10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (2024)

Home Diet Preference Kid-Friendly Baby Food 10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1)

By Brittany Mullins



Published Mar 10, 2022, Updated Aug 13, 2023

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Everything you need to know about making stage 1 baby food, including 10 recipes for tasty purees that are perfect for introducing solids.

Introducing solids to your baby is such an exciting milestone but it can also be an overwhelming time with lots of questions. When is your baby ready for solids? Which foods should you start with? And how do you make homemade baby food?

I’m here to make sure you have all the information you need! Plus sharing 10 baby food purees to give you some ideas of where to start if you’ve decided to make your own baby food.

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (2)

When To Start Solids

Most pediatricians recommend babies start solids between 4-6 months, but you know your baby best so trust your gut and do what feels right to you (with guidance from your pediatrician)!

I have a great guide for introducing solids to babies where I outline the basics and share my approach, but just to recap, here are some signs that your baby is ready to start enjoying solid food:

  • Baby can hold their head up in an upright position without too much bobbing
  • Baby can sit up with (or without) support
  • Baby has lost the tongue thrust reflex
  • Baby puts their hands or toys in their mouth
  • Baby has shown interest in food such as leaning forward and opening their mouth or trying to grab food you’re eating
10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (3)

How to Introduce Solid Food to Baby

Once you’ve decided that your baby is ready to start solids, it’s go-time. There are different approaches to this including baby led weaning, where you skip purees all-together and let your baby feed themselves with finger foods from the start and traditional weaning, which starts with pureed (or blended) foods.

With Olivia I did a hybrid approach where the first few foods we introduced where purees and then we started with a few finger foods when she seemed ready. I go into more detail on this in my introducing solids post.

To be honest, if you’re planning to do baby led weaning this post probably won’t be that helpful because it’s focused on how to make a variety of single ingredient purees.

What is Stage 1 Baby Food?

If you decide to use purees, you’ll quickly notice that baby food is labeled by three stages. Here is a breakdown of what these different stages mean:

  • Stage 1 (4-6 months)– single ingredient foods that are pureed into a very thin consistency with no chunkiness whatsoever that can be served with a spoon.
  • Stage 2 (around 6-8 months)– slightly thicker consistency and typically includes food combinations and the addition of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric, mint, basil, etc. See my stage 2 baby food combos.
  • Stage 3 (around 9-12 months)– thick blended foods with chewable chunks or small cut up pieces of easily chewed food.

Best First Foods for Baby

Solid foods can be introduced in any order, but most pediatricians recommend starting with a single-ingredient food that is easy to digest like pureed sweet potato, carrot, banana and/or avocado. Other options include pureed meats, poultry, beans and iron-fortified baby cereals like rice cereal or oatmeal.

You just want to be sure the first few foods are pureed super smooth and almost a liquid consistency. You can easily thin purees with breastmilk or formula.

As baby gets more practice with eating you can reduce the amount of liquid and offer purees with a thicker texture.

Food Allergies and Known Allergens

When introducing foods it can be helpful to introduce only one food every three to five days so you can watch for any signs of allergic reactions.A reaction could show up almost immediately or a few days after so it’s recommend to introduce one food at a time when starting out so you can track what may be causing a reaction in your baby. Reactions include: hives or rashes, itching, shortness or breath or more serious reactions like vomiting or swelling of the lips and tongue.

It’s also helpful to be mindful about common allergens. Foods like diary, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy and shellfish should beintroduced gradually after less allergenic foods have been tolerated. The previous recommendation was to wait on these foods, but that as since changed and in fact, delaying the introductionof thesefoods may increase the risk of a child developing allergies.

One food that is off limits until a baby is at least 1 year old is honey because of the risk ofinfantile botulism.

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (4)

How to Make Homemade Baby Food

We covered when and what foods to start with. Now lets talk how to make a basic baby food puree! Don’t fret, it’s super easy. Here’s the basic process:

  • Prep:you’ll want to start by ensuring your fruit or vegetable of choice is thoroughly cleaned. Even if you’re using organic fruits and vegetables, you’ll want to washed and dry your produce! Once the produce is clean, you’re ready to peel and chop into chunks. You can skip this step for some fruits or veggies.
  • Cook:some foods like banana and avocado don’t need to be cooked, but many do. For cooking, you can steam, boil or roast. I recommend using a fork to test that they’re tender and soft.
  • Blend:place cooked food into ablenderorfood processorand blend until smooth (or the consistency you desire), adding liquid (breast milk, formula or water) as needed.

That’s it! You’ve just made a homemade baby food puree!

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (5)

Best Tools For Making Homemade Baby Food

You really don’t need any fancy kitchen appliances, but there are a few tools that will come in handy when making homemade baby food.

  • Steamer basket– Steaming is one the easiest ways to cook foods for making purees and having asteamer basketis key. I have a really basicsteamer basketthat fits in most pots, but I also use the steamer basket that comes with my Always Pan.
  • Blender– I’ve been using myVitamix blenderand love how smooth it makes the purees. You can also use a food processor or animmersion blender.
  • Silicone ice cube trays– In the beginning I really liked to make large batches of pureed food and pour it into asilicone ice cube tray with a lidto freeze for later. It was perfect when babies aren’t eating big portions because each cube is about 1-2 ounces.
  • Freezer bags – Once you have frozen cubes of puree you can transfer them to a freezer-safe bag. I love reusable Stasher bags for this.
  • Storage containers– As soon as you start making homemade baby food you realize that you need lots of little containers. A friend loaned me a bunch ofplastic storage containersfor keeping homemade baby food and I also invested in theseglass containersthat are freezer safe.
  • Permanent markers – When storing and freezing baby food you’ll want to label everything with the name of the food and the date.
  • Baby food maker – if you’re looking for an all-in-one solution that steams food and blends it there are some cool gadgets (like the BEABA Babycook) that make homemade baby food a breeze!

10 Stage One Baby Food Purees

Ready to get started making some stage 1 baby food purees? Here are 10 easy recipes to get you started. These are the purees I used in the early days with Olivia. She loved all of these, but there are a ton of other purees you can try including pear puree, apple puree (aka applesauce), bean purees (like chickpea or lentil puree) and even chicken puree.

Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are a powerhouse vegetable! They’re packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and babies love their sweet flavor.

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (6)

4.36 from 14 votes

Sweet Potato Puree

Sweet potato puree is so easy to make. Just bake your sweet potatoes, peel and blend until smooth! It's a great first food for babies, but can also be used in baking recipes, mixed into oatmeal, added to smoothies or served as a side dish.

View Sweet Potato Puree


Carrots are low on the allergy scale and easily digested by a tiny tummy. They are high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in the body, which is crucial for eye health and overall immune function.

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (7)

Carrot Puree

How to make carrot baby food by cooking and blending carrots into a smooth and creamy puree. Carrot puree make a great stage 1 starter food for babies.

View Carrot Puree


Avocados are high in heart-healthy fats as well as fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants! They’re incredibly nutritious and super easy to prepare.

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (8)

5 from 4 votes

Avocado Puree

Avocado is great first food for babies. It contains healthy fats, it’s easy to blend and it’s delicious. Make it in your food processor or blender or simply mash!

View Avocado Puree


A great first food to introduce to babies, bananas are naturally soft and mushy, easy to digest and loaded with vitamins and minerals. The best part? You don’t need to cook them!

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (9)

5 from 3 votes

Banana Puree

Fresh banana puree is a great first food and baby will love it because it tastes sweet! Easily make it by mashing or blending ripe bananas.

View Banana Puree


Peas are naturally sweet and pack a punch with nutrition, containing a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They are also high in protein, with 4 grams per half-cup serving. Fun fact, peas are actually a legume!

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (10)

5 from 5 votes

Pea Puree

Pea puree is a great first food when introducing solids to babies and all you need is a bag of frozen peas and a blender or food processor!

View Pea Puree

Butternut Squash

Technically a fruit, butternut squash is packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals.

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (11)

5 from 1 vote

Butternut Squash Puree

Make butternut squash puree at home with this simple recipe! Just scoop the seeds, roast, blend and use in recipes that call for butternut squash puree. It's also a great first food for babies!

View Butternut Squash Puree


Peaches are naturally sweet and perfect for introducing baby to solid foods. They are rich in many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (12)

5 from 4 votes

Peach Puree

Peach puree is so easy to make using fresh peaches! It's a great first food for babies, but can also be used as a topping or mix-in for breakfast, dessert and drink recipes.

View Peach Puree


Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, mango is especially high in vitamins A and C. They also contain a group of digestive enzymes called amylases which help little tummies just starting with solid foods.

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (13)

5 from 3 votes

Mango Puree

How to make a delicious mango puree out of fresh (or frozen) mango. It's perfect for serving to baby or to use in recipes.

View Mango Puree


Small but mighty! Blueberries are known as a superfood. Superfoods are usually plant-based and rich in nutrients that are beneficial to your health such as vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber.

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (14)

5 from 5 votes

Blueberry Puree

Blueberry puree is full of antioxidants and vitamins and makes for a quick and easy first food for baby! It can also be used as a topping or mix-in for breakfast, dessert and drink recipes.

View Blueberry Puree


Strawberries pack quite a health punch! They are low calorie, taste delicious and are a great source of vitamins, minerals and plant compounds.

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (15)

5 from 3 votes

Strawberry Puree

Strawberry puree is easy to make and naturally sweet with no added sugar! Use it in baked goods, drinks or as baby food.

View Strawberry Puree

How to Store Purees

Freshly pureed baby food should be stored in the fridge and used within 3-4 days. For longer storage, I recommend freezing purees in an airtight container. I like usingsilicone ice cube trayorfreezer safe jarsbecause they make it easier to thaw smaller amounts for serving to babies.

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (16)

How to Thaw Frozen Puree

I recommend thawing frozen purees in the fridge the night before you want to use them. In a pinch, you can also thaw it quickly with a warm water bath. It thaws quickly if you’re defrosting a small amount to serve to a baby.


Can I store homemade baby food purees?

Yes! Making large batches of purees and storing them in the refrigerator or freezer makes feeding baby homemade purees a breeze.

Can you freeze homemade purees?

Freezing baby food that has been made with frozen fruit or vegetables is fine, as long as you have cooked the frozen foods first. Do not refreeze foods that have thawed without cooking. I recommend labeling baby food with the ingredient and date before you place them in the freezer.

Can you freeze baby food made with breast milk or formula?

If you are freezing baby food that has been mixed with fresh breast milk you’re fine! However, you should not freeze baby food that has been mixed with previously frozen breast milk. Once frozen breast milk has been thawed, it should never be re-frozen.

If you are using formula, it should be okay to freeze baby food that has been mixed with it. Most formula companies don’t recommend freezing formula, but you’re using such a small amount.

You can also freeze the baby food purees without adding any liquid. You can then thaw the baby food puree in the fridge overnight and then thin the food to the desired consistency with breast milk or formula right before serving.

Thispost about freezing baby foodhas a ton of great insight and tips.

Should I use organic fruits and vegetables?

I recommend using organic produce when possible, though I realize this isn’t always in the budget. Either way thoroughly rinsing your fruits and vegetables is an important step whether they’re organic or not.

This list of thedirty dozen fruits and vegetables from the EWG is a good guide if you can only budget for some but not all organic produce.

Is it safe to thin baby food with cow’s milk?

From a nutritional point of view, most doctors recommend waiting to introduce babies to cow’s milk until one year of age. If you need to thin your puree you can use breast milk, formula or plain water.

What is the difference between stage 1 and stage 2 baby food?

Stage 1 purees are very thin with no chunkiness and are single ingredients. Stage 2 baby foods can be more elaborate with food combinations as well as chunkier textures.

More Recipes and Resources

  • Baby Pancakes
  • How to Make Oatmeal For Babies
  • Baby (+ Toddler) French Toast
  • Applesauce
  • Baby Yogurt Melts
  • 6 Baby Food Combinations (Stage 2)
  • Poop Chocolates
  • How to Start Baby-Led Weaning + First Foods

Be sure to check out all of thebaby food recipeshere on EBF.

If you enjoyed this recipe, please consider leaving a ⭐ star rating and let me know how it went in the 📝 comments below.

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (17)



4.84 from 6 votes

10 Stage One Baby Food Purees

By: Brittany Mullins

Everything you need to know about making stage 1 baby food, including 10 recipes for tasty purees that are perfect for introducing solids.

Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes minutes

Servings: 6


Sweet Potato

  • 2 cups steamed and peeled sweet potatoes
  • water, breast milk or formula to thin


  • 1 lb steamed and peeled carrots
  • water, breast milk or formula to thin


  • 1 avocado
  • water, breast milk or formula to thin


  • 1 banana
  • water, breast milk or formula to thin


  • 2 cups cooked peas
  • water, breast milk or formula to thin

Butternut Squash

  • 2 cups steamed and peeled butternut squash
  • water, breast milk or formula to thin


  • 3 ripe peaches
  • water, breast milk or formula to thin


  • 2 ripe mangoes
  • water, breast milk or formula to thin


  • 2 cups blueberries
  • ½ cup water


  • 2 cups strawberries
  • water, breast milk or formula to thin


  • Add veggies or fruit into a high powered blender or a food processor. Blend and add liquid until you reach the consistency you desire. You can make the purees smooth and thin for young babies or thicker and chunkier for older babies.


Serving: 1sweet potato | Calories: 75kcal | Carbohydrates: 17g | Protein: 1g | Sodium: 48mg | Potassium: 292mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 4g

Nutrition information is automatically calculated, so should only be used as an approximation.

Additional Info

Course: Baby Food

Cuisine: Baby Food

Keyword: stage one baby food

Did you make this recipe?Mention @eatingbirdfood and tag #eatingbirdfood!

10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1) (2024)


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