There are 175 candidate races and 123 propositions on ballots across the state.
Election Day for the gubernatorial general is Saturday, Nov. 16 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Early voting wrapped up on Nov. 9.
Voters are encouraged to utilize Louisiana’s award-winning, free smartphone app, GeauxVote Mobile, to find out where to vote as well as what’s on their ballot. Voters can also access this information in the Voter Portal by visiting
More:Louisiana state treasurer, others encourage Shreveport-Bossier to vote this weekend
In addition to a Louisiana driver’s license, a Louisiana Special ID or a generally recognized ID with picture and signature, voters may now use a digital license via LA Wallet, the new smartphone app by the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles. Poll commissioners have received training regarding the digital license as an acceptable form of picture ID.
For more information, contact the Elections Division by calling (800) 883-2805 or emailing
Governor(Select 1)
#1 John Bel Edwards (Democrat)
#2 "Eddie" Rispone (Republican)
State Senator (Select 1)
#1 Ryan Gatti (Republican)
#2 Robert Mills (Republican)
Secretary of State
#1 Kyle Ardoin (Republican)
#2 "Gwen" Collins-Greenup (Democrat)
Bossier Parish
Police Juror District 3 (Select 1)
#1 Philip Rodgers (Republican)
#2 "Jim" Viola (Republican)
Caddo Parish
State Representative 3rd Representative District (Select 1)
#1 Tammy Phelps (Democrat)
#2 Daryl Joy Walters (Democrat)
Propositions (Select yes or no)
City of Shreveport Proposition No. 1 of 3
Shall the City of Shreveport, State of Louisiana (the “City”), (a) incur debtand issue bonds, in one or more series, not exceeding the amount of Thirty-Two Million Dollars ($32,000,000), to run twenty (20) years from datethereof, with interest at a rate or rates not exceeding nine per centum (9%)per annum, if taxable and not exceeding seven per centum (7%) per annum,
if tax-exempt (the estimated millage rate to be levied in the first year ofissue is 2.01 mills), for the purpose of constructing, acquiring, and/or improvingthe water and sewer system and appurtenances thereto, and acquiringthe necessary land or rights therein,
equipment and furnishings therefore, which bonds willbe general obligations of the City and will be payablefrom ad valorem taxes to be levied and collected in themanner provided by Article VI, Section 33 of the Constitutionof the State of Louisiana of 1974 and statutoryauthority supplemental thereto?
City of Shreveport Proposition No. 2 of 3
Shall the City of Shreveport, State of Louisiana (the “City”), incur debt andissue bonds, in one or more series, not exceeding the amount of Seventy-Six Million One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($76,140,000), to runtwenty (20) years from date thereof, with interest at a rate or rates not exceedingnine per centum (9%) per annum, if taxable and not exceedingseven per centum (7%) per annum, if tax-exempt (the estimated millage rateto be levied in the first year of issue is 4.78 mills), for the purposes of constructing,
acquiring, and improving public facilities and equipment forparks and recreations, public buildings, police department, fire department,and acquiring the necessary land or rights therein, equipment andfurnishing therefore, which bonds will be general obligations of the Cityand will be payable from ad valorem taxes to be levied and collected in the
manner provided by Article VI, Section 33 of the Constitutionof the State of Louisiana of 1974 and statutoryauthority supplemental thereto?
City of Shreveport Proposition No. 3 of 3
Shall the City of Shreveport, State of Louisiana (the “City”), incur debt andissue bonds, in one or more series, not exceeding the amount of Seventy-Seven Million Eight Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($77,860,000), to runtwenty (20) years from date thereof, with interest at a rate or rates not exceedingnine per centum (9%) per annum, if taxable and not exceedingseven per centum (7%) per annum, if tax-exempt (the estimated millage rateto be levied in the first year of issue is 4.89 mills), for the purpose of constructing,acquiring, and/or improving streets, highways, bridges, anddrainage systems, and appurtenances thereto and acquiring the necessaryland or rights therein, equipment and furnishings therefore, which bondswill be general obligations of the City and will be payable from ad valoremtaxes to be levied and collected in the manner provided by Article VI, Section33 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of
1974 and statutory authority supplemental thereto?
Fire District Number Three Proposition(Sales Tax)
Shall Caddo Parish Fire District Number Three, State of Louisiana (the“District”), be authorized to levy and collect a tax of one percent (1%) (the“Tax”) upon the sale at retail, the use, the lease or rental, the consumption,and the storage for use or consumption, of tangible personal property andon sales of services in the District, all as defined by law, in perpetuity, beginningJanuary 1, 2020 (an estimated $586,000 reasonably expected at thistime to be collected from the levy of the Tax for an entire year), with theproceeds of the Tax (after paying the reasonable andnecessary costs and expenses of collecting and administeringthe Tax) to be dedicated and used for any lawfulpurpose of the District, including, but not limitedto, acquiring, constructing, improving, operating andmaintaining fire protection facilities and purchasingfire trucks and other fire fighting equipment?
DeSoto Parish
Police Juror District 4B (Select 1)
Jeri A. Burrell (Democrat)
Charlotte Miller (Independent)
Police Juror District 4D (Select 1)
JoAnn Peoples Adkins (Democrat)
Thomas Jones (Democrat)
Police Juror District 1A (Select 1)
Bruce Abram (Democrat)
Jimmy Holmes Jr. (Republican)
Police Juror District District 6 (Select 1)
Ricky McPhearson (Republican)
Rodriguez Dale Ross (Democrat)
Webster Parish
Propositions (Select yes or no)
City of Springhill Proposition No. 1 of 5
Shall the sale of beverages of alcoholic content containing not more thansix percent alcohol by volume be permitted by packageonly and not for consumption on the premises in theCity of Springhill, Louisiana?
City of Springhill Proposition No. 2 of 5
Shall the sale of beverages of alcoholic content containing not more thansix percent alcohol by volume for consumption on thepremises be permitted in the City of Springhill,
City of Springhill Proposition No. 3 of 5
Shall the sale of beverage alcohol containing one-half of one percent alcoholby volume and above for consumption on thepremises be permitted in the City of Springhill,Louisiana?
City of Springhill Proposition No. 4 of 5
Shall the sale of beverages of alcoholic content containing one-half of onepercent alcohol by volume and above by the packageonly and not for consumption on the premises be permittedin the City of Springhill, Louisiana?
City of Springhill Proposition No. 5 of 5
Shall the sale of beverages of high and low alcoholic content be permittedonly on the premises of restaurant establishmentswhich have been issued an “R” permit as defined bylaw in the City of Springhill, Louisiana?
City of Minden Proposition No. 1 of 5
Shall the sale of beverages of alcoholic content containing not more thansix percent alcohol by volume be permitted by packageonly and not for consumption on the premises in theCity of Minden, State of Louisiana?
City of Minden Proposition No. 2 of 5
Shall the sale of beverages of alcoholic content containing not more thansix percent alcohol by volume for consumption on thepremises be permitted in the City of Minden, State ofLouisiana?
City of Minden Proposition No. 3 of 5
Shall the sale of beverage alcohol containing one-half of one percent alcoholby volume and above for consumption on thepremises be permitted in the City of Minden, State of
City of Minden Proposition No. 4 of 5
Shall the sale of beverages of alcoholic content containing one-half of onepercent alcohol by volume and above by the packageonly and not for consumption on the premises be permittedin the City of Minden, State of Louisiana?
City of Minden Proposition No. 5 of 5
Shall the sale of beverages of high and low alcoholic content be permittedonly on the premises of restaurant establishmentswhich have been issued an “R” permit as defined bylaw in the City of Minden, State of Louisiana?