Duke Research Computing - DCCUserGuide (2024)

Formerly known as the “DSCR” 628 compute nodes with 15667 CPU cores (as of April2019) Most nodes are purchased by labs and depts Some are provided by the University 1000 TB of primary storage (Isilon X-series) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Uses the Slurm job queueing system Overview of cluster storage

From on-campus (University or DUHS networks):

ssh NetID@dcc-slogin.oit.duke.edu

From off campus, first , use the Duke VPN
To move files to (or from) the DCC use scp or rsync for Linux or Mac workstations, Use winscp for Windows

Copying a file to the DCC (“push”) % scp data001.txt netid@dcc-slogin.oit.duke.edu:.

Copying a file from the DCC (“pull”): % scp netid@dcc-slogin.oit.duke.edu:output.txt .

Use either scp -r (small files) or rsync –av (large files)

Pushing a directory:

rsync –av dir1/ netid@dcc-slogin-02.oit.duke.edu:. scp -r dir1/ netid@dcc-slogin-02.oit.duke.edu:.

Pulling a directory:

rsync –av netid@dcc-slogin.oit.duke.edu:~/dir1 . scp -r netid@dcc-slogin.oit.duke.edu:~/dir1 .

Run module avail to see the list of installed applications Run module load (module name) to use the application You can add the module load command to your job scripts, or to the end of the .bash_profile file in your home directory. Applications can be installed on request: Send an email to rescomputing@duke.edu

Most DCC partitions are dept-owned machines

These can only be used by members of the group Submitting to a group partition gives “high-priority” Submit to partitions with “--partition=” or “-p“, e.g. #SBATCH –p (partition name) (in a script) or srun –p (partition name)--pty bash –i (interactively) The default DCC partition is called “common” The scavenger partition gives “low-priority” to most ESX hosts

DCC Partitions There are different DCC partitions to which batch jobs and interactive sessions can be directed: common, for jobs that will run on the DCC core nodes (up to 64 GB RAM). gpu-common, for jobs that will run on DCC GPU nodes. Group partitions (partition names varies), for jobs that will run on lab-owned nodes scavenger, for jobs that will run on lab-owned nodes in “low priority” (kill and requeue preemption).

Running an interactive job#

Reserve a compute node by typing srun --pty bash -i

tm103@dscr-slogin-02 ~ $ srun --pty bash -i srun: job 186535 queued and waiting for resources srun: job 186535 has been allocated resources tm103@dcc-core-11 ~ $
tm103@dcc-core-11 ~ $ squeue -u tm103 JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 186535 common bash tm103 R 0:14 1 dcc-core-11 

I now have an interactive session in the common partition on node dcc-core-11

SLURM commands#

sbatch - Submit a batch job

SBATCH - Specify job parameters in a job script

squeue - Show lists of jobs

scancel - Delete one or more batch jobs

sinfo - Show info about machines

scontrol - Show cluster configuration information


Use sbatch (all lower case) to submit sbatch test.sh Use #SBATCH (upper case) in your scripts for scheduler directives, e.g.

#SBATCH --mem=1G#SBATCH --output=matlab.out

All SLURM directives can be given on the command line instead of the script. https://slurm.schedmd.com/sbatch.html

sbatch example ~#!/bin/bash
##SBATCH --output=test.out hostname # print hostname This prints the name of the compute node in the file "test.out”

tm103@dscr-slogin-02 ~/slurm $ sbatch simple.sh Submitted batch job 186554tm103@dscr-slogin-02 ~/slurm $ cat test.out dcc-core-14

Long-form commands example ~#!/bin/bash

hostname 1>&2 #prints hostname to the error file• This job will run in low priority on a lab node in the “scavenger” partitionShort-form commands exampleSLURM short commands don’t use “=“ signs
hostname 1>&2 #prints hostname to the error fileR example script

module load R/3.6.0 R CMD BATCH Rcode.R

This loads the environment module for R/3.6.0 and runs a single R script (“Rcode.R”)The “#SBATCH --mem=4G ” requests additional RAMSlurm memory directivesThis is a hard limit – always request a little more`--mem=<MB>`The amount of memory required per node` --mem-per-cpu=<MB>`The amount of memory per CPU core For multi-threaded jobsNote: --mem and --mem-per-cpu are mutually exclusiveSlurm parallel directivesAll parallel directives have defaults of 1 -N <number> How many nodes (machines)-n <number> or --ntasks=<number> How many parallel jobs (“tasks”)-c, --cpus-per-task=<ncpus>Use -c for multi-threaded jobsThe --ntasks default is one CPU core per task, but the --cpus-per-task option will change this default.Multi-threaded (multi-core) example~~~!/bin/bash#SBATCH –J test #SBATCH –o test.out#SBATCH –c 4#SBATCH –-mem-per-cpu=500 #(500 MB) myApplication –n $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK~~~The value of $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK is the number after “-c”This example starts a single, multi-threaded job that uses 4 CPU cores and 2 GB (4x500MB) of RAMOpenMP multicore example!/bin/bash#SBATCH –J openmp-test #SBATCH –o slurm.out#SBATCH –c 4export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASKmyOpenMPapp # will run on 4 CPU coresThis sets $OMP_NUM_THREADS to the value of $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASKSlurm job arraysWhat are job arrays?--array (or -a) optionSLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID environment variableExample with sequentially named filesExamples with non-sequentially named files“Unrolling” existing for loops Slurm job arraysa mechanism for submitting and managing collections of similar jobsone job script and one application programEach can be up 100,000 job tasks on the DCCJob arrays are only supported for batch jobs Job array “tasks” must be independent http://slurm.schedmd.com/job_array.html--array (or –a)For example, in a job script, add the line'#SBATCH --array=1-30or, alternatively,'#SBATCH -a 1-30to submit 30 job tasks. The job array indices can also be specified on the command line, e.g.sbatch -a 1-30 myjob.shArray indices, cont.The index values can be continuous, e.g.-a 0-31 (32 tasks, numbered from 0,1,2,...,31)or discontinuous, e.g.-a 3,5,7-9,12 (6 tasks, numbers 3,5,7,8,9,12)It can also be a single job task, e.g.-a 7The discontinous notation is useful for resubmitting specific job tasks that had previously failed$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_IDEach job task is assigned the enviromental variable $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID set to it’s index value.tm103@dcc-slogin-02 ~/misc/jobarrays $ cat array-test.sh #!/bin/bashecho $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_IDtm103@dcc-slogin-02 ~/misc/jobarrays $ sbatch -a 1-3 array-test.sh Submitted batch job 24845830tm103@dcc-slogin-02 ~/misc/jobarrays $ ls slurm-24845830*slurm-24845830_1.out slurm-24845830_2.out slurm-24845830_3.outtm103@dcc-slogin-02 ~/misc/jobarrays $ cat slurm-24845830*123tm103@dcc-slogin-02 ~/misc/jobarrays $Python job array example'#!/bin/bash'#SBATCH -e slurm_%A_%a.err'#SBATCH -o slurm_%A_%a.out '#SBATCH --array=1-5000 python myCode.py$ cat test.pyimport ostaskID=int(os.environ['SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID'])...Start 5000 Python jobs, each with a different “taskID”, initialized from SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_IDImporting Environmental VariablesPython:numCPUs=int(os.environ['SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK'])taskID=int(os.environ['SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID'])R:numCPUs <- as.integer(Sys.getenv('SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK')) taskID <- as.integer(Sys.getenv('SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID')) MATLAB:numCPUs = str2num(getenv('SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK'))taskID = str2num(getenv('SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID'))Processing separate input filesProcess an existing file list, e.g. files.txt#!/bin/bashreadarray -t FILES < files.txtFILENAME=${FILES[(($SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID - 1))]}myapp $FILENAMEDynamically generate a file list from “ls”'#!/bin/bashexport FILES=($(ls -1 myfile*))FILENAME=${FILES[(($SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID - 1))]}myapp $FILENAMEExample: Using the taskID as part of the file name and output directoryFor the case with input file names of the form input1,input2,...,inputN for -a 1-N, e.g.'#!/bin/bash'#SBATCH -e slurm_%A_%a.err'#SBATCH -o slurm_%A_%a.out mkdir out_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} cd out_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}myapp ../input_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.txtwhere output directories out_1, out_2, ... are created for input files input_1.txt, input_2.txt,...“Unrolling” for loopsOriginal “serial” code (Python)fibonacci = [0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21]for i in range(len(fibonacci)): print(i,fibonacci[i])Job array versionimport osi=int(os.environ['SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID'])fibonacci = [0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21]#for i in range(len(fibonacci)): print(i,fibonacci[i])where the for loop is commented out and each job task is doing a single “iteration”“Unrolling” for loop, cont.`tm103@dcc-slogin-02 ~/misc/jobarrays $ cat fib-array.sh '#!/bin/bash'#SBATCH -e slurm.errmodule load Python/2.7.11python fibonacci.pytm103@dcc-slogin-02 ~/misc/jobarrays $ sbatch –a 1-8 fib-array.sh Submitted batch job 24856052tm103@dcc-slogin-02 ~/misc/jobarrays $ ls slurm-24856052_*slurm-24856052_1.out slurm-24856052_3.out slurm-24856052_5.out slurm-24856052_7.outslurm-24856052_2.out slurm-24856052_4.out slurm-24856052_6.out slurm-24856052_8.outtm103@dcc-slogin-02 ~/misc/jobarrays $ cat slurm-24856052*(1, 1)(2, 1)(3, 2)(4, 3)(5, 5)(6, 8)(7, 13)(8, 21)`tm103@dcc-slogin-02 ~/misc/jobarrays $##Running MPI jobsSupported MPI versionsIntel MPIOpenMPISLURM MPI jobs use “--ntasks=(num)“https://wiki.duke.edu/display/SCSC/Running+MPI+JobsCompiling with OpenMPI`tm103@dcc-slogin-02 ~ $ module load OpenMPI/2.1.0###OpenMPI 2.1.0~~~tm103@dcc-slogin-02 ~ $ which mpicctm103@dcc-slogin-03 ~ $ cd /dscrhome/tm103/misc/slurm/openmpitm103@dcc-slogin-03 ~/misc/slurm/openmpi $ mpicc -o openhello hello.ctm103@dscr-slogin-02 ~/misc/slurm/openmpi ls -l openhello -rwxr-xr-x. 1 tm103 scsc 9184 Sep 1 16:08 openhello`
OpenMPI job script


module load OpenMPI/2.1.0 mpirun -n $SLURM_NTASKS openhello ~

OpenMPI example output
~tm103@dscr-slogin-02 ~/misc/slurm/openmpi $ cat openhello.out
dscr-core-01, rank 0 out of 20 processors
dscr-core-01, rank 1 out of 20 processors
dscr-core-01, rank 2 out of 20 processors
dscr-core-01, rank 3 out of 20 processors
dscr-core-01, rank 4 out of 20 processors
dscr-core-03, rank 13 out of 20 processors dscr-core-03, rank 14 out of 20 processors dscr-core-03, rank 10 out of 20 processors dscr-core-03, rank 11 out of 20 processors dscr-core-03, rank 12 out of 20 processors dscr-core-02, rank 8 out of 20 processors dscr-core-02, rank 9 out of 20 processors dscr-core-02, rank 5 out of 20 processors~

Intel MPI example '#!/bin/bash '#SBATCH --ntasks=20 '#SBATCH --output=intelhello.out export I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY=/opt/slurm/lib64/libpmi.so source /opt/apps/intel/intelvars.sh srun -n $SLURM_NTASKS intelhello GPU nodes To run a GPU batch job, add the job script lines

#SBATCH -p gpu-common --gres=gpu:1 #SBATCH -c 6

To get an interactive GPU node session, type the command line

srun -p gpu-common --gres=gpu:1 -c 6 --pty bash –i

tm103@dscr-slogin-02 ~ $ srun -p gpu-common --gres=gpu:1 -c 6 --pty bash -i tm103@dscr-gpu-01 ~ $ /usr/local/cuda-7.5/samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery/deviceQuery ... Detected 1 CUDA Capable device(s)

Device 0: "Tesla K80" CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version 7.5 / 7.5 CUDA Capability Major/Minor version number: 3.7 Total amount of global memory: 11520 MBytes (12079136768 bytes) (13) Multiprocessors, (192) CUDA Cores/MP: 2496 CUDA Cores ... Job dependencies https://hcc-docs.unl.edu/display/HCCDOC/Job+Dependencies Start job “dep2” after job “dep1” $ sbatch dep1.q Submitted batch job 666898 Make a note of the assigned job ID of dep1 ``$ sbatch --dependency=afterok:666898 dep2.q Job dep2 will not start until dep1 finishes Job dependencies with arrays Wait for specific job array elements sbatch --depend=after:123_4 my.job sbatch --depend=afterok:123_4:123_8 my.job2 Wait for entire job array to complete sbatch --depend=afterany:123 my.job Wait for entire job array to complete successfully sbatch --depend=afterok:123 my.job Wait for entire job array to complete and at least one task fails sbatch --depend=afternotok:123 my.job Live demo notes df –h srun --pty bash -i squeue | more squeue -S S squeue–S S|grep –v PD squeue –u (NetID) sbatch (job script) scancel (job id) uname –n, sleep, top sinfo | grep –v common scontrol show node (node name) scontrol show job (job id)

http://schedmd.com/slurmdocs Older SLURM documentation https://computing.llnl.gov/linux/slurm/slurm.html Comes up a lot in Google searches outdated – use schedmd.com instead

Duke Research Computing - DCCUserGuide (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.