security and Privacy: Hackers, encryption, viruses, digital copyright, publicsurveillance software – hardly a day goes by when there are not major news stories involv-ing the interaction between computers and privacy. This course will explore technical,ethical, and legal issues involved in protecting information and privacy in the digital age.Due to the interdisciplinary nature of such a course, I will seek collaborators in otherdepartments, particularly philosophy and political science, to help develop the course.

– Automated Deduction: The past decade has seen an explosion in work on systems on theautomated manipulation of mathematical proofs. There are systems for automaticallychecking proofs, fleshing out skeletons of proofs, and even writing some proofs fromscratch. In this course, we will study systems of logic and their realization in theoremproving systems like Isabelle, Elf, Coq, and Nuprl. We will explore the deep ties betweenprogramming and proof construction and will “program” proofs from several domainsof mathematics and computer science.

2 Research

2.1 Research Overview

In this section, I present a high-level description of my research area and research projects anddescribe how they fit into the “big picture” of computer science. A detailed description of myresearch projects, publications, and roles in collaborative research, can be found in my August 1Research Summary.


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Modern Software

The state of modern software is disgraceful. Although we are often dazzled by the amazing featuresof the latest release of our favorite software packages, we spend a disproportionate amount of timecursing software that is tricky to install, difficult to use, unreliable, insecure, and incompatible withprevious releases and other applications. We have been browbeaten into accepting that applica-tions will regularly crash our computers, propagate viruses, corrupt our files, and steal our privateinformation. To use a modern application, we typically have to sign a waiver that effectively saysthat there are no guarantees whatsoever that the software will work as advertised. On the side ofsoftware production, companies have to wrestle with large and complex projects that are poorlydesigned, behind schedule, over budget, insufficiently tested, and full of bugs.

In almost any other industry, this state of affairs would incite consumer rebellions, cause thelaunching of congressional investigations, and lead to a universal cry for improved standards andguarantees. And yet this does not happen. Why? My explanation is that people have becomeaccustomed to the status quo and are not aware that the situation can be dramatically improved.Great strides have been made in the technology for building reliable and secure software systems.Although it may never be possible to guarantee that every complex program always behaves asspecified, advances in programming languages, program testing and verification, and software en-gineering methodologies enable the construction of applications that are significantly more robustand, in some cases, even cheaper to produce than current software packages.

The software industry has been slow to adopt these new technologies for several reasons. First,there has been little demand from consumers to improve standards, so there is little motivationto do so. Second, most companies have invested heavily in software production technology that isdecades old. Although there may be a long-term benefit to adopting new technologies, the short-term costs are high. Finally, there are some disadvantages to the new technologies that stand in theway of their adoption. A common disadvantage is that the newer technology often yields softwarethat is somehow less efficient than that produced with existing technology.

Expressiveness vs. Efficiency

My area of research is the design, analysis, and implementation of expressive programming lan-guages. A programming language is “expressive” to the extent that it enables a programmer toclearly and concisely encode in the language whatever computational patterns she imagines. Thereis often a wide gap between the computational conceptions of a programmer and what she canwrite down in code. Bridging this gap requires the programmer to translate between her “mentallanguage” and the programming language – a difficult step where many errors can be introduced.

Expressive languages support means of abstraction that allow a programmer to effectively ex-tend the language by capturing and naming arbitrary computational idioms. Such languages alsoprovide ways to modularize programs into mix-and-match components that can be independentlydeveloped, tested, and debugged and reused in many different programs.

A problem with expressive programming languages is that there is a fundamental tension be-tween expressiveness and efficiency. The very same abstraction and modularity features that makea programming language expressive stand in the way of efficient program implementation. Ab-straction can be viewed as hiding details inside of “boxes”. Naively executing a program thatmakes heavy use of abstractions involves creating, manipulating, and throwing away lots of boxes– operations that would not be necessary in a program that did not use abstractions.

Since boxes require space, and manipulating boxes takes time, programs using abstractionstypically require more time and space resources than those written without such abstractions. The


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difference in resource consumption can be significant – an abstract high-level program can incura time or space cost that is orders of magnitude larger than the cost of a carefully written low-level program. In some cases, costs are incurred by the mere presence of abstraction features in alanguage, whether or not they are actually used in a particular program.

Some programmers are willing to accept the efficiency costs associated with expressive lan-guages. These costs are often offset by the benefits of using expressive languages, such as programsthat takes less time to write and debug and which are more reliable. A fast program that doesnot compute the correct answer is not very valuable! In many applications, modern computers areso fast that the difference in efficiency is not noticeable for many problems. Even in cases whereit is noticeable, programming at a higher level sometimes facilitates the implementation of moreefficient algorithms, which can more than offset the inefficiencies due to expressiveness.

Nevertheless, many programmers and program managers resist using expressive languages. Forapplications used by thousands, even millions, of people, efficiency matters. Customers may com-plain about poor reliability, but they would probably complain even louder about a more reliableprogram that was ten times slower. Moreover, expressive languages like Scheme, ML, and Haskellare not well-known outside the ivory towers of academia and research institutions.

Due to these factors, the most popular programming languages in industry today are C andC++, relatively low-level languages in which it is notoriously difficult to craft reliable and securesoftware. However, because decades of work have been invested in the compilers for these languages,C and C++ programs are very efficient – a major reason for their popularity. One encouragingpiece of news is that Java, a relatively expressive language, has begun to displace C and C++ insome areas.

Improving the Efficiency of Expressive Languages

The overarching goal of my research is to reduce the tension between expressiveness and efficiencyin programming languages. That is, I want programmers to be able to have their expressivenesscake and eat it (efficiently) too! I am not alone in this quest; I am a member of a cadre ofenthusiasts for expressive languages who aim to significantly reduce the efficiency costs associatedwith expressive language features. Over the past 25 years, this group has made much progresstoward this goal. Today, using the best ML compilers, it is not uncommon for ML programs toexecute in a time that is within a factor of two of a similar C or C++ program compiled withstandard compilers. For some tasks, ML programs are even faster. Our ultimate goal is to continueimproving the efficiency of expressive languages until there is no compelling technical reason notto use an expressive programming language.

The key idea for improving the efficiency of a program written in an expressive language is totranslate it into another program that has the same meaning, but in which many of the sourcesof inefficiency have been removed. Because many inefficiencies are due to abstractions, one goalof the translation is to eliminate as many abstractions as possible. After all, the main purpose ofthe abstractions is to help the human programmer think about the program; they are (usually) notnecessary in the execution phase of the program.

Tree-Based Programming

An effective way to modularize programs is to decompose them into components that produce andconsume intermediate data structures. As a concrete example of this, consider the following MLfunctions:


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down 0 = []down n = n :: (down (n - 1))

prod [] = 1prod (x::xs) = x * (prod xs)

fact n = prod (down n)

The down function creates a list of numbers from its argument down to 1. For instance, down 5denotes the list [5,4,3,2,1]. The prod function returns the product of all numbers in its argumentlist. For instance, prod [7,2,3] denotes the number 42. The fact function, when called on anumber n, returns the product of the list of numbers from n down to 1; that is, it computes thefactorial of n.

Note how the fact function is created as the composition of two other functions that can beuseful in many other contexts as well. This is a hallmark of expressive programming. But, likemany expressive programs, this definition of fact is less efficient than it could be. In this case, theinefficiency is due to the construction and traversal of the intermediate list [n,n− 1,. . .,3,2,1].

It is possible to get rid of this intermediate list by fusing the composition of prod and down intoa single function, as follows:

fact 0 = 1fact n = n * (fact (n - 1))

The transformed version of fact takes less time and space than the original because the intermediatelist, whose only purpose was to communicate the results of the down function to the prod function,has been eliminated. However, in the more efficient version, it is less obvious that fact(n) calculatesthe product of the numbers between 1 and n. We shall refer to the original definition of fact asmodular and the the transformed version as monolithic.

In the above example, linked lists are used to communicate information between components.They can be considered virtual data structures in the sense that they are not computationallynecessary but are introduced solely to allow expressing the program in a modular way. Moregenerally, such virtual structures can have a tree-shaped branching structure. I shall use theterm tree-based programming for the style of programming in which programs are modularized bydecomposing them into components that communicate via trees.

I have undertaken several research projects that improve the expressiveness of and reduce theinefficiencies of tree-based programming. Below is a brief description of these projects. See myResearch Summary for more details.

• Synchronized Lazy Aggregates: Modular programs can sometimes require space resources thathave higher complexity bounds than the corresponding monolithic programs. For my MITdoctoral research, I developed a tree-based programming system in which monolithic programscould be decomposed into modular programs with the same asymptotic space complexity.The key technical advance of this work was the invention of the synchron, a first-class barriersynchronization object. I used synchrons to create special trees, known as synchronized lazyaggregates, that allowed computations to be modularized without increasing spaces bounds.

• Regular Tree Manipulation: Cyclic data structures – structures that contain pointers back tosome part of themselves – are ubiquitous in computer science, but there are not very goodabstractions for manipulating them efficiently. In our Cycle Therapy work, Joe Wells and I


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developed elegant abstractions for creating and manipulating cyclic structures, which can beviewed as denoting infinite regular trees.

• Deforestation: It is possible to automate the process of eliminating virtual trees from programs– a process playfully known as deforestation. Several automatic deforestation techniqueshave been proposed, but few have been implemented in real programming languages, andeven those that have been implemented have not been carefully tested and evaluated for howwell they perform in practice. In the summer of 2000, I began working with Patty Johann(then at Bates College, now at Dickinson College) on a project to evaluate, compare, andimprove several state-of-the-art deforestation techniques. The project is still ongoing, butwe have made important progress, much of it with the help of seven undergraduates whohave been involved in the project (see Section 2.2). A description of our summer researchproject with six of these students can be found in our paper, Lumberjack Summer Camp: ACross-Institutional Summer Research Experience In Computer Science.

Compiling with Flow Types

Deforestation is an example of a so-called source-to-source program transformation, in which theoutput of the efficiency-improving translation is a program written in the same language as theinput program. Many of the inefficiencies of expressive languages cannot easily be removed bysource-to-source transformations, but can be removed via translations into so-called intermediatelanguages, which are lower-level programming languages used in the compilation process.

During the past decade, there has been a flurry of research on typed intermediate languages,intermediate languages in which each expression is annotated with information about the type ofvalue calculated by that expression. Guided by this type information, a compiler for an expressivelanguage can sometimes choose representations for data that are as efficient as those chosen by a Ccompiler. Without the type information, the compiler must usually choose a more abstract – andtherefore less efficient – representation.

Most of the research I have done while at Wellesley has focused on improving the selection ofefficient data representations by using a typed intermediate language based on a novel sophisticatedtype system. I have carried out this research in collaboration with members of the Church Project,a Boston-based research group that I co-founded in 1995. Our work has focused on flow types,in which the type system is embellished with fine-grained information about which values flowwhere in a program. The flow information encoded in the types enables the compiler to make moreefficient data representation choices than with an unembellished type system.

The Church Project spans both theory and practice. In addition to developing the theory offlow types, we have implemented a compiler for the ML language based on flow types and havebegun evaluating their practical impact.

I have made fundamental contributions to both the theoretical and practical facets of the ChurchProject. In terms of theory:

• I helped to show that a broad class of polyvariant flow analyses have the same informationcontent as a type system with intersection and union types;

• I helped to design and prove formal properties about λ-CIL, a calculus with flow types;

• I showed a theoretical upper bound for the complexity of inferring finite-rank intersectiontypes; and


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• I helped to develop a new technique for proving the computational soundness of a calculus,and applied this technique to a module calculus.

In terms of practice, I was the chief architect and one of the four main implementers of an MLcompiler that uses CIL, a flow-typed intermediate language based on the λ-CIL calculus, to selectefficient representations of functions. I have also been active in our recent preliminary experimentalwork to evaluate the benefits and costs of flow types. My contributions to the Church Project,including descriptions of the papers that I have co-authored, are detailed in my Research Summary.

2.2 Student Research

I have advised numerous Wellesley students in research projects and independent study projects.Although the independent study projects have not always involved “true research” in the senseof discovering new results, they have been “research-like” in their engagement of students in theself-directed inquiry of problems that are more challenging and (at least initially) less well-specifiedthan those encountered on class assignments.

Below is a brief description of the student projects that I have advised. Unless otherwise stated,the projects during the regular semester were CS350 independent study projects.

• Ramona Filipi ’96 worked on a senior project, Cooperative Query Answering on Musical Data,in which she developed a system for querying a musical database for songs containing certainpatterns of notes. (I co-advised Ramona with Matthew Merzbacher.)

• In her senior project LEGO Robot Projects: An Innovative Way of Learning Science andTechnology, Ruth Chuang ’96 developed materials for Robotic Design Studio and used similarmaterials to engage grade school students in science projects. (I co-advised this project withRobbie Berg.)

• In Spring ’97, Crystal Ellsworth ’96 implemented a simple database system in Scheme.

• In Summer ’96, Laura Diao ’98 undertook a summer research project, Visual Robot Pro-gramming, in which she developed some graphical programming tools in Java and designed avisual rule-based language for programming robots. Laura presented posters of her work atthe Science Center summer poster session and at the CCSCNE-97 conference at Northeastern.After working as a consultant for several years, Laura has returned to Wellesley as a memberof Information Services.

• For her Honors Thesis, entitled Visual Graph Abstraction, Anna Mitelman ’97 built on LauraDiao’s work by designing and implementing a Java program for viewing a graph of nodes andedges in terms of supernodes (each of which is a collection of nodes) connected by superedges(each of which is a collection of edges). Anna presented posters of her work at the ScienceCenter summer poster session and at the CCSCNE-97 conference at Northeastern.

• In Spring ’98, Cynthia Jones ’97 experimented with a Scheme database system.

• In Spring ’97, Elena Konstantinova ’98 implemented a term rewriting system.

• In Summer ’97, Yan Zhang ’99 built a system for animating the sequence of trees producedby Elena Konstantinova’s term rewriting system. I still use this system to illustrate the“shapes” of computational processes in CS111. Yan presented a poster of her work at theScience Center summer poster session.


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• In Spring ’99, Ann Hintzman ’99 finished building a robot (started in Wintersession ’99)that extinguished candles by positioning a balloon over the flame. She participated in theTrinity College Fire-Fighting Robot competition, and summarized her experiences in a report,Popeye: The Design and Implementation of a Fire-Seeking Robot.

• For her senior Honors Thesis, Yan Zhang ’99 implemented and experimented with the “short-cut fusion” technique in a mini-language written in Scheme. She presented her work, Exper-iments with Shortcut Deforestation, at a Science Center spring poster session. Yan continuesto explore her interest in programming languages as a graduate student in MIT’s Laboratoryfor Computer Science.

• In Spring ’00, Emily Horton ’00 debugged and extended LogoBlocks, a visual language forrobot programming created at the MIT Media Laboratory. She presented her work in a posterat a Science Center spring poster session. Emily was hired as a summer intern at the MITMedia Laboratory to continue her work.

• In Spring ’00, Lisa Hazel ’01 and Meredith Shotwell ’01 finished building a robot (started inWintersession ’00) that extinguished candles with shaving cream. They presented their workin the Science Center spring poster session and on a web site. (I co-advised this project withRobbie Berg.)

• In Spring ’00, for a CS250H project, Erika Symmonds ’02, implemented the candle-findingnavigation system for a robot she built in Wintersession ’00 with her partner, Brian Kelly(a Wellesley Middle School teacher). Erika participated in the Trinity College Fire-FightingRobot competition, and summarized her experiences in a report, Bandebot: A Fire-FightingRobot. (I co-advised this project with Robbie Berg.)

• In Summer ’00, four Wellesley students joined two Bates students in Lumberjack SummerCamp, a summer research project on deforestation supervised by Patty Johann (Bates Col-lege) and me. Here are brief descriptions of the four Wellesley student projects:

– Kirsten Chevalier ’01 explored the importance of inlining techniques in deforestation andexperimented with Olaf Chitil’s prototype implementation of his type-based deforesta-tion technique.

– Kate Golder ’02 worked on a demodulizer for the Haskell programming language – amodule combination tool that is necessary to prepare standard benchmarks for processingby many deforestation engines.

– Holly Muenchow ’02 investigated warm fusion, a deforestation technique, and experi-mented with Laszlo Nemeth’s implementation of this technique.

– Nausheen Eusuf ’02 implemented tree-based programs in Haskell that will serve as goodbenchmarks for deforestation.

All students wrote reports of their work and presented posters at the Science Center summerposter session. Kirsten and Kate also presented posters of their work at the CCSCNE-01conference.

• For her Honors Thesis, Kirsten Chevalier ’01 extended the prototype of Chitil’s type-baseddeforestation engine to work on simple Haskell programs. Kirsten presented this work, Ex-ploring the Type Inference Approach to Deforestation, at the Science Center spring poster


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session, the Ruhlman Conference, and the Mid-Atlantic Student Workshop on ProgrammingLanguages and Systems (MASPLAS-01). Kirsten continues to work on the deforestationproject as a computer science graduate student at Berkeley.

• In Spring ’01, Yukari Wada compared implementations of data structures in Java and C++,and summarized her experience in a web-based report.

• In Spring ’01, Laura Hwang implemented solutions to the 2000 Boston area ACM program-ming contest problems in Java and C, and developed a set of web pages presenting hersolutions.

• In Spring ’01, Larissa Ranbom ’02, Kirsten Chevalier ’01, Emily Braunstein ’01, and severalstudents from other departments banded together to construct Versailles, an impressive in-teractive light sculpture made out of hundreds of discarded CDs that graced the mini-focusof the Science Center for several weeks.

• Building on her Summer ’00 work, Nausheen Eusuf ’02 is currently working on an HonorThesis project in which she is investigating the expression of algorithms from automata theoryin Haskell, a lazy functional programming language.

• Julie Weber ’03 is currently continuing work on the Haskell demodulizer begun by Kate Golder’02.

2.3 Future Research Plans

In each of the programming language research projects that I have undertaken, numerous avenuesof future research have suggested themselves. Additionally, there are a number of new researchareas that I would like to explore. In the subsections below, I discuss a number of possible futureresearch projects that I am considering.

The Church Project

Having invested thousands of hours in the construction of a working flow-typed compiler, my ChurchProject colleagues and I are planning a number of extensions and experiments that should requirerelatively little additional work:

• Thus far we have focused on a relatively small collection of representations for functions. Weplan to implement and evaluate a broader range of function representations and to explorerepresentation customizations for other data structures.

• There is much debate in our community as to whether flow-based inlining of functions is a goodidea or whether more traditional syntax-based inlining techniques suffice. We believe thatour compiler is an excellent workbench for investigating this question, and plan to undertakesuch a project in the near future.

• We plan to generalize the known function optimization used within our compiler to a flow-based known value optimization that works on any type of value. As with function inlining,we plan to compare flow-based and syntax-based algorithms to see whether the flow-basedalgorithms are sufficiently beneficial to justify the extra work of maintaining flow information.

There are also a number of longer-range projects that will require significantly more work:


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• My work with Amtoft on the correspondence between polyvariant flow analysis and poly-morphic type systems suggests that the Church compiler can be extended to encode a muchbroader range of flow analyses than it currently does. However, there is a key technical hur-dle (the so-called deep vs. shallow subtype distinction) that separates the work I did withAmtoft and its practical application to the Church compiler. I plan to investigate a formalcharacterization of the relationship between deep and shallow subtyping, and to explore ifsuch a characterization can be used in practice as the basis for applying our theoretical resultson flow/type correspondences to the Church compiler.

• Our current compiler does not implement many standard optimizations, which makes it dif-ficult to compare the code generate by our compiler to the code generated by compilersimplementing these optimizations. We plan to address this in two ways. First, if we modifyour compiler to produce C code as output rather than assembly code, we can leverage theback-end optimizations performed by good C compilers. Second, we plan to implement anumber of important optimizations on our intermediate code. This is non-trivial, since thenon-standard structure of our intermediate language makes it impossible to straightforwardlyimplement standard optimizations in our framework.

• One of our goals is to develop a flow-typed assembly language and investigate opportunities forflow-based optimizations at this level. However, this goal conflicts with the idea of generatingC code rather than assembly code. We may have to implement two back-ends for our compilerto resolve this conflict.

• Our current compiler, as with many other research compilers in our community, is basedon a the assumption that the whole program is being compiled at once. But in practice,many programs are constructed by combining several modules that are separately compiled.It is imperative to investigate whether flow types can be used as the basis for a systemthat supports separate compilation rather than just whole program compilation. One ideais to perform optimizations not only when modules are compiled, but also when they arelinked together. My module calculus work with Machkasova is a first step in the study ofmodular program analyses. The fact that finite-rank intersection types (which I studied withKfoury, Mairson, and Wells) have a so-called principal typing property, and therefore providea modular analysis of a program fragment, makes them a promising candidate for the basisof a module type system that supports link-time optimization—an avenue I plan to explore.

Tree-Based Programming

I plan to continue my research in the area of tree-based programming via several projects:

• My highest priority in this area is to complete the study I have started with Johann andour students on the empirical evaluation of state-of-the art deforestation techniques. Thiswill require finishing the implementation of Chitil’s type-based deforestation technique, anddeveloping a methodology for testing it and comparing it with two existing deforestationengines. This study will be valuable for reporting to the community which deforestationtechniques work well in practice.

• Inspired by my work with flow analyses in the context of the Church Project, I plan toinvestigate flow-based approaches to deforestation – an area which, to my knowledge, has notyet been explored by anyone. It is my intuition that flow-based methods may be able to solvesome known problems with current techniques.


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• I am continuing work with Wells on cyclic representations of infinite regular trees and the effi-cient manipulation of such representations. Our goal is to develop a libraries of operations formanipulating regular trees that are efficiently implementable in a wide range of programminglanguages. Our Cycle Therapy work is a first step in this direction, but significant practicalengineering work remains to be done.

• In teaching data structures, algorithms, and programming languages, I have found that muchmaterial can be simplified if it is presented in terms of rules for rewriting trees and graphs.Building on some previous work on the animation of tree rewriting done in conjunction withmy students (see Section 2.2), I plan to develop tools for expressing algorithms via rewritingrules, animating the execution of such rules, and translating the rules into algorithms in awide range of programming languages. Such tools would be useful in both teaching andresearch.


In the process of teaching Robotic Design Studio, I have encountered several research problems thatI would like to explore. For example, students are often frustrated by the difficulty of debuggingtheir robots. The sorts of debugging and tracing tools with which some students are familiar fromother programming languages are not available in the systems used to program the HandyBoard andCricket robot controllers used in our class. How to specify and collect trace information on thesecontrollers is far from obvious, as is how to transmit the collected information from the controllerto a host computer, where it can be viewed and manipulated. Some of the bugs encountered bystudents involve resource limitations of the controllers; these could potentially be discovered bythe compiler rather than waiting for the robot to misbehave when it runs. I would like to developbetter compilers and debugging facilities for these kinds of robots, so that programming them isless frustrating.


Computer security is an area in which I have become increasingly interested. I am not a computersecurity expert, but I would like to learn more about it by undertaking research projects in thearea. In particular, I am interested in working on systems in which programs are guaranteed tosatisfy certain security properties – e.g., they do not access private information, surreptitiously sendemail (a means by which viruses proliferate), or exceed certain resource bounds when executing.A number of systems with this flavor have been developed in the past decade, but research in thisarea is still embryonic and much remains to be done. I am also interesting in learning more aboutcomputer viruses in an effort to develop better ways to detect and eliminate them.

Document Preparation

The document you are reading is prepare using Latex, a powerful document preparation programthat is used by large numbers of computer scientists, mathematicians, and others to write documentswith sophisticated formatting. In contrast to more popular document preparation systems (e.g.,Microsoft Word), Latex allows the document writer to define arbitrary formatting abstractions thatgreatly facilitate writing and modifying documents. Unfortunately, the language for expressingthese abstractions is difficult to use – indeed, it is almost universally agreed to be one of theworst programming languages ever designed. Nevertheless, people use it anyway (cursing all theway) because it gives such beautiful output. I would like to improve this situation by helping to


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develop an elegant programming language for document formatting in which the specifications ofthe formatting abstractions themselves are as beautiful as the formatted output they describe.

2.4 Evaluating Computer Science Research

It is my understanding that the number of archival journal papers authored by a tenure candidateis often a major factor in tenure decisions in the sciences. Given this state of affairs, I feel itis necessary to discuss my publication record, which is weighted heavily toward conference andworkshop papers, in the context of accepted standards of evaluation in the field of computer science.

In computer science, especially in the area of programming languages, the preferred meansof publication for one’s current research is one of a number of selective annual conferences orworkshops. Not only are these publications carefully reviewed (typically by three to five referees),but the competition for acceptance is often fierce; acceptance rates are typically in the 25%-40%range, but in some conferences are even smaller. The fact that a paper appears in the proceedingsof a selective conference attests to its novelty, relevance, and quality. Indeed, it is folklore in ourcommunity that it is more difficult to publish a paper in a good conference than in an archivaljournal. Other advantages of conferences are that (1) the turnover time to publication is typicallyfar shorter than that for a journal and (2) conference papers are presented in a public forum whereasjournal papers are not.

Journal publications still have a place in computer science. Since it is often impossible to give afull account of one’s research within the small page limits of a conference proceedings, authors willoften publish an expanded (and more polished) version of a conference paper as a journal paperor a technical report. However, the pressure to publish new work in conferences often means thatexpanded versions of older papers often do not appear for many years, if at all.

As evidence for the above claims, I call attention to the Computing Research Association’s“Best Practices Memo” entitled Evaluating Computer Scientists and Engineers for Promotion andTenure, which appeared in the September 1999 issue of Computing Research News. Below is arelevant quote from the introduction of the memo. (The full memo appears in Appendix G of thisdocument.)

The evaluation of computer science and engineering faculty for promotion and tenurehas generally followed the dictate of “publish or perish”, where “publish” has had itsstandard academic meaning of “publish in archival journals” . . . Relying on journal pub-lications as the sole demonstration of scholarly achievement, especially counting suchpublications to determine whether they exceed a prescribed threshold, ignores signif-icant evidence of accomplishment in computer science and engineering. For example,conference publication is preferred in the field, and computational artifacts – software,chips, etc. – are a tangible means of conveying ideas and insight. Obligating faculty tobe evaluated by this traditional standard handicaps their careers, and indirectly harmsthe field.

It is worth emphasizing that the authors who prepared this memo (David Patterson, LawrenceSnyder, and Jeffrey Ullman), are leaders in the field with outstanding publication records. Forexample, in the automatically generated author ranking of the NEC ResearchIndex engine3, JeffreyUllman is ranked as the most cited computer scientist of all time, and David Patterson is rankedas the 29th most cited.



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Further confirmation of the importance of conference publications relative to journal publica-tions in computer science comes from the estimated “impact rating” reported by the NEC Re-searchIndex engine4. The engine automatically ranks conferences, workshops, and journals accord-ing to the average number of citations per article5. In the top 25 publication venues ranked byimpact, only 4 are journals (the rest are conferences and workshops), and only 27 of the top 100items are journals.

In my Activities Sheets, I have listed the acceptance rates (where known) for all papers that Ihave published in refereed conferences and workshops. In all cases except one, the acceptance ratesare in the 28%-37% range, indicating that these conferences and workshops are highly selective.The one exception is the “Cycle Therapy” paper that appears in this year’s Third InternationalConference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP), where the acceptancerate was 48% (19 papers accepted out of 40 submitted). For reasons that are not well understood,the number of papers submitted to PPDP this year (40) was significantly smaller than the num-ber submitted last year (65). It is also worth reporting the ResearchIndex impact rating of theconferences and journals in which my papers appear6:

VenueResearchIndexImpact Rating

Journal of Functional Programming (JFP) top 9.20%International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP)7 top 10.02%Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) top 11.88%European Symposium on Programming (ESOP) top 13.40%Communications of the ACM (CACM) top 27.38%Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP)8 top 66.89%

I would also like to comment on the fact that all my publications (except for one) were col-laborative ventures with one or more co-authors. As computer science has matured as a field,single-author papers have become more rare. Especially in experimental subdisciplines of com-puter science, it is nearly impossible for a single person to design, build, and evaluate complexsoftware and hardware systems. This has certainly been my experience in the construction of theChurch Project compiler, which required the investment of thousands of man-hours from the fourmain implementors (Allyn Dimock, Ian Westmacott, Bob Muller, and me) and significant work fromother individuals. A similar story is unfolding in my on-going work in the empirical evaluation ofdeforestation techniques with Patty Johann and our students. Even in purely theoretical work,there are many advantages to the collaboration of authors with different backgrounds and differentstrengths. Such collaboration allows investigation of more complex topics than would otherwise bepossible and that the work is often of higher quality because it has to pass the “criticism filters” ofmultiple authors.

4 from articles with an author in common with the cited article are excluded from the count.6Several publication venues for my papers are not ranked by ResearchIndex and so do not appear in the list.7Although ICFP has a good impact rating, it is worth noting that it is a relatively new conference, formed in 1996,

that resulted from merging two older conferences with higher impact ratings: Lisp and Functional Programming (top1.74%) and Functional Programming and Computer Architecture (top 2.56%).

8The poor impact rating of PPDP is at least partially explained by the fact that it is a new conference, formed in1999, as the result of merging two older conferences with higher impact ratings: Programming Language Implemen-tation and Logic Programming (top 26.45%) and Algebraic and Logic Programming (top 39.16%).


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3 Service

In this section, I expand on some of the service items listed in my Activities Sheets.

3.1 College Service

I have served on two college committees:

1. For two academic years (Fall ’96 – Spring ’98), I was was the Group C representative onthe Committee on Minority Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention (CMRHR). One of the maingoals of CMRHR during these years was to to determine whether data showed any salientdifferences between minority and non-minority faculty members in terms of the trajectoriesof their careers at Wellesley. For instance, were there noticeable differences in hiring andretention between minority and non-minority faculty members along dimensions like part-time vs. full-time, tenure-track vs. non-tenure-track, and, for faculty members who had leftthe college, when they left the college in their career path? We also wanted to explore towhat extent factors other than ethnicity – such as place of birth and citizenship (when hired)– were correlated with points on these dimensions.

Since the information we wanted was not readily available, we decided to request that eachdepartment provide us with this information for every faculty member hired in the departmentsince 1985. Asking for detailed information about so many individuals would be burdensomefor departments (especially large ones), so it was important to streamline the informationgathering process. I took the lead on designing and implementing the questionnaires givento departments. I wrote a program that produced a personalized one-page questionnairefor every faculty member being studied and automatically filled in as much information aspossible given information already in Banner. (See Appendix H for a sample questionnaire.)This way, departments could focus on filling in the missing information rather than spendingtime on what was already known. The feedback from pilot tests with a few departments waspositive, so we distributed the questionnaires to all departments. I continued to help out withthe questionnaire and tabulating the results from it even after officially leaving the committeefor my junior leave (Fall ’98 – Spring ’99).

2. I am entering my third academic year (starting in Fall ’99) as the Group C representativeof the Committee on Educational Research and Development (ERD). In my first term (Fall’99 – Spring ’00) I, working with Wilbur Rich, was responsible for processing the CurriculumDevelopment Grants. In my second term, (Fall ’00 – Spring ’01) I was responsible for reviewingthe travel-related Pedagogy Improvement Grants. Since Fall ’99, I have also served as theERD liaison to the Hughes Curriculum Development Award Committee at the Science Center.

In addition to committee service, I have been active as a first-year advisor. I served as a first-year advisor for the Cazenove dormitory team in the academic year starting 1995, and advisedfirst-year students in the 1997 and 1999 academic years. It is gratifying to watch first-year studentsgrow and mature during their years at Wellesley.

I have also been a tenure-track interviewee for the Mellon Interviews on the Faculty Life Cycle,a panelist for an LTC panel on deadlines and extensions, and a “reflexive photographer” for theplanning of the new campus center.


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3.2 Departmental Service

In addition to course development (especially leading the Java charge) and student mentorship , Ihave contributed to the computer science department in other significant ways:

• Since 1995, I have been the coach for the Wellesley programming team, which participatesin the annual ACM programming contest. I formed a Programming and Problem SolvingClub that served as an informal venue for practicing problem solving skills and programmingcontest questions. This club eventually evolved into the student-run Wellesley Associationfor Computing, which sponsors other computer science activities as well (e.g. attending CSseminars).

• Every year, I spend significant time helping to administer the department’s Unix/Linux ma-chines, for which there is no dedicated system administrator.

• From Summer ’00 – January ’01, I volunteered to supervise the initial stages of switchingprogram development environments for CS111, even though I was not officially teaching thecourse.

• I have taught unofficial “lunchtime courses” on Java and C programming.

• I have organized social events like student dinner parties and a department hike.

• As the department’s “information czar”, I post CS-related news articles, distribute informa-tion on CS internships and jobs, etc. I am currently in charge of revamping the department’sweb pages. In addition to updating the pages and reorganizing the information to be moreaccessible, I plan to add pages on student and faculty research, information on finding intern-ships and jobs, advice columns from CS alums, and pages marketing the department to highschool students.

3.3 Professional Service

In addition to standard service activities, such as reviewing papers for conferences and journals,I have also helped to organize some conferences. Most recently, I served as a program committeemember for the Types in Compilation Workshop held in Montreal in September, 2000. In thiscapacity, I carefully read and wrote detailed referee reports for ten of the submitted papers, andhelped to choose the papers accepted at the workshop. I also served as the vendors chair forthe Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges Second Annual Northeastern Conference heldat Northeastern University in April, 1997, and the local coordinator for the Forum on ParallelComputing Curricula held at Wellesley in spring 1995.


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A CS111: Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving

CS111 is the first course in the computer science major. It introduces students to fundamentalprogramming and problem solving techniques. Soon after I came to Wellesley in Spring ’95, thedepartment began to discuss revamping CS111 and the follow-on course, CS230 (Data Structures),including changing the programming language (Pascal) used in these courses. The sense was thatthe limitations and quirks of Pascal made it less than ideal for teaching the subject matter of CS111and CS230.

I volunteered to lead the effort to switch to Java and revamp the introductory programmingcurriculum. I redesigned CS111 to use Java for Fall ’97, which necessitated rebuilding the coursefrom scratch. Inspired by my belief in constructionism (see Section 1.1), I developed a collection ofJava microworlds – simple but rich environments in which students can “play with” fundamentalprogramming techniques.

One example of such a microworld is BuggleWorld. In this world (inspired by Seymour Pa-pert’s turtle microworld and Richard Pattis’s Karel the Robot), simple robot-like creatures called“buggles” can be programmed to explore a two-dimensional grid of cells. Buggles can turn, moveforward and backward, paint their current cell with a color, pick up and drop bagels (their favoritefood), and sense when they are facing a wall or over a bagel. These simple actions are enoughto support a surprisingly wide range of activities. Buggles can be programmed to draw letters,jump hurdles, find and eat bagels, explore mazes, and make complex rug patterns with colors andbagels. Through these playful exercises, students learn fundamental concepts like method-basedabstraction, conditionals, recursion, iteration, and state variables. The graphical nature of theenvironment makes it visually compelling and provides important debugging clues when programsare not working correctly.

BuggleWorld is only one of many microworlds I developed for CS111. Other microworlds allowthe creation of Escher-like pictures, fractal line drawings, screen savers, and playing card games.These microworlds enable posing simple, motivating, and challenging programming problems thatwould be significantly harder to specify without the scaffolding provided by the microworlds. Inaddition to implementing the above microworlds in Java, I (in conjunction with Stanzi Royden,Elaine Yang, LeeAnn Tzeng, Jennifer Stephan, and Jean Herbst) developed a wealth of examples,assignments, lectures, and notes based on these microworlds. Visit the following URL for examplesof these:

In order to understand how a Java program runs, a programmer must have a model of Javaexecution. I invented a visual model called the Java Execution Model (JEM) that accuratelyexplains at an abstract level what happens when a Java program is executed. In CS111, I teach theJEM as a means of understanding the dynamic nature of computation and as a tool for debuggingprograms that do not work. It is worth noting that of the dozens of introductory and advancedJava textbooks I have consulted, not a single one presents a general execution model of Java.

In addition to developing Java microworlds and associated materials, I also changed the con-tent and structure of the course to emphasize “big ideas” and “first principles”. This led to somenon-standard topics and topic ordering. For example, an important theme of CS111 is the di-vide/conquer/glue problem solving methodology, which is presented early in the course. It turnsout that the key concept of recursion is a special case of divide/conquer/glue in which each of thesubproblems has the same structure as the original problem. Furthermore, the key concept of iter-ation can be viewed as a special case of recursion where (1) there is exactly one subproblem and (2)


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there is no “glue” step. Based on these observations, I explicitly teach recursion as a special case ofdivide/conquer/glue and then teach iteration as a special case of recursion. (See my paper TeachingRecursion Before Iteration in CS1 for more details.) Similar reasoning compels me to teach listsbefore arrays. Although these choices are sometimes made in the teaching of so-called functionalprogramming languages, they are highly unusual in the teaching of object-oriented languages suchas Java. Nevertheless, I believe that organizing CS111 in this way gives the students a much betterview of the “big picture” than traditional approaches for teaching Java.


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B CS115: Robotic Design Studio

Ever since the year I arrived at Wellesley, I have been collaborating with Robbie Berg in the Physicsdepartment on Robotic Design Studio, an introductory robotics course held during Wintersession.The course arose out of our passion for constructionism and our observation that activities involvingdesigning and building are relatively rare on the Wellesley campus, especially in the sciences.Our goal was to create a course where all students, regardless of background, could get hands-onexperience building complex artifacts of their own design.

Robotics is an ideal domain for engaging students in such activities. With the advent of palm-sized robot-controlling computers developed at the MIT Media Lab, small independent robots withinteresting behaviors can be built from LEGO parts, motors, and simple sensors, making roboticsaccessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. The interdisciplinary nature of robots – combiningmechanical know-how, programming skills, simple electronics, a sense of aesthetics, and, in somecases, understanding of animal-like behavior – makes them appealing to students with a wide rangeof backgrounds, especially those seeking the sort of interdisciplinary experiences that are hallmarksof liberal arts education. The fact that almost any sort of dynamic behavior can be realized inrobots means that robotics serves as a kind of blank canvas encouraging creative design experiencesand personally meaningful projects.

During Wintersession ’96 and ’97, we held non-credit pilot courses in which we experimentedwith various kinds of robotics technology and pedagogy. These pilot courses were supported bygrants from the National Science Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Wellesley’sEducational Research and Development Committee. The most important aspect of these courseswas that they culminated in an open-ended final group project that students exhibited in a publicforum. This exhibition format – effectively a kind of robotics “talent show” – stands in starkcontrast to the competitive events that characterize most robotics courses elsewhere.

Inspired by the success of the pilot course, in Wintersession ’98 we started offering the roboticscourse for one half-unit of credit, and have taught the for-credit course every Wintersession since.The course is extremely popular – it is overbooked every Wintersession, and the final exhibitiondraws crowds of about 200 people from the Wellesley community. Every year, we are amazed by theingenuity and creativity of the student projects. Other than attending the exhibitions in person,the best way to get a sense for these projects is to look at the on-line museum of past studentprojects at

Together, Robbie and I have developed a wide range of materials for this class, from samplerobots to handouts. We introduce students to the basics of robotics via a series of design challengesin which they either modify an existing model robot (known as “SciBorg”) or build one of theirown. Visit the following URL for examples of materials from this course:

After six years of teaching the robotics course, we have come to the conclusion that the essenceof the course is introducing students to the big ideas of engineering. Although teaching engineeringin a liberal arts college is often considered heresy, we believe that every liberal arts student shouldbe exposed to the key ideas of engineering. For a detailed exposition of our argument, see ourjournal paper, Robotic Design Studio: Exploring the Big Idea of Engineering in a Liberal ArtsEnvironment. (This paper has recently been accepted for publication in the Journal of ScienceEducation and Technology.)


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C CS230: Data Structures

Although I have not taught this course since Fall ’99, it is the regular semester course I have taughtmost frequently at Wellesley (six times). In the first four incarnations of this course, I developedan extensive set of notes, assignments, and programs that used Pascal to illustrate basic datastructures and algorithms. Among the programs I developed for examples and assignments werecellular automata, maze drawing and solving programs, fractal drawing programs, a simple versionof Weizenbaum’s celebrated Eliza program (a software psychiatrist), and a simple hypertext system.These programs, many of which had a graphical or interactive component, provided compellingexamples of how the ideas in the course could be used in practice. For example, on one assignmentinvolving the hypertext system, students used graph traversal techniques to implement a verysimple version of a web-crawling text-indexing search engine like Google.

A novel aspect of my teaching in this course was an emphasis on passing functions as argumentsto other functions. Because of my background in functional programming, I recognized the impor-tance of this often-neglected feature of Pascal, which is essential for abstracting over common datastructure traversal patterns.

In Spring ’98, I overhauled CS230 to complete the move from Pascal to Java in our introduc-tory curriculum. This required major changes to the material covered in the course. As part ofredesigning CS111, I moved much material that was previously a focus of CS230 (such as recursion,linked lists, and many microworlds illustrating these concepts) into CS111. It was necessary tomove some topics formerly emphasized in CS111 (such as an in-depth coverage of arrays) to CS230,and to cover significant new material specific to Java (e.g., details of object-oriented programmingand graphical user interfaces). I adapted many programs from the Pascal version of the course toJava, and wrote several new ones as well (such as a bitmap editor and a Mancala game).

Samples of materials from both the Pascal and Java versions of the course can be found byvisiting the following URL:


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D CS231: Fundamental Algorithms

This is one of the few courses in which I rely on a textbook (Introduction to Algorithms, by Cormen,Leiserson, and Rivest) for good explanations of most material and for many of its excellent problems.Nevertheless, students in the course often do not have (or at least think they do not have) thelevel of mathematical sophistication assumed in many chapters of the book. My approach in thecourse is two-pronged: (1) to raise their level of mathematical sophistication, so that they canbetter understand the textbook reading and do the textbook problems; and (2) to present intuitiveexplanations of results that are presented formally in the book.

Towards this end, I have prepared numerous “worksheets” that highlight key concepts, presentintuitive explanations, and give many concrete examples. The worksheets contain numerous blankspots where students are expected to fill in answers, draw pictures, derive formulae, etc. In many ofmy lectures, we walk through the material on a worksheet and interactively flesh out the parts thatare blank. I find that these worksheets strike a nice balance between not giving out any notes (inwhich case students must take copious notes, making it difficult to focus on the high-level points ofthe lecture) and giving the students completely fleshed out lecture notes (in which case they maynot be as actively engaged with the material).

Inspired by my research in the area of functional programming languages, I have recently beenexperimenting with presenting functional versions of algorithms rather than the traditional imper-ative versions. In many cases, the functional versions are more elegant and easier to understandand analyze than their imperative counterparts, though they may not be as efficient in practice.For example, in Spring ’01 I presented a functional approach to red-black trees based on the versionin Chris Okasaki’s book, Purely Functional Data Structures; this was much more understandablethan the complex description in the textbook. This semester, I am covering the sorting of lists inthe functional style in addition to array sorting because it is easier to teach induction proofs in thecontext of lists rather than arrays.

Visit the following URL for examples of materials from this course:


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E CS251: Theory of Programming Languages

Typically, courses on programming languages are either organized around the historical develop-ment of programming languages or around different programming paradigms, such as imperative,functional, object-oriented, and logic programming. Students in such courses often get a feel fordifferent paradigms by writing simple programs in a representative language from each paradigm.

In contrast, I organize my programming languages course around dimensions of programminglanguage design and the choices that are available in each dimension. For example, some importantquestions in various dimensions are:

• Are functions in the language first-order or higher-order?

• Is the language block structured?

• What is the parameter-passing mechanism of functions?

• Are free variables statically scoped or dynamically scoped?

• Are values untyped, dynamically typed, or statically typed?

• Does the language support parametric and/or ad hoc polymorphism?

• Is type equality structural or by name?

• Is there no inheritance, single inheritance, or multiple inheritance?

The best way I know to get a sense for what the dimensions are and what the choices are ineach dimension is to study interpreters. An interpreter is a program written in an implementationlanguage that executes programs written in a source language. Choices along a source languagedimension often clearly show up as a programming choice in an interpreter for that language. Forinstance, in the implementation of variable scoping, there are two so-called “environments” that areavailable for determining the meaning of a variable name; one corresponds to static scoping whilethe other corresponds to dynamic scoping. The person implementing the interpreter has to make achoice between these two environments, and is thus forced to step into the realm of programminglanguage design.

A practical problem is that interpreters for real programming languages are too complex tostudy in an undergraduate course. To circumvent this problem, I have designed a hierarchy of“mini-languages” that are very simple, but capture the essential features of real programminglanguages:

• INTEX is an simple language of integer expressions.

• BINDEX = INTEX + a name-binding construct.

• IBEX = BINDEX + conditionals and lists.

• FOFL = IBEX + first-order functions.

• FOBS = FOFL + block structure.

• HOFL = FOBS + higher-order functions.

• HOIL = HOFL + imperative features.


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We spend most of the course studying interpreters that I developed for each of these languages.Students get experience in changing the meaning of a mini-language feature or adding a new mini-language feature by modifying the interpreter for the mini-language. Visit the following URL forsample materials from the course:

The fact that each mini-language and interpreter builds upon a previous one allows for an“onion-skin” approach in which students get hands-on experience with one level of complexitybefore moving on to the next. Along the way, we relate what we have learned to real programminglanguages, such as Scheme, ML, Haskell, Java, C, and C++. The interpreters we study are writtenin Scheme and ML, so students get significant programming experience in these real languages.


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F CS301: Compiler Design

Because my research work involves the implementation of an experimental compiler, CS301 is acourse close to my heart. It is a “capstone” course, in the sense that it requires students touse knowledge they have acquired from a broad range of other CS courses, both theoretical andpractical. They put this knowledge to work in the context of implementing compilers – large andcomplex program translators that they write mostly from scratch in groups. Our department doesnot offer a software engineering course, so it is important for students to have the opportunity towrestle with big group software projects in the context of upper-level courses like CS301.

I have taught CS301 twice: once in Fall ’96, when I used Java for the programming projects,and in Fall ’00, when I used the ML programming language (also taught in CS251) for this purpose.In Fall ’00, I loosely followed Andrew Appel’s recent textbook, Modern Compiler Implementationin ML. The textbook is organized around a project for building a compiler from Tiger (a mini-language designed by Appel for his book) to MIPS assembly code. As in many other compilercourses, students are expected to complete a stage of the compiler every week or two and thenassemble them at the end of the course into a complete compiler.

There are two problems with this approach:

1. Several design choices in the early stages of Appel’s compiler are influenced by factors thatdo not become apparent until students study later stages of the compiler. This is problematicfrom a pedagogical standpoint; I am uncomfortable with saying “ignore these details now;we’ll understand them later in the course”.

2. In a compiler course, it is not uncommon to fall into the “front-end rut”, where it takes moretime than planned to cover the wealth of theory and techniques for the early stages of acompiler, like scanning and parsing. If this happens, then it is necessary to shorten or omitthe coverage of many “back-end” stages of the compiler. In this case, there is the dangerthat the student projects may not reach “a point of closure” where all of the stages can beassembled into a working compiler.

To address these concerns, I developed an onion-skin approach to teaching the compiler coursethat was inspired by a similar approach I use for teaching interpreters in CS251. I organized thecourse as a sequence of passes through both front-end and back-end material. On each pass, weexplored details and aspects not covered in the previous pass. I also decomposed Appel’s Tigerlanguage into four subsets, each one more powerful than the previous one:

1. Kitty: a simple language supporting integers, loops, and input/output.

2. Bocat = Kitty + primitive datatypes (booleans, characters) + explicit types + functions.

3. Cougar = Bobcat + compound data (structures, arrays) + recursive datatypes.

4. Tiger = Cougar + block structure.

During the first six weeks of the course, we covered sufficient front-end and back-end material thatstudents were able to complete a working compiler translating Kitty to MIPS assembly code. Withthis experience under their belts, they had a good working knowledge of the different phases of acompiler, and were ready to explore some of those phases in more detail. During the rest of thesemester, they explored more advanced techniques in the context of a Bobcat compiler. Although


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time did not permit implementation of the Cougar and Tiger compilers, the onion-skin approachallowed the students to get hands-on experience with all stages of two working compilers.

Some of the materials I developed for CS301 can be found at the following URL:


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G Evaluating Computer Scientists

Attached is a copy of the following memo:

Computing Research Association (represented by David Patterson, Lawrence Snyder,and Jeffrey Ullman). Evaluating Computer Scientists and Engineers for Promotion andTenure. Computing Research News, September 1999.

This can be found on-line at review.html.


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H Sample CMRHR Questionnaire

Attached is a sample of the CMRHR questionnaire I designed. This can be found on-line at


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